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NHT News Vol. 10 No. 4 Sept. 3, 2014


September 3, 2014                           Volume 10 Number 4

In This Issue:

Health in the News:  

Does your doctor take money from drug or medical device companies as a reward to push their products? Now you have a way to find out. For the first time this September, full disclosure of this activity is on the way. The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, part of the Affordable Care Act now requires all drug and medical device companies to reveal the details of their financial relationships with doctors and teaching hospitals. One company, ProPublica—a nonprofit news group—tracked more than $2 BILLION in payments made to doctors by only 15 drug companies. To read more about the Dollars for Docs program, this article explains it pretty well and has some good links: One Nashville psychiatrist pulled in over a million dollars in kickback money. So before taking those prescription drugs you may want to research who gets paid for what.

Featured Product: Onions

Originally I thought this would be a piece of cake. Good for allergies. What could be simpler? Write a little article on onions. Wrong. Couldn’t believe it took me several days to gather and consolidate all the information on onions. Historically onions were used for allergies, worms, boils, diarrhea, frostbite, urinary incontinence, warts and more. In general, when you’re choosing onions in the store, the best ones will be firm, have a crackly outer skin, and have no scent or just a mild scent.  Stronger scented onions are an indication that the onion is starting to spoil. Avoid onions with dark spots or mold. Chemical constituents, contraindications, cultivation and types of onions are discussed. Read More: 


I loved this TUT inspiration.  “Try pretending that all you now believe to be real, is not. And that all you wish to be real, is. If only for a few minutes each day. Then, try acting like all you wish to be real already is real. With just a word here, a sentence there, or some little demonstration. If only in private. Before long, you won’t even remember if what you used to believe was real or just a dream. I’m pretending you already do this stuff whenever you want change.”     The Universe  (Sign up for daily inspirations like this

What’s New at Our House?  

Dr. Denice Moffat with her 2014 Atlantic Giant pumpkin (about 325 pounds as of 9/1/14).

My pumpkin on Labor Day, 2014. I taped it at 325# which is about 3 pounds short of the biggest pumpkin at the Latah Co. Fair last year (mine), but we still have a few more weeks of growing season. At this size they gain anywhere from 15-30 pounds per day which can really add up!


Our Magical Echinacea bed 9-1-14.

Imagine yourself standing in a field of flowers where there are thousands of butterflies and honeybees of several varieties vying for the pollens and nectar. This is our magical Echinacea purpura patch. I purchased a packet of seeds four years ago and grew them from seed. Awesome!

Well, that’s it for this time. Hope you all had a relaxing Labor Day weekend. Be well!  Denice

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