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NHT News Vol. 13 No. 3 Oct 13 2017

NHT News Vol. 13 No. 3 OCTOBER 13, 2017


In This Issue:  

(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.) 

Health in the News: Powassan Tick Borne Virus More Deadly than Lyme’s

Tick-borne Powassan Virus mutates

I’d never heard of this virus when I read about it in the American Nurseryman Journal a few months back.

Powassan Virus is carried by the Ixodes scapularis (Black-legged or Deer tick). Adult Ixodes ticks are about the size of a sesame seed and it’s babies (the nymphs) are the size of a poppy seed! I’ve included a reference for photos of this arthropod in the reference links.

Powassan virus was first identified in 1958. The virus itself is an RNA flavivirus—an arbovirus that is similar to the West Nile and St. Louis Encephalitis type of diseases but I’ve read that it looks microscopically similar to the Herpes Simplex Virus as well. Ixodes scapularis ticks are found on white-footed mice and on deer. This same tick harbors Lyme disease.

Tick season encompasses late spring, early summer and mid-fall in Maine and Vermont where most cases have been identified but is on the rise and is spreading to other states on the East coast as of 2017 possibly due to climate change.

Powassan virus is deadlier than Lyme disease but is carried by the same species of ticks. Only 75 cases have been diagnosed in the last 10 years but perhaps (as in Lyme disease when it was first recognized) the medical profession has not readily recognized and connected the symptoms to this tick-borne disease.

Once a Powassan infected tick bites, the virus is transmitted within 15 minutes into the body and heads towards the nerve tissue, but symptoms take much longer to manifest taking between 7-30 days. Encephalitis and nervous system inflammation progress with symptoms including vomiting, fever, seizures, headaches, confusion, loss of coordination, speech difficulty and memory loss. The disease is diagnosed via blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples via electron microscopy and ELISA testing, but the medical facility must first suspect you have the disease to ask for this uncommon test . The Center for Disease Control needs to be contacted specifically for the test and can take up to 2 weeks to obtain results.

There is no treatment for Powassan virus. Ten percent of affected people die and 50% have permanent neurological damage. Medical treatment includes supportive respiratory care, intravenous fluids and medications to minimize brain swelling.

Prevention includes wearing long-sleeved shirts, bug sprays, and full-body tick checks after traveling into infected forests. Checking your critters for ticks before letting them come into the house is also advisable. One source stated that rustic and vacation homes may harbor the tick.

Note: Tick borne diseases that homeopathic Tick Borne Pathogen drops may support and help include: Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Borrelia, Tick fever, Ehrlichiosis, beginning Lyme disease, Rickettsia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Tularemia. Chronic Lyme disease which has affected the nervous system is very difficult to treat with natural medicine.

References for Powassan Virus:

What’s New on the Website? Newsletter Bonus Report Link Repaired

For years now I’ve been having a problem with the link to my Bonus Report. People would sign up for the newsletter and then email me that the link to the report was not working. I would send them the link (that worked for me! And attach the word document just in case. So discouraging. If a few people are emailing me then ten are not. I tried many ways to repair the link, but after 5 years it was just a source of angst that continued. Finally I tried one last time and called icontact. FINALLY I talked to someone who understood my problem. He went in and checked all the links at all the different ways that people would click on it and figured out the challenge. I can’t tell you what a relief this has been. So glad it has been repaired. Life moves on. 

Case of the Month: The Healing of a Well’s Water with Gary Greenfield of Greenfield Naturals

So. . . our water pump gave out in 2015. We had pampered it along for a couple of years, but it finally just died and had to be replaced costing several thousand dollars. With all the watering that we do, we knew we were stressing the new pump out and that we were also shortening its lifespan so in the summer of 2016 we decided to install two water cisterns which took the stress off of our water pump. The problem with this whole process though was that the installer of the tanks filled the new tanks by turning the pump on full blast to fill the cisterns. This disrupted the protective mineral layer within the well system resulting in massive amounts of iron in our water. We do not have an iron filter because in past years the parts per million were controlled with a simple sediment filter. After this flush though, we definitely had a problem (which would take thousands more to resolve).

