Homeopathic Use

Homeopathic Use: One case I recall where a woman proved the homeopathic was when she was taking some Herpes drops every day (for prevention). She came down with a whopping case of herpes symptoms then wondered where she had gone wrong. I wondered why she was ordering so much remedy (and this is why I only dispense to people after establishing a client-patient relationship) but she kind of tricked me. She said she had lost a bottle then she wanted another bottle to keep at work and I didn’t realize she was taking it when it wasn’t necessary.

Homeopathic History

Now, here is the interesting part in Homeopathic History. . . By studying the records of accidental poisonings from other commonly used medicines such as mercury, arsenic, belladonna and silver nitrate and by testing poisons on himself, Hahnemann discovered what homeopathic dose of these substances would cure the symptom.

Urinalysis Interpretation

The urinalysis measures the presence and amount of a number of chemicals in the urine, which reflect much about the health of the kidneys, along with cells that may be present in the urine. We try to identify crystals, bacteria, yeast, red cells, white cells (indicating infection), something called a cast (which is a clump of sloughed cells from inside the tiny renal filtration tubules), sperm and even the occasional parasite. This lets us know if we are dealing with infection, diet or metabolism disorders, and what part of the urinary system is in trouble.

Alkalize Your Body

Is your body acid? How do you alkalize your body? What are the symptoms of an acid body? Do you cry often? Have skin problems such as acne or psoriasis? Stiff Joints? Blurred vision? You might have an acid body. How to self-diagnose and repair an acid body with foods.

Aura and Aura Colors

I’ve spent quite a bit of time over the years wishing I could see auras and spending money on videos, books, and really cheapo (but expensive) blue glasses so I could learn how to see the aura consistently, but I have not been able to see auras consistently as of yet. The one thing I did notice when studying all these materials was none of the resources really provided a full list of the colors and how to interpret them. That really bugged me, so I took a few days and gleaned the internet finding resources on the color combinations.

Which Alternative Healing Techniques are Best For Me?

After many years of exploration, I have learned that there is something good to learn from everybody. Don’t “throw the baby out with the bath water” if you don’t vibrate positively with a certain healer. Glean what works for you and move on. Don’t be afraid to explore new healing modalities. Shifting and returning to practitioners you have not seen for several years also helps. As you grow, so does your lens of perspective and understanding. What one practitioner says to you today may mean something totally different to you years from now. What you don’t understand, put on the “Cosmic Bookshelf.”