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Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraines--Make it stop!

The more you know about what influences headaches and migraines, the better you can attend to your own and let you doctor know what is important for your type of headaches and migraines.

It’s amazing what one can do for headaches of all types once you have fully described what you are experiencing and have determined the core cause and the best treatments for them. This is the worksheet I have developed over the years that has helped countless clients in my own practice. I hope you see things on this page that will help you. If you’d like additional help, feel free to call or email me and schedule an appointment. (Tell me you specifically want to work on your headache issue.) 

Headaches and Migraines:

The worksheet is divided into several categories:

Types of headaches include: 

What causes your headache to come on?  

When does the headache happen? 

Where does the pain start and extend to?

Characterization of the pain:

Things or experiences that happen with my headaches include:

When does the pain seem worse? 

When does your headache feel better? 

Common causes of headaches. 

Histamine Releasing Foods that can cause headaches:

Foods and chemicals commonly associated with headaches. 

Note:  Detection of food allergies depends on whether your body is allergic, intolerant and what time it was eaten. Some symptoms can show up within minutes, other symptoms within 36 hours (these are the trickiest allergies because you can think of things you’ve eaten within 24 hrs but you don’t think about what you ate the day before that). Muscle-testing will pick up those foods that are a problem for you lately, but not always from way back in the past. I can muscle-test out an approximate time period when the headache will come on after you eat a specific food.

If you know what foods are causing your headaches, you can rotate your diet appropriately and be your own Sherlock Holmes in knowing what you ate that triggers pain. After you get used to this identification process, you will know what you can get away with and what you can’t. That helps a lot, say my clients.

Treatments for headaches including natural and allopathic forms are listed below under supplements, herbs, aroma therapies, homeopathics, alternative therapies and “real drugs”:  

Supplements that may be useful for your headache treatment

Herbs that Help Headaches and Migraines:

Aromatherapies Used in Headache and Migraine Treatment:

Homeopathics Used in Headache and Migraine Treatments:

Alternative Therapies for Headaches and Migraines

“Real” Drugs Used for Headache and Migraine Pain.    

Holy Smokes! I hope that’s all of them. It appears to me I have not been up to speed for a couple of years on all the pain killers on the market!

Hope this worksheet helps in giving you some clues for YOUR headache and migraine challenges.

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