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Prayer Therapy

Prayer Therapy

Sometimes I connect people with the services they need. Other times I’ll have them send me a list of names of certain practitioners in their area and then muscle test for the highest and best good of all concerned asking who would be the perfect practitioner for my client. Most times this works out really well for my clients. For this particular client below, I recommended Prayer Therapy from a friend of mine, Rev. Bonnie Barnard. Here’s what my client wrote to me after her session with Bonnie:

“Talking with Bonnie Barnard was like seeing myself reflected in a clear, still pool of water. I felt truly known and heard. Bonnie affirmed the choices I want to make in my life and helped me let go of all the objections I’ve been wrestling with. I highly recommend a session with her to those wanting to make changes in their lives but struggling with self-doubt.”

Rev. Bonnie Barnard and Prayer Therapy.

Reverend Bonnie has been performing this kind of therapy for over a decade. Check her out at 


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