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NHT News. Vol. 2 No. 9 Sept 2006


July, 2006  Volume 2 Number 9

(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.)  

In This Issue:  

Health in the News: E.coli outbreak in Spinach     

Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006

An outbreak of E. coli was linked to a California spinach processor this month. Initially it kind of made people question why they were eating greens, but is anyone safe eating anything these days?

Natural Selection Foods LLC was linked to the E. coli outbreak that has killed one person. Twenty-nine people have been hospitalized, 14 of them with kidney failure. FDA officials said they had received reports of illness in 19 states. Supermarkets across the country pulled spinach from shelves, and consumers have tossed out the leafy green. The E. coli O157:H7 strain of the bug has sickened at least 94 people across the nation, the CDC said. I’m sure, as usual, the number of people reporting the symptoms or going in for diagnosis was minimal compared to the number of people who were affected.

Natural Selection Foods voluntarily recalled its products containing spinach and is cooperating with federal and state health officials to identify the source of the contamination. Its products are sold as Rave Spinach, Natural Selection Foods, Dole, Earthbound Farm, Trader Joe’s, Ready Pac and Green Harvest, among other brand names.

Understandably upset, Natural Selection Foods spokeswoman Samantha Cabaluna said Friday night. “What we do is produce food that we want to be healthy and safe for consumers, so this is a tragedy for us.” The company said consumers could call 800-690-3200 for a refund or replacement coupons for tossed-out spinach products. I fed mine to our chickens. I figured that they didn’t need MY phone call. They have enough problems.

State health officials received the first reports of illness Aug. 25, 2006. The FDA warned people nationwide not to eat the spinach. Washing won’t get rid of the tenacious bug, although thorough cooking can kill it.

Each year, consumers buy more than 500 million pounds of triple-washed raw spinach, packaged in cellophane bags and clamshell boxes. See, now I didn’t realize that it had been triple-washed. I’ve always wondered how they could get it so clean before bagging it!

Wisconsin accounted for 29 illnesses, about one-third of the cases, including the lone death. The victim’s son identified her Friday night as Marion Graff, 77, of Manitowoc, who died of kidney failure Sept. 7, 2006.

States reporting cases of the E. coli infection were California, Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Comment from Paul of a Rural Roots List serve I belong to: The reports make it pretty clear the problem is only with bagged spinach, stored, shipped, and sold in airtight bags. None with loose spinach, and never with homegrown spinach. A little odd? Not when we consider the moisture in airtight bags, an open invitation to all sorts of microbe growth. Sacrificing safety for convenience?

And a final comment by Nina Planck (the author of Real Food: What to Eat and Why)

First, some basic facts about this usually harmless bacterium: E. coli is abundant in the digestive systems of healthy cattle and humans, and if your potato salad happened to be carrying the average E. coli, the acid in your gut is usually enough to kill it.

But the villain in this outbreak, E. coli O157:H7, is far scarier, at least for humans. Your stomach juices are not strong enough to kill this acid-loving bacterium, which is why it’s more likely than other members of the E. coli family to produce abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, and—in rare cases, fatal kidney failure.

Where does this particularly virulent strain come from? It’s not found in the intestinal tracts of cattle raised on their natural diet of grass, hay and other fibrous forage. No, O157 thrives in a new—that is, recent in the history of animal diets—biological niche: the unnaturally acidic stomachs of beef and dairy cattle fed on grain, the typical ration on most industrial farms. It is the infected manure from these grain-fed cattle that contaminates the groundwater and spreads the bacteria to produce, like spinach, growing on neighboring farms.

In 2003, The Journal of Dairy Science noted that up to 80 percent of dairy cattle carry O157. (Fortunately, food safety measures prevent contaminated fecal matter from getting into most of our food most of the time.) Happily, the journal also provided a remedy based on a simple experiment. When cows were switched from a grain diet to hay for only five days, O157 declined 1,000-fold.

The United States Department of Agriculture does recognize the threat from these huge lagoons of waste, and so pays 75% of the cost for a confinement cattle farmer to make manure pits watertight, either by lining them with concrete or building them above ground. But taxpayers are financing a policy that only treats the symptom, not the disease, and at great expense. There remains only one long-term remedy, and it’s still the simplest one: stop feeding grain to cattle.

