Hydrangea Root

Hydrangea root was used by the American Indian (esp. Cherokee) as a remedy for kidney and bladder stones and is currently being studied as a treatment for malaria. ‘Annabelle’ and ‘Grandiflora’ are commonly available cultivars. Propagation is best by softwood cuttings in May-June or by division in late winter or early spring. Smooth Hydrangea is hardy in zones 4-9.

Mineral List and Best Bet Foods

What foods are the highest in zinc? Your mineral best bet foods are. . . .I’ve noted that the prescription iron supplements are just too harsh on the system and that the body absorbs these natural sources much more easily. Two signs you may need natural iron supplements are ice chewing and a tan chin and cheek area when the rest of the face is a lighter complexion. You may also want to look into a parasite program to get at the core cause of the anemia.

Stones, Breed Predilections

Lack of water and water sources that are high in minerals are also contributing factors for stone formation. Like most disease conditions, it is better to prevent urinary calculi than to treat it. It can be prevented by feeding rations which contain a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of at least 2:1. The ratio of Ca:P should never be allowed to go below 1:1. High calcium diets are effective at reducing the absorption of phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. Neither magnesium nor phosphorus should be added to concentrate diets

Stones, Kidney, Bladder, Gallbladder

Struvite Crystals: The core cause of these stones are thought to be from the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and possibly genetic core cause. You can see the stones with X-ray and the crystals with a urinalysis; they can be dissolved or surgically removed. These are the most common crystals and stones found in the dog and cat.

NHT News. Vol. 4 No. 1 Jan 2008

Native Americans mixed Hydrangea with Agropyron repens (Couch grass) and Ahhaea rosea (Hollyhock) for serious kidney disorders including nephritis. It acts as an antiseptic, diuretic and helps to dissolve bladder, kidney and gallstones which cause inflammation of the urethra and prostate. It reduces irritation and helps to soothe irritated tissue (including gout).