NHT News. Vol. 8 No. 5 Nov. 2012

Think your milk is safe? Think again. Dairy Cattle are now being fed cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows, fruit loops, orange peels, even dried cranberries. Cattlemen are feeding virtually anything they can get their hands on that will replace the starchy sugar content traditionally delivered to the animals through corn since the price of corn has gone up quite a bit this year due to drought. Great, just what we need. . .more chemicals and dyes in our food. I was just appalled at this.


If we were to have discovered the nightshades in today’s world, the FDA would have a law against eating them because they are too high in acetylcholinesterase inhibitors which is the substance solanaceous plants contain that negatively affects our nervous systems. . .People with the following diseases often find that eating nightshades makes their symptoms worse: Arthritis, Asthma (especially evident during sleep), Eczema and Psoriasis, Smokers (those trying to quit may have better luck detoxing by eliminating nightshades), Cystitis and interstitial cystitis, Lupus, and People who are receiving chemotherapy.

Nightshade Allersode

Nightshade Allersode (ANIGHT) Contains most of the common nightshades we eat in addition to a couple supportive agents: Ingredients: Adrenal 3x, 4x, ACTH 6x, 30x, Histaminum hydrochloricum 12x, Liver 6x, 12x, Chilis, Eggplant, Ground Cherries, Mustard Greens, Peppers (red/green), Tobacco, Tomato, Potatoes (red/white), Mushroom all at 6x, 12x, 60x, 100x (I have no idea why mushrooms are in this mix—are they a nightshade?)