California’s spinach industry is now the financial victim of an outbreak it probably did not cause, and meanwhile, thousands of acres of other produce are still downstream from these lakes of E. coli-ridden cattle manure. So give the spinach growers a break, and direct your attention to the people in our agricultural community who just might be able to solve this deadly problem: the beef and dairy farmers.

 (Thanks to my mom and several clients who notified me of the outbreak. We don’t have TV and I had already seen a case of gastro-intestinal upset that was most likely due to the spinach! I sent home Bacterial Immune System Stimulator homeopathic drops which kills the E. coli.)

WHO Promotes Use of DDT

Washington—Expanded indoor use of the pesticide DDT won’t harm people or the environment and is critical in the fight against malaria, the World Health organization said Friday, September 15, 2006.

Officials said they hoped their endorsement of the controversial insecticide would influence countries in southern and eastern Africa to allow its application in moderation. They also anticipated that environmental groups would be alarmed by the announcement.

(Uh, DUH! Why would they think that??)

DDT is history’s most notorious insecticide. It was banned in the U.S. in 1972 after decades of widespread agricultural spraying which led to environmental damage around the globe. But, health officials said Friday there is a distinct difference when it comes to using DDT for agricultural purposes and using it to coat once or twice a year the inside walls of mud huts or other dwellings.

“The dosage is completely different than when the U.S. used DDT,” said Dr. Arata Kochi, director of the WHO’s malaria department. From Wire Service Reports.

(So it doesn’t build up in the tissues over time then? Right. . .)

Now, I don’t know about you all, but I have to harp and harp to some clients that “If a little is good, a lot ain’t necessarily better.” What’s to prevent people from using stronger dilutions? I’m sure Rachel Carson is probably rolling over in her grave right now or at least is getting an army of friends ready to reincarnate! 

Case of the Month: Food Dyes: Kipper Brown and Blue Drinks 

I’ve been doing research on Kipper Brown dye and blue dyes. It seems, over the years, I have lots of clients that are allergic to these particular food dyes. With the blue dyes we see lots of ADD and ADHD.  I’ve found that removing artificial colorings and preservatives from young children’s diets (and every other age for that matter) most always has a significant impact on reducing hyperactivity. 

Recently (2004) researchers studied 300 children who were split into groups and subjected to different diets, some containing artificial additives such as tartrazine and sunset yellow. (Tartrazine is a chemical added to both the brown and blue dyes to give varying shades of color.) They found that the three-year-olds became significantly less hyperactive when they were on diets where the additives had been removed. And they became much more hyperactive when they were put back on the high-additive diet, according to the study in Archives of Disease in Childhood. 

So, why do we need dyes? Some of the primary reasons dyes are used in the food industry are:

Blue dyes come under a variety of aliases: Brilliant Blue FCF, FD&C Blue No.1, Food Blue 2, Acid Blue 9, D&C Blue No. 4, Alzen Food Blue No. 1, Alphazurine, Atracid Blue FG, Erioglaucine, Eriosky blue, Patent Blue AR, Xylene Blue VSG, and C.I. 42090 and E133. It is a synthetic coal tar dye. 

The ‘E’ stands for EC (European Communities) and is a numbered code applied to a variety of food additives used in many of the food products we buy today. 

Blue dyes are commonly added to medicines, ice cream, sweets, baked goods, candy, and biscuits. The health ramifications of blue dyes include:  nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, skin rashes, breathing problems, brain tumors and other allergic reactions.  Blue dye has also been used as a diagnostic aid for kidney function and other lab tests. 

Blue dye can be combined with tartrazine (E102) to produce various shades of green. It is often found in ice cream, tinned processed peas, dairy products, sweets, and drinks. It is also used in soaps, shampoos, and other hygiene and cosmetics applications. 

And get this. . . In the United States production exceeds 1 million pounds annually, and daily consumption is around 16 mg per person. Gee, it’s like you can’t get away from the stuff!

