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NHT News. Vol. 5 No. 1 Mar 2009


March 2009              Volume 5 Number 1

In This Issue:  

(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.) 

From the Desk of Dr. Moffat: 

Michael and I just enjoyed a conversation with our local UPS man who has just come back to work after a few months off. He was in a truck wreck and had broken 12 ribs, punctured his spleen in three places, had a collapsed lung and a few cervical vertebrae. When I asked him if he had had a Near Death Experience he told us that he had. “What did you learn about why you’re still here?” I asked. And he said something profound. “The book to your life has already been written. All we have to figure out now is what page we’re on.” 

I told him how profound that was and that it was a good intro to this month’s newsletter which focuses on Life Purpose. 

You’re never satisfied. That’s what life is. It’s just this ongoing, never ending vacation adventure, you see. You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done—and we recommend that you have as much fun as you can along the way. Excerpted from a workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, November 13th, 2004 

Congratulations to Mathew Odette, a very special client of mine. He’s a 5-year thriver who overcame Burkett’s Lymphoma (an extremely fast growing tumor) at the age of five! Listen to his story by visiting and typing in Mathew Odette. While you’re there listen to some of the stories of courageous kids battling cancer and living with disabilities and check out the eAuction at KS95 for Kids has raised more than $10.5 million for Children’s Cancer Research Fund® and Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. 

Health in the News:  

Utah Drops Certified Organic Program? Utah was one of the first states in the nation to promote and expand the certified organic program writing up regulations that were two years ahead of the USDA. Now the state, trying to trim its budget (or maybe being influenced by larger grower lobbyists?) is eliminating it’s certified organic programs. This is forcing local growers in that state to register with other states and is costing them about ten times the amount for the certification process.

Since Utah implemented its organic program, there has been a change at the state Agriculture Department toward focusing on more conventional farming practices says the article.

“Last year, for instance, department officials considered making it illegal to list milk products as being free from artificial growth hormones. That proposal was backed by Monsanto Co., maker of recombinant bovine somatotropin, or rbST, which is injected into cows to increase milk production. A decision is pending. “Read the article:

(Note: So many people contacted their government officials on this that they’ve now decided to keep the program as of this writing 2/17/09—of course at a higher price but I think it’s a good thing. It just goes to show that if enough people voice an opinion that you can make some changes. And in other Certified Organic news, Idaho and Washington now offer a grant to pay for a large proportion of being certified.)

A Hospital Germ on the Warpath: You can take some simple steps to avoid infection

By Betsy McCaughey – November 1, 2008 – From the AARP Bulletin print edition

Grace Voros was 85 and enjoying life, watching her family grow and taking romantic walks with the man she fell in love with 61 years ago, when she took a minor fall. She went to the hospital for an x-ray, where tests confirmed she had no broken bones. But while there, she contracted an infection no one in the family had ever heard about, “C. diff,” and died.

C. diff, short for Clostridium difficile, is raging through hospitals, infecting hundreds of thousands of patients a year. The bacteria contaminate every surface, including bed rails, bed tables, nurses’ uniforms, privacy curtains, faucets and call buttons. When patients touch these surfaces and then pick up food without washing their hands, they ingest the germ. Any patient taking antibiotics who ingests C. diff is in danger of developing severe diarrhea, leading to dehydration, inflammation of the colon and even death.

Routine cleaning isn’t enough to protect you from C. diff. Researchers at Case Western Reserve and the Cleveland VA Medical Center found that after routine cleaning at a hospital, 78 percent of surfaces were still contaminated. To kill the germ, you need to use bleach.

When surfaces are not properly disinfected, the results can be deadly. At Thomas Jefferson Medical Center in Philadelphia, three consecutive patients occupying the same room came down with C. diff. One died.

Staffs at many U.S. hospitals are woefully uninformed about what to do. One study reported that 39 percent of medical personnel didn’t know that C. diff could be spread on stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs and other equipment. About two-thirds of medical staff were unaware they should clean their hands with soap and water, because alcohol sanitizers don’t kill this superbug.

