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Salt Fun Facts-Celtic Sea Salt

Salt Fun Facts-Celtic Sea Salt 1

Salt and Celtic Sea Salt

Some of the medical websites I checked out when I had a friend with high blood pressure stated that eating up to an equivalent of 1 teaspoon of salt per day was safe! The sites never addressed the amount of salt in milligrams that we are getting from the foods we eat. Because of these websites, my friend was mislead into believing that salt was not hurting him (as his blood pressure went up a notch or two each month.) He started salting everything.

One morning he put so much salt in our oatmeal I gagged and almost vomited. I knew this information was wrong, but I did not have anything to substantiate my gut instinct—until I read Sea Salt’s Hidden Powers—then it all came together for me. I hope it helps you as well.

Fun Facts about Salt:

The Healing Properties of Celtic Sea Salt:

Celtic sea salt has countless medicinal uses. For example it can help correct excess acidity, restore good digestion, relieve allergies and skin disease, prevent some types of cancer, boost cellular energy and give heightened resistance to infections and bacterial disease.

We carry half-pound bags finely ground Celtic Sea Salt (a pound is kind of spendy and when you have to pay $35 to join the Society, it’s cheaper to sell them this way.)

Most of my recipes call for Celtic Sea Salt, but any recipes can be modified using this type of salt.

Helpful Links and Resources for Salt and Celtic Sea Salt:


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