E155, Kipper or Food Brown. Kipper brown is made from six azo dyes, sodium chloride and/or sodium sulphate. It is mainly used to give fish flesh a healthy pigment which will not leach or fade during cooking. Typical products include smoked and cured fish, crisps, cooked meats and chocolate flavored cakes. It appears to cause allergic and/or intolerance reactions, particularly amongst those with aspirin intolerance and asthma sufferers, and is also known to induce skin sensitivity.

I guess what I don’t understand is that I keep testing people are allergic to this dye, but apparently, from my research, it is banned in the USA. So, I don’t really know what kind of brown artificial dyes I might be picking up. I’m open to suggestions on this one. Anyone? Maybe it’s something imported from another country that is part of another formula?  

One thing I did notice (I look for patterns in everything) is in the book, A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives © 1999 by Ruth Winter, M.S. is that most additives and flavorings are concentrated in baked goods, ice cream, flavored liquors and candy. After reading that book, I pretty much gave up anything with color in it! I guess chocolate ice cream is a really hard ice cream to imitate. Apparently the chemists mess with about 100 different flavorings to make imitation chocolate. Yuk. No more apricot-flavored brandy for me!

M and M’s or Skittles anyone? 

Helpful Links:

What’s New on the Website?  

After doing a Google search for the Glad Passages, I was discouraged to find that my name actually came up more times than the Glad Passages AND that most of the Glad Passages links led to negative passages in the bible written by depressed, schizophrenic and bipolar people! 

So, I think this project will be a benefit to our world. I hope that it inspires you! The passages are in the rough form now. I’ve got to spend some time and delete those passages that are not totally positive. Right now I have about 1600 Passages.   

Ask Dr. Moffat: Natural Rat Care 

Question: Dear Dr Moffat, I love your newsletter; it tells me so many important things. I would hate to miss any of your fine articles; so please change my address for me. The old one is going away very soon. And. . . 

If you have any good advice on natural rat care and things about rats; I would love to see something about it in the newsletter. My rats are very dear to me. Thank you. Affectionately, Barbara P. from Pullman, WA. 

Answer: OK, I do promote that a cell is a cell is a cell, no matter what size or shape of animal or human it is in. I learned that in veterinary school from my favorite pathology teacher, Dr. Chuck Leathers. Rats are made up of cells and have the same components as humans or any other animals, so it would make sense that they would respond in similar ways even though some chemical pathways may be altered. So, here’s my take on preventative health care for rats: 

Rat stuff in general: Rats reach puberty at 6-8 weeks of age and start breeding at about 3 months of age. Gestation is about 20-22 days (just like most birds) and the babies are weaned in 21 days. They are best housed on solid bottom wood-floored cages in bedding (see below). After the male breeds with the female, the female is housed separately until after the babies have been weaned. You only need one male for several females. 

Rats, mice and other pocket pets can’t do that. So they live with all that ammonia which really does a LOT of damage to their mucous membranes. As a veterinarian, bloody noses was one of the top reasons why we saw pocket pets. The cause of pneumonia and bloody noses is due to Mycoplasma and Streptococcus, usually potentiated by the ammonia exposure. Death usually ensues due to secondary bacterial infections. So, change the bedding often. . . which brings me to my second pet peeve having to do with pocket pets.

Now for those of you who wonder why you would want to spend $75 to remove a tumor on a rat, let me tell you that rat owners like Barbara are very common and would do anything to extend the life of their precious babies. (Rats live on the average of 2-3 years.) Make fun if you want, but this is serious business for some people. 

I’ve removed at least 20 tumors on rats in my career so far and it is very traumatic to the rat, expensive for the owners (we surgeons don’t come cheap. . .even for rats!) We have to use a heavy gauge of stainless steel suture for the suturing as well, because the rat has a tendency to chew out his/her stitches. 

Most all the other causes of rat diseases are due to bacteria which include Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, Salmonella and Pasteurella. 

To treat rats naturally, I focus on prevention and environmental manipulation including cleanliness, good food, proper bedding, a variety of things to eat (fresh and dried fruits and vegetables should be represented in all the colors of the rainbow), and then if necessary, support the immune system with fresh herbs (they like chewing on the stems of fresh herbs such as parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) and homeopathics to kill those bacteria (Professional Complementary Health Formulations Bacterial Immune Stimulator drops cover just about all the above-mentioned bacteria.) My regular clients usually end up with a bottle of this and a bottle of their viral formula as stock for their First Aid cabinet anyway. They need only email or call me for a muscle test on how many drops to add to the water bottle. Pretty easy stuff to treat that way. 

