NHT News. Vol. 2 No. 8 Aug 2006

On Friday, August 18, 2006, the FDA approved a viral cocktail to be sprayed on foods we eat. This is the first time viruses have been approved for use as food additives. The FDA wants you to believe it will be safe to consume these viruses every day for the rest of your life with no adverse health effects. Not surprisingly, the FDA doesn’t want you to know which foods are adulterated in this manner, for fear you may not buy them; thus, no labeling will be required.

Hyperthyroid Cats

Many years ago my own cat Callie had been losing a bit of weight each year even though her dietary intake had not changed. She started to drink more water and seemed a bit nervous to me. I palpated her neck and thought I felt an enlarged thyroid gland. She had started getting very vocal and was wandering around the house at night meowing for no reason ( a symptom that veterinarians often miss) so I did an x-ray on her, a urinalysis to check for kidney function and turned in blood work to check overall health and for hyperthyroidism and renal failure. Sure enough, her thyroid levels were off. She was hyperthyroid.