What can you do to protect yourself? Insist that everyone treating you clean their hands before touching you.

Clean your own hands thoroughly before eating. Do not touch your hands to your lips. Do not place your food or utensils on any surface except your plate. Ask family to bring wipes containing bleach to clean the items around your bed.

When you leave the hospital, assume any belongings you bring home are contaminated. Do not mix clothes from the hospital with the family wash; wash with bleach. Regular laundry detergents do not kill C. diff.

If you are visiting someone in the hospital, be careful about eating in the cafeteria or a restaurant where the staff go in their scrubs or uniforms. These uniforms could be covered in invisible superbugs. More than 20 percent of nurses’ uniforms had C. diff on them at the end of a workday, according to one study. Imagine sliding into a restaurant booth after a nurse has left the germ on the table or the seat. You could easily pick it up on your hands and then ingest it with your sandwich.

Poor hospital hygiene and lax practices such as wearing scrubs in public are putting all of us at risk. That’s why I founded RID, the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, so that other families won’t have to go through what Grace Voros’ family suffered.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.

What’s New on the Website?  

I’m a bit behind in the newsletter. Michael and I moved (again this year) to our final location. We still live in Deary but after all these years of searching we found “the” property. It’s lovely here and we’re excited to see what will develop on our acreage. Mostly it is just forested trees now. 

At this point, there are some things new on the website but I just can’t even remember what they are!  We’ve been going round and round trying to get both of our computers up and functioning properly. I actually had to purchase a new computer and after 2 weeks it’s still not functioning optimally. I’ve spent weeks using Michael’s computer to answer your emails so have not had my email address database to tap into and do that extra check in personalization that I usually do for clients. 

Michael has helped me with a few Product Info Sheets so we’ve posted the herbs Thyme , Buckthorn  , Butcher’s Broom  and Brewer’s Yeast information to the site.  

Case of the Month: What you Think About is What You Create

This last month it has become apparent that many people are falling prey to the negative thinking associated with fear and change with the transition into a new presidency. I think this will soon pass, so let’s just focus on what we really want to create as Americans and citizens of planet Earth. This newsletter is dedicated to techniques and stories that will hopefully deter you from these temporary distractions.

“You cannot be less than you are now. You cannot achieve a vibration that is less than the vibration that you have achieved. That’s why, when someone achieves an empire and then something happens where it is lost or destroyed, they still have the vibration that they’ve achieved, and the empire will come back again—you see it all the time—because it is the vibrational status that the Universe is responding to, not the financial status.” Excerpted from a workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Wednesday, May 7th, 2003

Check this one out. It’s called Get Service and it’s 4 ½ minutes and a perfect visual example of what you think about is what you create. Take the time to watch it.  We’re all just so focused on the trials and tribulations of OUR day but do we stop and think about what other people are going through and how that may influence how they treat the world and the people in it?   

The Professional

A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her small daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car. She didn’t know what to do, so she called home and told the baby sitter what had happened.

The baby sitter told her that the fever was getting worse. She said, “You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door.”

The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been left on the ground, possibly by someone else who at some time had locked their keys in their car. She looked at the hanger and said, “I don’t know how to use this.”

She bowed her head and asked God to send her help. Within five minutes a beat up old motorcycle pulled up, with a dirty, greasy, bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag on his head.

The woman thought, “This is what you sent to help me?” But, she was desperate, so…. She was also very thankful.

The man got off of his cycle and asked if he could help. She said, “Yes, my daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car. I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?”

He said, “Sure.” He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car was opened.

She hugged the man and through her tears she said, “Thank you so much! You are a very nice man.”

The man replied, “Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for about an hour.”

The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears cried out loud,

“Oh, Thank you God! You even sent me a professional!” 

Product of the Month: Rich Dad’s Cash Flow 101 Game 

I love sharing products and supplements that truly work to make lives better. I often talk with clients who tell me how tired they are. Most times it’s because they are not living their Life Purpose. They are stuck in survival mode– or as Robert Kiyosaki calls it the “Rat Race” and when they get home they just don’t have time to give to what brings them passion and joy. 