I hope that helps, Barbara. Oh, and send me some new pictures of your Cobb home. Would love to see what you’ve done this past year! Denice 

Product of the Month: Butter 

Butter is America’s best and most easily absorbed source of Vitamin A., which is needed for a wide range of functions in the body, from maintaining good vision, to keeping the endocrine system in top shape. Vitamins A and D in butter are essential for the proper absorption of calcium and hence necessary for strong bones and teeth. Butter also contains the other fat-soluble vitamins E and K. 

Butter contains lecithin, a substance that assists in the proper assimilation and metabolism of cholesterol and other fat constituents. Short and medium chain fatty acids in butter protect against pathogens and have strong anti-fungal effects (that means yeast and Candida.) 

Butter is rich in trace minerals, especially selenium, a powerful antioxidant. Ounce for ounce, butter has more selenium per gram than either whole wheat or garlic. Butter also supplies iodine, needed by the thyroid gland (Vitamin A is also needed by the thyroid gland.) 

Butter has appreciable amounts of butyric acid which are used by the colon as an energy source. Butyric acid is also a known anti-carcinogen. Lauric acid, also in butter is a medium chain fatty acid, which is a potent antimicrobial and antifungal substance. Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which gives excellent protection against cancer. 

When looking for good quality butter, raw and cultured is best and which may be hard to find. Organic butter is your next best choice, with store-bought butter being at the bottom. Butter made from grass-fed cattle is better for you because it has more of the healthier medium-chain fatty acids (and less E. coli.) 

When Dr. Weston A. Price studied native diets in the 1930’s, he found that butter was a staple in the diets of many supremely healthy peoples. 

Now, a little history on margarine: Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had invested money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together. They added yellow coloring to the white substance and sold it to people to use in place of butter.  All margarines are made from assorted vegetable oils that have been heated to extremely high temperatures. This possessing may be unsafe for your health. 

Now, comparing margarine and butter: 

Who eats margarine? Humans do. Now, here’s a test you can do at home: 

Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will note a couple of things: 


(Note: I definitely have a biased view, but it’s my newsletter and my gut instinct! Thanks to my most favorite boss, Dr. Gary Thomas for sending me the impetus to write this part of the newsletter.) 

Media Reviews:  The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman 

The Life You Were Born To Live: A Guide to the Thirty-Seven Pathways of Life and How to Find Yours. © 1993 By Dan Millman, (author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a newly released, much awaited movie is in select theatres now; starring Nick Nolte. 

Could it be that we all fit neatly into one of 37 major groupings? I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve added the numbers of someone’s birth date up and shared their “not so personal” pathway with them and it was right on target.  

Some people are just gifted with Spirit moving through them. That’s the help I think Dan had when he wrote this book. 

I believe that Life Purpose is what living in a human body is all about. Those people who have chronic autoimmune diseases, depression, fibromyalgia and even cancer don’t seem to be following their dreams, goals and visions and have not followed them for years. Information from The Life You Were Born to Live is one of many tools I offer to get people back on track. Coming to terms with and finding your alignment with morals and values is also a step in determining your very special gift to the world. If you are going to a job and stuck in survival mode this book may be an eye-opener. 

Dan’s book discusses the traits of a person who is not on their life path the same person that is. I’m going to use myself as an example. 

I’m a 29/11. You get your number by adding up your date of birth. So. . . 5/10/1958 is my date of birth. That’s 5+1+0+1+9+5+8=29 then, 2+9=11, so that adds up to 29/11. 

29/11 People are creative, confident, have lots of integrity and wisdom, love cooperation and seek balance. 

When I’m feeling a bit off, I look at Dan’s “Working in the Negative” definition of me as a 29/11. I don’t like it, so then I look at the positive version and try to redirect my behavior to fit THAT definition instead! 

Here’s the epitome of one of my crappy days—like say when I’m shorted on sleep for more than a couple of days in a row, a rarity since I’ve been working on setting boundaries in my life! 

