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Spay-Neuter Benefits

 Spay-Neuter Benefits 1










Question: When do you believe the best time (age) is for a male cat to get neutered?

Answer: Any weight over two pounds or after both testicles have descended is the best time, but if your vet is not comfortable with that, then any time after 4 months of age. Once the cat starts marking territory (about 8 months of age), neutering does not always solve the problems of inappropriate urination. Studies do show that altered pets live 4-5 years longer than intact pets. And if you want to know how many kittens can be produced by one female cat if she lives through her productive years or what other benefits are received from neutering your pet, this is a mind-blower:

Reproducing Cats

Benefits of Spaying/Neutering Your Pet

 Start with just one female dog, don’t spay her, and what do you get in just 7 short years? 

Now, cats produce an average of 2.3 litters/year. That equals about 10 kittens/year, Five of which are female…Take it from there! 

How much does your pet cost you over the period of its life? 

One cat, if it lived its full lifespan, costs the owner between $8000-10,000 over the years. A dog costs $10,000-$14,000. This includes the price of the pet, food, toys, boarding, shots, trips to the vet, etc. 

I’ve been volunteering at our local feral cat clinics for about four years now. Last clinic we spayed and neutered 60 WILD cats. Once neutered, the right ear is clipped. This way, if it is caught in the live trap again, it can be set free. Unfortunately we can’t tame most of these animals.

Here are the facts

Please be an RPO (Responsible Pet Owner)! Neuter your beloved pet.

Neutering Benefits for Male Dogs

Neutering Benefits For Male Cats

Neutering Benefits for Female Dogs: 

Please understand that small dog breeds are easy to sell or give away. The larger the breed the more puppies they have. Bigger dogs and especially mixed breed dogs are at times very difficult to get rid of. National statistics show only one out of every ten dogs and cats being born get a good home. The others are either euthanized or die of diseases. 

Neutering Benefits for Female Cats: 

How to choose a vet to do the surgery

I used to own an Affordable Pet Clinic. I did an average of 17 surgeries every morning. That adds up to a lot of surgeries over the years. Last time I figured I was at around 12,000 surgeries completed. If you were to need a heart surgery, wouldn’t you want to have a surgeon cut on you that has had a lot of experience? 

Look for a veterinarian that can do this kind of surgery with their eyes closed. Also ask around and make sure others were pleased with the surgery and that the animal woke up in a few hours and wasn’t over drugged. Don’t schedule the surgery (especially if you have a dog) to go in when there is a full moon. They bleed more. 

Some practitioners like one species more than another. Others have better luck with large animals. I enjoyed doing the little ones, and only lost two (large) dogs to anesthetic death in 12 years of doing that kind of work. One of those had parvo which we didn’t know at the time. It actually went into a coma at the end of the surgery. The other one was toxic from porcupine quills that the owners had left in for three days before bringing the dog in. Sad case. Those are the statistics you want to look for.

Animal Shelters and Rescue Organizations: 

Be a Responsible Pet Owner–Spay and Neuter your Pets!

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