We started playing Cash Flow a few years ago when Michael and I were in Kooskia, Idaho. We must have played this game more than 50 times over the years and always find it so amazing when each person seems to strategize a bit differently. It’s quite interesting to watch. The professional, self-employed, employee, student, rich or poor person and and even different religions mold the thinking process as to how to play this game. No matter who you play with though, you always learn a bunch. 

I learned how to invest money playing this game. It helped me understand what bills to pay off and in which order and what the definition of a Doo Dad is. One example of a Doo Dad is a boat, or as one of our game players calls it, “A hole in the water where you throw money into.” If you can’t buy the Doo Dad outright you’re going to have to pay interest on the loan or the credit card and it ends up costing you more money than you’d ever expect. So, if you’re totally enthralled with something like this and you really want it, it’s best to know that you’ll really enjoy it for many years. 

We’ve also played the game with children over the age of ten. It seems to teach them  the value of money and how best to save, invest or use it. Fascinating experiences. I highly recommend purchasing a copy of the game or finding a group in your local town that would love to have you join in their playing circle.

Read more about the Cash Flow Game at: Cash Flow Game


Dave Ramsey classes on managing your money (Financial Peace University) are also really big these days. Usually your local church will sponsor the game. These are great classes if you prefer learning in a group setting. 

There are many programs out there that teach you how to pay all your debt off in 3-5 years and these are all wonderful programs. We’ve done this technique before and we’re doing it again with our current home. Imagine no more bills. . .How could that free up your life for wonderful things to experience? 

Media Reviews: Book Review: The Twelve conditions of a Miracle by Dr. Todd Michael (alias Michael Abrams)

As summarized by Dr. Denice Moffat 

I have always been an advocate of mentoring.

Initially, it was hard to ask if someone would be my mentor, but as I’ve learned, “If you don’t ask, the answer is always no,” so we now have a lot of power hitters on our mentoring team. When one of them recommends a book, we buy the book and read it.  

One recommended book was by Dr. Michael Abrams (pen name) real name Dr. Todd Michael. My husband Michael and I took this book seriously. We made collages of each miracle summarizing the steps and choose pictures to key them into our minds. As you can see after reading the book, you can adapt it to any area of your life. 

We sit and read our collages in the morning while we are drinking our coffee, visualizing and working the steps to make our lives a legacy of service. 

It was a great book about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect specifically dealing with examining the bible passage Matthew 14: 13-23—the story of how Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. 

Here is the King James Version passage for your review

So, how did he do that I wondered? Can WE actually make miracles happen? Well, in another passage Jesus said, “You can and do these things and greater still.” So, let’s get to it and apply the principles to making health happen. 

This is a summary of the steps in Dr. Michael’s book  The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle. I’ve modified some of the thought processes to focus on creating the miracle of a healthy body. I’ve got to tell you that this book changed my life and I hope it changes yours. Highly recommended. Enjoy. 

Step 1. Emptiness—the Action Steps: 

Step 2.  Maximizing: 

Step 3.  Asking:

Step 4.  Alignment: 

Step 5.  Giving: 

Step 6.  Grounding: 

Step 7.  Restoring the Vision: 

Step 8.  Gratitude: 

Step 9.  Acting As If: 

Step 10.  Engaging the Cycle: 

Step 11.  Receiving: 

Step 12.  Recycling: 

I urge you to read the book The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle which details Dr. Michael’s concepts and gives some examples on how miracles can be accomplished. We highly recommend the book and know you’ll love it.  

Ask Dr. Moffat:  

Hi. My sister Wanda has Rheumatoid Arthritis.  She has been on everything possible experimental and otherwise. Nothing helps her.  She hurts so bad.  One Dr. thinks maybe more is going on.  They have just never pinpointed anything.  She has now begun choking when eating, they say it is affecting her vocal cords as well. She considered having acupuncture done.  Her Dr. told her to feel free to do so, but no link as ever proven acupuncture to help auto immune diseases. She would be willing to consider anything within affordability.  She does have insurance. I know that insurance. doesn’t always cover stuff outside the loop.  Help if you please can.  We are in Western NC. If you know of anyone you could refer her to it would sure be a blessing to us.  Thank you-Very Concerned. 