Denice Working in the Negative: Outwardly insecure and inhibited, or aloof, subdued, and seemingly self-assured, these individuals feel haunted by a sense of inferiority that manifests as competitiveness and a fear of losing. Dominant and opinionated, they seem to have a chip on their shoulder and a need to prove something. Stubborn and resistant, bossy and highly opinionated, they have a hard time letting go. Their illusory inferiority inhibits creative risks that would make their life exciting. Lost, without a real sense of themselves, they alternate between bouts of fitful energy and periods of collapse. Their pent-up energy generates addictive or abusive behaviors, and their lessons about spiritual law (especially about actions and their consequences) often get delivered in a court of law. 

(I’m only competitive against myself!) 

Denice Working in the Positive: These individuals exude depth and charisma based on their heartfelt trust in Spirit working through them. With their balanced, compassionate wisdom, they have also learned to trust Spirit in the form of other people and in the form of Life’s circumstances, which, no matter how pleasurable or difficult, they experience as teachings. Although their needs are often met, even in adversity, they feel thankful for the lessons they receive. They make natural leaders who teach by example. Committed to service and expressing universal wisdom rather than rigid opinions, they help inspire others through their integrity and their attunement to higher laws. Maintaining a feeling connection to the higher will within them, they effectively serve others. 

Some famous 29/11 people include: Wayne Dyer, Harry Houdini, Jack Benny, and Bob Hope. 

We have all come here with a special purpose. Isn’t it time we get on with it? So, read the book and check out the Coaching Corner on our website to do some of those exercises to get you back on track for YOUR life purpose! 

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life  

A Simple, Effective Heart Attack Procedure: Women should know that heart attack symptoms in women may not include the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. . .ever.

As one woman said, “The pain was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Given a choice between natural child birth and a heart attack, pain-wise; it’s much easier to have a baby.”

So what do you do if say, it’s 6:15 p.m. and you’re driving home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job.  You’re tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly, you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.

How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone:
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously

A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. This technique is only about 40% effective as a normal heart beat. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating and also helps it regain normal rhythm.

In this way, heart attack victims can hopefully get to a hospital. 

Then. . .after you get to the hospital, take all the tests, and they don’t find anything wrong with you (a frequent happening)—worm yourself with Pyrantel Pamoate (a round wormer), eat gobs of broccoli for several months (which is great for the heart) and make an appointment with me so I can put you on the proper supplements to repair the arrhythmia (like Cardio Plus, Cataplex E, the proper fats and more). Many arrhythmias can be corrected—I’d like to say permanently, but I don’t know that for sure. All I can tell you is that my atrial fluttering has gone away and has not come back for several years with about a year of good food, semi-annual round worming and Cardio Plus! 

Note: Thanks to Debbie Doremus for sending the original email having to do with what to do when a heart attack happens. We were taught this technique in our cardiology class in veterinary school. I learned about the arrhythmia stuff from a naturopathic mentor and have almost never been disappointed with the effectiveness of these simple steps.

A Unique Way to Keep Your Cat’s Water Fresh 

Now, this tip was given to me just this week by a fellow worker down at the Animal Shelter where I do the surgeries on Thursday. I’ve been around veterinary medicine since I was 12 years old and this certainly was news to me! 

“It’s kind of hillbilly-ish, but is sure does work,” says Raymond, our trusty kennel person. What he does is take the lid off the tank of the toilet when he goes somewhere. This way his cats can jump up and always get a drink of fresh water! As the water goes down, the toilet tank automatically refills. 

Now, why did I never think of that? I’m laughing. 

This week someone sent me a cartoon of a man sitting on a toilet reading his newspaper. His dog comes into the bathroom, looks at his master and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” And then says, “I drink out of there!” 

Sorry. A little veterinary humor there. Moving on.   

Recipe of the Month: Zucchini Pancakes 

Beat Eggs, stir in Pesto, Feta Cheese and Baking Powder. Fold in grated Zucchini. On a grill heated to 350˚F, lightly butter the area you are going to put the batter on just before plopping the batter onto the grill. Let cook until edges get bubbly and brown—about 5 minutes. I use a quick spritz of Olive Oil spray to spray onto the pancake before I flip it.  Cook until done and serve with or without sour cream as a garnish.  