Fortunately for us during this decision time, we had our double chambered cob oven workshop. Gary Greenfield took the class. It came up during conversation that we had this newer issue with too much iron in our water. A day or two into the workshop he ventured that he may have an easy/cheap fix for this.

“Really?” Michael and I were all ears.

Gary’s business is to restructure water for people around the world making it more effective for drinking and more effective for crop production. He had heard of others with this same iron challenge over the years and offered to try fixing our water with his structured water products.

“How is this done” I asked. I had for most of my life been a skeptic when it came to what I called woo-woo techniques but I also had heard a story from a very talented energy worker friend of mine where people did energy work over a well that was only giving ½ gallon per minute and within a few hours the well was giving 7 gallons a minute. I also knew of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work of infusing emotions into water ( Just by handling the water or even taping the word with the specific emotion onto the glass of water, the crystalline structure could be modified.

I felt it could be possible to heal our well. I was not closed to the idea. What did we have to lose?  Read more


Ask Dr. Moffat: Shingles 

Hi Dr Moffat, my mom is not a patient of yours. I wanted to ask if you sell anything or recommend any vitamins that might help with my mom’s shingles. She is 75 years old. She did have the shingles vaccine. She is on week three and most of the rash is gone, but still experiences swelling/pain in her abdominal area on the left side where she had the rash-front to back. Rash is mostly gone. She completed her course of antivirals and antibiotic to prevent secondary infection. They gave her Gabapentin for her nerve pain- but she does not want to take it as she is very sensitive to medication and lives alone. Shingles Maximum Recovery Cream helps. She is taking Aleve at night. . . I know she is not a patient, but when at the store tonight, your name came running in my head many times.  Things are improving slowly. She is keeping hydrated and eating well. CM

Dear CM: The Shingles nosode has been working quite well, but it’s a bit late for that as your mom is on the upside of this. She’s not testing strong on the Gabapentin though (just tapped into her field and asked through muscle testing) so she should follow her intuition on not taking that. The cream is working. Continue that. Minimize the Aleve if at all possible. Is she’s open to a consult please have her get in touch with me. Does she know her blood type? Eating foods that are anti-inflammatory would be helpful for the residual recovery. Thanks for asking! Denice 

Inspiration & Perspective: Don’t Let Fear be Your Motivator

“There are those that say, if you do the uncomfortable thing long enough, it will become comfortable. But we are really not encouragers of that. We are encouragers of coming into alignment, and then taking the action. We are encouragers always of getting rid of the fear; we would never want you to keep doing things that you feel fearful about. And maybe the path of least resistance is just not get on the horse. Maybe the path of least resistance is to get on a different horse—but we would never move forward in fear. “ —Abraham (Excerpted from the workshop: Billings, MT on June 21, 2003) Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) To sign up for daily inspiration go to

What’s New at Our House? Giant Pumpkins

Michael and I just returned from a national giant pumpkin weigh off in Mt. Vernon, WA where Michael took 8th place at that particular weigh off. He grew Idaho’s 3rd largest pumpkin this year topping the scales at his personal best of 604 pounds. Just a baby. These weigh-offs are all over the world. Some of the people we hang out with at these events are amongst the best giant pumpkin growers in the world. We always ask lots of questions at these events and will be getting some of the best seeds to grow for next year soon.

Michael Robison with one of his pumpkin growing mentors Cindy Tobeck.

Cindy Torbeck with Michael Robison’s 604# pumpkin.

We thought you’d like to join in the fun of one of these contests. This is Cindy’s video of her giant being weighed at the 47th Annual Half Moon Bay world Championship Weigh off event in California this year:

Local Events: Guess the weight of the pumpkin and take a selfie

And if you’re a local and shop the Moscow Co-op, be sure to drop in, take a selfie of yourself and guess the weight of Farmer Mike’s giant pumpkin there (it’s not the same 604 pounder as in the photo above). Each year the Co-op gives away LOTS of goodies to the winners. It’s worth a guess. #giantpumpkinselfies





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