Dear Concerned (Gee, I feel like Dear Abbey here!) She might want to check into the Marshall protocol ( ). I have been hearing good things about that and I think her insurance may cover it. My treatment protocol would take about three years and cost more than she has it sounds. Juice fasting and raw food diets are also in order. I do suspect she has a pleiomorphic bacteria (talked about in the Marshall protocol). Good luck to her! Denice

Ask Dr. Moffat: Hi Denice, I’m out of Thymus PMG, both Hank and I are taking it as you suggested for immune weaknesses. Do we need to continue taking it?  If so, please send more, Thanks! Alice.

Dear Alice: Will do. So. . .Please try not to run out of the supplements on your To Do List unless your body tests it doesn’t need anymore and you’re just using up the last of the bottle. It takes me a few days to get product to you and if I’m out myself (sometimes this happens), then you’d be out for up to a week and even longer if you live out of the country! 

Dear Dr. D. I felt really sick a week ago, I threw up, and then for several days, even now, still feel not as well as I was. Can you shed any light to this or have anything to add to what I’m already self-medicating with? I’d appreciate it. Jean

Dear Jean: Please feel free to email me when you start feeling sick as you are already one of my clients. No use having the symptoms longer than you have to, right? You have both viral and bacterial drops right? For those clients who have these two homeopathic remedies and sometimes have the Thymus PMG I don’t charge for a quick question via email when you’re on the verge of an illness—and I’ll tell you if you should make an appointment with me or go see a “real” doctor.  I’m testing it’s bacterial this time though.  Take 10 drops/ twice a day of the Bacterial Immune System Stimulator drops for 5 days then drop it down to 10 drops a day for a week my Guides say and you’ll be fine. Do email me if that is not working for you though and we’ll attend to anything else.  

Dear Denice: I am intrigued with a sense of urgency about clarifying my life purpose, your last email was very helpful. You said we should revisit this in 8 months. I’m having difficulty clarifying. . . I think you nailed it with distraction and self discipline being an issue during our last consult. I think of so many things to do and go off on tangents, but don’t seem to get anywhere with any one thing! Can you prioritize what I should be doing and/or how much time I should spend each day if I give you a list to test? Amy.

Dear Amy: Yes, I do priority lists for myself all the time and my Guides are very helpful. Kind of calms me down. We would be asking your own Guides to help us here as they know your responsibilities and commitments better than my Guides do and we should set the intention of determining what is for your highest and best good for you, your family and the Universe (and anything else you’d like to include in that).

You can also use the Guides to determine where to put your time, energy and money in regards to your home-based business for a list of advertising strategies—I know you well enough now to know that you’re the main bread-winner of the family and that you of course have to pay your bills the same time you’re attempting to come into alignment with your Life Purpose. You can also ask what you’re supposed to focus on in this lifetime and what you are here to teach. And I like to ask how many lifetimes you’ve had and often test your overall vibration to see if you’re on track (but you’ll have to ask me to do that because it’s not something I normally do.) It’s kind of fun to check out how advanced in the soul level you are. Anyone vibrating at 500 and above can heal people to a certain extent just by being in the same room with them. Avatars like Jesus and Buddha consistently vibrate around 1000.

Of course, if you can’t muscle-test or have a way to still yourself to get back on track, the easiest way to align with your Life Purpose is to keep track of your emotions. Also, you can start to back out of those things taking your time that drag you down. At the same time, start adding hobbies, work and projects into your life that feed your soul. If it feels good, calming and energizing then that’s what you are to be doing here on this planet.

The trick is to find that balance where you feel good and don’t fall into “fear mode” wondering how you are going to accomplish all that you want. You do what you can and leave the rest to Spirit.

