Water of Life

A Treatise in Urine Therapy Premarin is a hormone women take and is made of pregnant mare’s urine. Hmmm. I can’t imagine. Why drink a horse’s urine when you can drink your own? I’m just kidding—kind of. An online mentor of mine told me once that the page on her site...

Urinalysis Interpretation

The urinalysis measures the presence and amount of a number of chemicals in the urine, which reflect much about the health of the kidneys, along with cells that may be present in the urine. We try to identify crystals, bacteria, yeast, red cells, white cells (indicating infection), something called a cast (which is a clump of sloughed cells from inside the tiny renal filtration tubules), sperm and even the occasional parasite. This lets us know if we are dealing with infection, diet or metabolism disorders, and what part of the urinary system is in trouble.