Makes about eight 4-inch pancakes. They are also good cold. 

Client Testimonials: Triglycerides and eye pressure down

Denice: Thought you might like to know that Milton had another blood test a week ago or so and that the triglycerides were down over 130 points.  And the rest was a lot better also.  He is pretty thrilled with the whole thing. Also I had another eye exam and my pressure was down 4 points.  The doctor’s medications did not do that. Isn’t Mother Nature wonderful?  Bev 

Hot Flashes and Migraines responding after only 3 weeks

Hello Denice: Just wanted to know when I can stop by to get a refill on the AM-PM cure-the-hot flashes pills. Took the last few this weekend. They’re starting to help. And I discovered to get the best results from the three tinctures is to take all three, dropping under my tongue, before going to bed. Since doing this over a week ago, I have not had one migraine. Before that, I was putting drops in my water bottle and they got spread out over the day. I’m glad that I experimented with the drops, because they’re doing what I had hoped –-eliminating the migraines (which I often wake up with). Hope to see you soon.  Karin from Moscow
P.S. How cool it was to see your backyard in the newspaper! Before I read the story, I told my husband, “Hey, that looks familiar!” and, by golly, it was!! 

Liver Enzymes Responding:

Hi Dr. D. I have Hanna’s blood report from Thursday. Dr. said her blood has made a great improvement. Only one thing was still out of sorts and that had also come down. I am soooooo excited about Hanna. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH ! Mary 

Hi Dr. Moffat, I received my newsletter in plain text and the links still wouldn’t work. I went on your website and was able to bring up the info. on “dry skin brushing,” and really got a lot out of it. Had been practicing that for a spell, then sort of fell out of practice, so I was happy to read the itemized benefits. Also sent away for that Dr. Airola’s book, which sounds like it’s jam-packed with great help. Keep up this great work. You are very inspiring. I envy your life’s work, a lot! Maureen in soggy Long Island, NY

From Size 22 Down To 8 Since January 2006.  

Now here is an ongoing diatribe between the client who enticed me to do the 40-day fast and myself. She was complaining that she had reached a plateau after completing her fast: 

From Donna: I know. I can’t believe I’m whining about not losing weight when I am a non-smoking Size 8 –when I was a Size 22 in January! Amazing how fast your brain adapts. But I do still have belly fat and inner thigh fat! It also still startles me when I see myself in a store window –who is that skinny chick? Inside the body reality is simply different!

Denice: Hmm. Maybe we are in starvation mode right now and shocking the system again by eating Highly Beneficial Blood type foods will start the weight loss process again? I’m going to wait and see, and not be discouraged. Look how far we’ve come? Good eating habits are sure to pay off in the long run. No? Size eight rocks! I’m at 134. I still see fat on me, but when I look at other people at that weight, it looks pretty good on them! I need to keep that in mind.
Inspiration & Perspective: #6 of David Ault’s 12 Statements 

I just loved this David Ault statement. Imagine if we all put a little bit of time into something in this line every day of our lives how our planet would transform into something wonderful and positive! 

I pledge allegiance to people and projects of substance.  I cannot travel this road alone.  If there is anything we as a species need, it is each other.  I actively choose to support those whose work I believe in with my time, talent and treasure.  I joyously give to those whose intention and purpose is for self-empowerment and the awakening of humanity to its personal magnificence.  I rally to make others aware of such light bearers and do what I can to support them in furthering their vision.” Number 6 in David’s 12 statements. Would you like to read all of them? I’ve posted them at:  /Inspiration/IPledgeAllegiance.htm 

What’s New at Our House?

Michael won the grand prize for the biggest pumpkin at the fair this year. He’s been growing giant pumpkins for years, but this is the biggest one yet. We have plans to make pumpkin custard and a bunch of pies for local clients and the food bank in a couple of weeks. If you can’t see the picture, go to the website and check it out under the Archives Volume 2, No. 9. 

Local Events:

Be Healthy.

Please forward to a friend. 

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1993. She has a content-rich website at and free newsletter.

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