Muscle Testing, Many Uses of

Using Muscle Testing to the best advantage: Over the years I have answered many, many questions about muscle testing, how muscle testing is used, how to make muscle testing more accurate, how people misuse it, and what things to pay attention to. This is a culmination of all those questions. Some people (like young children) pick this up and go with it yet others (usually adults) don’t have the confidence that it takes to use and rely on the muscle testing technique.


Ahh the yin-yang concept. It can be confusing. All things we come in contact with either have Yin qualities, Yang qualities, or are a mixture of both. Nothing is either totally Yin or totally Yang. Everything lies on a continuum of either more yin or more yang and the qualities are only in relation to one another.

Sweating and Hydrotherapy

Sweating and hydrothrapy. Using a sweat lodge, sauna, or steam bath is another technique in getting the skin to rejuvenate and open its pores. It would be nice to have all these things available to you when you are sick, but the facts are that you have to use what is in your environment that is available to you. These modalities are becoming more common and I’ve seen mobile units spring up these last few years that will actually come to your house for you. Try them. . .you’ll like them!

Lab Test Results Meaning

What do your lab test results and lab tests mean? How do you interpret lab results? Lab result interpretation for dummies–well, not really, but at least you can understand most of it! I use this document to muscle test why a person or critter has an abnormal lab result. We can go on to build some suggestions on how to overcome dis-ease from gathering all the clues together.

Ionic Minerals

We love our ionic minerals. We take these liquid minerals every day. Every day you don’t get your minerals you are chopping off a few hours or a few days of your life. There is no such thing as “eating right” in this day and age. If the minerals aren’t in the soil where the food is grown, they are not in our foods.

Juice Fast Tips

Juice Fast tips and how to make your juice fast even better! Fasting dips: During fasting, toxins are loosened and cleansed from the body, cell by cell, even within deep tissue. At certain times of your fast you may experience feelings of weakness, discouragement, negativity and an overpowering urge to just want to quit. Little things may seem like big things and emotions, memories and hurts you have harbored from the past are trying to come out. During these times, breathe, meditate, talk to someone who has experienced fasting, pray and do an enema. Tomorrow things will look different.