Nightshade Allersode

Nightshade Allersode (ANIGHT) Contains most of the common nightshades we eat in addition to a couple supportive agents: Ingredients: Adrenal 3x, 4x, ACTH 6x, 30x, Histaminum hydrochloricum 12x, Liver 6x, 12x, Chilis, Eggplant, Ground Cherries, Mustard Greens, Peppers (red/green), Tobacco, Tomato, Potatoes (red/white), Mushroom all at 6x, 12x, 60x, 100x (I have no idea why mushrooms are in this mix—are they a nightshade?)

NHT News. Vol. 5 No. 1 Mar 2009

I’m a bit behind in the newsletter. Michael and I moved (again this year) to our final location. We still live in Deary but after all these years of searching we found “the” property. It’s lovely here and we’re excited to see what will develop on our acreage. Mostly it is just forested trees now. But let me tell you that dreams really DO come true! We had not even gotten the pictures pasted onto a poster board before we manifested this one! Wow. I’m SO excited. And we want this for you too!