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Low Stomach Acid

Low Stomach Acid

Hydrochloric Acid products for Low Stomach Acid—Decreased Hydrochloric Acid (HCl):

I’ve noticed that there has been a huge increase in symptoms associated with decreased stomach acid around our nation. Somehow the bacteria have destroyed the ability (at least in part) of people to digest their foods properly and the amount of product flying off my shelves that contains betaine hydrochloride has just increased sharply.

Other predisposing factors that increase the need for more hydrochloric acid products for low stomach acid are the ingestion of fast foods, salt free diets, antacid use, excessive vomiting/diarrhea, eating disorders, pregnancy, the aging process (as we age our production of HCl decreases), stress, excess nervousness, congenital weaknesses and the ingestion of fish oil capsules (wrong type of fish or taking the product when you don’t need it—yes, this product is over-recommended.)

Blood Type A people, especially those who eat animal-based protein in excess, often have issues with low hydrochloric acid/low stomach acid, and as Blood Type A people age, their production of HCl decreases more so than other blood types which is why they often need extra digestive enzymes in their nutritional protocols.

In this article I’m going to list the symptoms of low stomach acid, I’m going to talk about some product options for low stomach acid you can get at your local health food store and of course about the supplements carried by health care practitioners (that, in my opinion are better and which can be monitored as part of your consult) and a simple test that you can do at home to figure out a dosage if you don’t want a consult.

Now, many of you are on antacids for GERD and other digestive disorders. I’ve talked about this before. Antacids are not the way to go. . .they can cause osteoporosis, a host of other problems and eating for your blood type heals most of these cases “needing antacids” within three months. Antacids also prevent the absorption of nutrients your body needs to maintain good health.

So, let’s list those symptoms of decreased or low stomach acid:

Products that help to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach include:

Helpful Links and References for Low Stomach Acid and GERD:


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