Michael and I went through some of this in the process of manifesting our dream property here. “I don’t know how we could afford the payments” Michael would say, but I persisted. “Why don’t we just do the steps, fill out the paperwork and go through the loan process with our real estate agent and see where it goes?” (I’m a bit long in the tooth which makes me tenacious.)

There were some tricky times in the transaction but we DID accomplish our goal with payments we could afford. We had all kinds of people come forward to tell us that they believed in us and our dream who provided us with emotional and financial support in the end. We never would have been blessed with all of that if we didn’t just take the baby steps forward.  

And beware of distractions along the way. Ultimately if you just want to do a project to make money and it contains no joy or creates no passion or excitement for you, then it’s just a distraction and delays your ultimate goal for your Life Purpose for a time.

On the other hand, if you want to do a project on the beach because you just LOVE handling, smelling and dehydrating seaweed and couldn’t possibly stop doing it because you’re so fascinated with it then THAT is part of your life purpose and the money will eventually follow.

Denice: Do you have any information and help for Fibromyalgia?  Kathy A.

Dear Kathy: That dis-ease is really tough because FM (fibromyalgia) has a lot to do with emotional stuff which just drains me when we have to get into that. These cases really respond well to massage, because these clients really need to feel human touch which they are usually not getting in their lives. They also don’t usually have enough money to purchase supplements (for themselves) but are always putting other people before their own healing (and will purchase supplements for THEM!)–which is really part of the whole disease process. It’s also difficult to make forward progress when a client goes in spurts in their healing process–and these people usually only get rechecks and refills when they are really hurting then slack off when they start feeling just a little better.

With that said, I will have to say that it IS possible to work through all the issues when you put your mind to it and work through all the issues. I’ve seen it happen.

My personal opinion is that much of fibromyalgia has to do with allergies though, so sometimes it’s helpful to determine what they are allergic to so at least they can get some relief. I’ve noticed that I feel like I have fibromyalgia when I eat green peppers. It hurts to move the hairs on my body for three days after eating peppers. No wonder that was one of my least favorite foods as a child. Sometimes children’s likes and dislikes are there for a reason.

Fibromyalgia cases almost always have Spiritual lessons they are working on of unconditional love of the self, worthiness and boundaries—of course there are LOTS of other diseases that are associated with these same lessons but it seems that fibromyalgia never deviates from these lessons. Fibromyalgia people also put their personal time last on their To Do List so are not usually in alignment with their Life Purpose (I call it the God Path).

NutraSweet is also a big offender when it comes to FM. Of course we have homeopathic drops to help the body get rid of that stuff.  It also helps (about 40%) to eat for your blood type.

 In short, most fibromyalgia cases are just too difficult and time consuming for my case load, although I have met a couple atypical cases who don’t normally fit these characteristics who were willing to do what it took to work through their individual issues. These people listened to their bodies, said what was on their mind, developed good boundaries and learned to say “no” to the things that they didn’t feel comfortable doing. They didn’t like to hurt people’s feelings, but they learned they could not judge themselves so harshly. They also learned to treat themselves as well as they were treating others. That’s a tough thing to do and it takes practice and persistence. 

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life

“What better way could anyone spend money than to deliver it back into the economy which gives more people work? What you call your economy is the exchange of human Energy. And so, think back a few hundred years about what your economy was in this nation. And what has changed? Have more resources been trucked in from other planets? Or have more people, over more time, just identified more things that they desire — and the Nonphysical Energy that is endless and infinite supplies that? We never hear any of you say, ‘Well, I have been well for so many years, that I’ve decided that I’m going to be sick for a while to allow some other people to be well.’ Because you know that whether you’re well or not doesn’t have anything to do with them not getting enough wellness. You’re not using up the wellness and depriving them of it. And it is the same thing with the abundance. People that have managed to find vibrational harmony with abundance, so that it is flowing to them and through them — are not depriving anyone else of that abundance.”  Excerpted from an Abraham workshop in Orlando, FL on Sunday, January 10th, 1999

The Visa Slush Fund: When I charge something on my credit card I write it into my checkbook as though I’ve already paid for it. For example, when I charge stamps for the business I write in my register $100 and in the Item box I write “Visa slush—” That way, when the bill comes, I’ve already set aside the money to pay the bill in full. I started doing this after discovering that the amount of interest I was paying every year added up to the amount I actually charged on the card. Gosh, it sure helps to get ahead faster when you’re not donating half your payment to interest!

