Infertility Tips and Tricks

Fertility and infertility depend on a myriad of factors. Most of these fertility factors are under your control. Preconception healthcare involves making sure that there is an adequate supply of everything that is essential to the health of your egg and sperm and the baby’s development. This is accomplished by eliminating everything which has been shown to be harmful to that process. It’s as simple as that.

Infertility Notes

Infertility is a huge problem in today’s society in both humans and in animals. Used correctly, this method has a 97% effectively rate for contraception if abstinence is practiced at the fertile time. In fact, used correctly, this technique is more effective than the combination of a diaphragm with spermicidal jelly. Experience is the key. This method becomes intuitive over time. The mucous method is even more accurate than the temperature method as sometimes you can’t tell when the body is most fertile.