Protozoa-Toxoplasma (Water-Cats)

One wonders why we don’t pick up Toxoplasma more often—especially for those of us who own cats. Could it be that we build up immunity to this organism if our immune system is functioning? It would seem to make sense as serologic surveys show that 7-94% of various populations are infected with the organism and are usually symptomatic. The disease occurs worldwide. If an infection is found, there are antibiotics which can be taken, so early diagnosis is especially urgent for those pregnant or immunocompromised. Children as well are at risk.


Symptoms of Amoebiasis: Mucoid or bloody diarrhea, colitis, severe diarrhea with fever, enlarged liver and abdominal pain. The liver can become abscessed if the disease is not treated and can cause death. The incubation period is 2-4 weeks which means you have to be exposed and the parasite needs time to grow before symptoms occur.


Coccidia are microscopic, spore-forming, single-celled protozoal parasites living in the small intestine of the genus Isospora , detectable only under a microscope. Coccidia are obligate, intracellular parasites, which means that they must live and reproduce within an animal or bird’s cell. Coccidia is one of the most prevalent protozoal infections in North American animals, second only to Giardia.

Protozoal Parasites

There are many protozoal parasites out there that are transferred to humans mostly through fecal contaminated water. Yet another great reason to have a reverse osmosis water system. Here’s the list. Links direct you to more specifics. I’ve tried to focus on the most important and pertinent ones for North America and Europe for now. I’ll fill in the blanks as I have time.