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Eggs—Eat Your Yolks

Eat Your Egg Yolks

Eggs are one of God’s most perfect foods.

People need to eat more eggs. Eggs are protein-rich, low in sodium, and contain vitamins and minerals. In addition, eggs are inexpensive, delicious, and easy to prepare. Studies have now shown that many people on a low-fat diet can eat one or two eggs a day without measurable changes in their blood cholesterol levels. Saturated fat in the diet, not dietary cholesterol, is what influences blood cholesterol levels the most.

I often find that my clients need more eggs as an excellent source of choline, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, magnesium and sulfur. Eggs are also a good source of easy-to-digest protein, iodine, Vitamin B2, molybdenum, phosphorous, Vitamin B5, Vitamin D and Vitamin K.

Eggs Benefit diseases such as: Adrenal exhaustion, Anemia, Blood clots, Brain and nervous system disorders (like Dementia, MS, Parkinson’s, and ALS), Breast cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Digestive disorders, Gallbladder trouble, Macular degeneration, Memory challenges, Osteoporosis, Poor hair/coat, and Skin disorders.

(Note: Please don’t give more than 1-2 raw eggs/week to your pets as raw eggs can affect protein binding.) Cooked eggs are more digestible. The biotin and avidin work better together.

But aren’t eggs high in cholesterol? Cholesterol is not a fat. It is a waxy, fat-like substance produced by all animals, including humans. Cholesterol is needed for many bodily functions and serves to insulate nerve fibers, maintain cell walls and produce vitamin D, various hormones and digestive juices. Cholesterol is produced by the liver.

There is a difference between dietary cholesterol (the cholesterol you consume in foods like eggs) and blood cholesterol (the cholesterol in your bloodstream, also called serum cholesterol.)

Dietary cholesterol is present in varying amounts in some foods, such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy products. Dietary cholesterol does not automatically become blood cholesterol when you eat it. Most blood cholesterol is made by your body and varies from body to body.

People get increased blood cholesterol because they are not taking care of their livers. They don’t eat their fruits and vegetables, their gall bladders are backed up, they harbor anger and resentment, and irritate their liver with alcohol, food additives, trans-fats, sugar, and white flour which overwork the liver preventing it from keeping up with detoxification.

Egg Yolk Facts:

Egg Yolk color

Egg yolk color depends on the diet of the hen. Natural yellow-orange substances such as marigold petals may be added to light-colored feeds to enhance colors. Artificial color additives are not permitted. Hens fed mashes containing yellow corn and alfalfa meal lay eggs with medium yellow yolks, while those eating wheat or barley yield lighter-colored yolks. A colorless diet, such as white cornmeal produces almost colorless egg yolks. Natural yellow-orange substances such as marigold petals may be added to light-colored feeds to enhance egg yolk color. Egg yolk pigments are relatively stable and are not lost or changed in cooking.

Why are home-grown eggs sometimes unwashed? Well, washing removes an egg’s natural antibacterial defense layer. Producers wash eggs with a machine and then dip the eggs in an oil solution to restore this layer. They also have automatic candling systems to check for blood spots and double egg yolks. These eggs are then filtered out of the process and put into pre-cracked egg mixtures and sold by the 5-gallon bucket.

Types of Eggs:

Cage Free Eggs

At least there is room to move and the chickens haven’t worn all the feathers off their necks because the cages are too small for all of them to sleep at once. Chickens in these types of pens have to stick their heads out for more room. I saw this during my chicken block in vet school. It made me sick.

The Low-Down on Salmonella:

With clean, uncracked, fresh eggshells, internal contamination causing Salmonella rarely occurs. It has been estimated that one of every 20,000 eggs might contain the Salmonella bacteria. At this rate, if you’re an average consumer, you might encounter a contaminated egg once every 84 years. That’s not bad. In addition, if you handle the eggs properly, and rotate the eggs so they are always fresh, your chances of getting Salmonella from an egg is even slimmer.

And the Salmonella bacteria would most likely to be in the white. Here, it is unable to grow due to lack of nutrients. As the egg ages, however, the white thins and the yolk membrane weakens. This makes it possible for bacteria to reach the nutrient-dense yolk where they can grow, especially if the egg is kept at warm temperatures. Cooking kills Salmonella.

Salmonellosis is most often associated with animal foods, including chicken, eggs, pork and cheese, but has also been reported in cantaloupe, tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts, orange juice and cereal. Human carriers play a big role in transmitting some types of Salmonellosis, so Salmonella bacteria can easily spread from one food to another.

What are the symptoms of Salmonellosis? Signs of Salmonellosis include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever and/or headache within 6 to 72 hours after eating. The symptoms usually last only a day or two in healthy people but can lead to serious complications for young children, pregnant women, elderly people and the ill whose immune systems are very weak.

Anyone who has had Salmonellosis may pass along the bacteria through the feces, sometimes up to one year in atypical cases, but usually for at least several weeks after recovering.  Salmonellosis is seldom fatal, and we have a couple of awesome homeopathic remedies to combat that disease.

Nutritional Value of Eggs:

Whole eggs offer almost every essential vitamin and mineral needed by humans, with the exception of vitamin C.

Egg Allergies:

Although most outgrow it, a common cause of food allergy in infants and young children is the egg. Food allergies are abnormal responses of the body’s immune system to certain foods or ingredients. Food allergies can show up as: acne, anaphylactic shock, asthma, bed-wetting, bladder infections, bursitis, chronic gastrointestinal disturbances, depression, diarrhea, ear infections, eczema, fatigue, headache, hives, hyperactivity, insomnia, joint pain, migraine, nasal congestion, nausea, rashes, sinusitis, and skin rash. People with food allergies usually need to eliminate the problem foods from their diet.

Why Eat Organic?

Organically raised, free-range animal products contain less antibiotic and hormone residue and have a higher omega-3 and Vitamin E content. The eggs are laid by happy birds. That means more love goes into the egg, giving it superior nutritional value and a high vibration which makes your body happier. They also taste better.

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