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List of Flower Essences

Bach Essences:

OK, what if you test strong for a flower essence but it’s not a Bach? Well, then you can muscle test if you should order from another company. Once you figure out which company you need to order from, go to their website and muscle test the essence to purchase. Here are some common companies from the book Encyclopedia of Flower Essences (which you should think about getting if you’re serious about muscle testing for a living.)

Just a note on Flower Essence research. I’ve noticed that different sources tell different reasons as to why to use a flower essence. It doesn’t really matter why you would use it if your body tests strong on it, but you can muscle test out the exact reason sometimes by reading the sentences aloud and muscle testing each item. Usually your client will relate to the item you test they are strong on.

Flower essences are in some of the emotional remedies we carry and they do a nice job of helping the healing process.


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