NHT News. Vol. 2 No. 8 Aug 2006

On Friday, August 18, 2006, the FDA approved a viral cocktail to be sprayed on foods we eat. This is the first time viruses have been approved for use as food additives. The FDA wants you to believe it will be safe to consume these viruses every day for the rest of your life with no adverse health effects. Not surprisingly, the FDA doesn’t want you to know which foods are adulterated in this manner, for fear you may not buy them; thus, no labeling will be required.

Fasting–Juice Fasting

Juice Fasting. .Why juice and not just eat raw foods instead? Although fiber is important for a healthy diet and a clean colon, during fasting, fiber slows down the healing process and does not allow the digestive system to sleep. Whole vegetables and fruits contain insoluble fiber which stimulates the intestines to move. If you eat five pounds of raw carrots rather than drink the juice, your body will have to do the work of extracting nutrients and moving the fiber by peristalsis.

Juice Fast Tips

Juice Fast tips and how to make your juice fast even better! Fasting dips: During fasting, toxins are loosened and cleansed from the body, cell by cell, even within deep tissue. At certain times of your fast you may experience feelings of weakness, discouragement, negativity and an overpowering urge to just want to quit. Little things may seem like big things and emotions, memories and hurts you have harbored from the past are trying to come out. During these times, breathe, meditate, talk to someone who has experienced fasting, pray and do an enema. Tomorrow things will look different.

Is Fasting Safe?

Is fasting safe? Count on it. Proponents of fasting declare that aging is not commensurate with calendar years, but rather with the health of the cells. During fasting, the concentration of toxins removed from the body and appearing in the urine can increase ten-fold.

Juice Fast Blog

Our Juice Fast Blog: Saturday, August 5th, 2006: Well, here I am in the bathroom with my enema bag. I can’t believe I’m doing this. The directions say to take two enemas for starters to get the toxins flushed out before starting the fast. I’m starting to build the web pages other people will need to read to learn all about how to do this as I go. Yes, I guess it makes sense to keep the toxins moving out of your body in any way that I can as I’m detoxifying. I’m using water only. No need to use special preparations at this point. Water should work fine. Man. . .that was not fun. Bleck! I can’t believe I’m really doing this. It pretty much went the way all the directions said they would. Wonder why I thought this was such a big deal. Oh well. I’m off to make a big batch of Potassium Broth so we will be prepared for breakfast tomorrow.