Creating Money Key’s to Abundance by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. This is one of my favorite books on creating abundance (including money) in your life. I recommend it occasionally during consults when the topic comes up. One woman who came to me couldn’t afford to even  purchase a copy of the book but the very next week she found it at a yard sale for 50 cents (Gee, do you think the Universe wanted her to have it?) It changed her life and she started a business on the side for herself using the book. People would call and ask for money inspiration so she’d open the book, tell them the affirmation and it would be perfect for them. They’d end up gifting her with money! I think you’ll love this one.  Order from 

In this book you will discover how to:
• Follow the spiritual laws of money   • Develop unlimited thinking
• Create clarity, joy, and light with money • Listen to your inner guidance
• Use advanced manifesting techniques • Trust your inner self and
   create miracles • Release lack and limitation • Find work you love
• Transform your beliefs, allow success
• Work with your soul, higher will, energy, and thoughts to become
   magnetic to abundance.  

Denice: Wow. Forget everything I have EVER sent you. Listen to this man. I love his idea. I love this, I love this, I love this. Amy.  

(Dear Readers: I get the nicest things from my clients. Amy, an artist and real-estate agent with an epileptic son I’ve been working with sent me this video from Bill Strickland. Take a seat–it’s 35 minutes well spent.) 

“You must be able to act on your dreams. . .  in case they do come true.” Bill Strickland 

The Envelope Strategy: We know we should be saving for a new car, computer, that new pair of glasses or a trip to the dentist or we just want that radial arm saw not in our budget right now. How do we save for it so that we can pay cash when that day comes? We use the Envelope Strategy. 

Every month we slip some cash into each envelope labeled for the things we want. When we get enough money to purchase the item or we actually need the item before that time, we have the down payment or the money to buy the item. 

Wayne Dyer says he never buys a car on time. As soon as he purchases a new car he starts saving for the next one by putting a full car payment into his bank account every month. It’s a good strategy and it really works. 

Don’t tell people about your big problems, tell your problems to your big God. I used to tell people to voice all their worries, fears and gripes to their pet instead of the people they love. I soon realized that their pets were absorbing all this negative energy and that I’d then have to do emotional release work on them! Something wasn’t working, but I knew they still had to vocalize the bad stuff so that it wouldn’t build up in their cellular memories. 

A girlfriend who used to be a basket case offered this solution. 

She shared that after a failed suicide attempt she got into a support group in an attempt to rebuild her life. Her life was at an all time low. Nothing worked and she had nowhere to turn. A counselor identified this fairly quickly and said to her. “Your concept of God and how life works is not working. Why don’t you use my concepts and then branch off into things that work for you as you learn new ways of looking at things?” 

And so she did. Every afternoon when she came home from work she’d unplug her phone and carry it around with her as she did her chores and made her evening meal. She pretended God was on the phone and she told Him about all the good and bad stuff that had gone on that day. 

Month by month she slowly began to heal. One day she dumped all her medications down the toilet and never took them again. She and God had co-created the miracle of sanity. . .A direct line to God. I like that idea. 

Client Testimonials:  

I’ve purchased and read the Attractor Factor and There Is A Cure For Arthritis. Both books are genius, thank you for leading me to them. 

I’ve been water fasting for the past couple weeks (several back to back 1-2day fast and I had a 4day fast that was the longest). I’m starting another one today to finally get the arthritis knocked out, I’m ready. I’m going to break it with a juice fast then migrate to a mainly raw vegetarian diet with a little organic meat thrown in here and there. I’ve been able to cut the Prednisone back to 10MG with no side effects (adrenal fatigue etc). I’ve been dry brushing and doing the hot/cold soak, light exercise to try to stimulate my adrenals.

As for attracting things/prosperity. I found my Dream property. It meets all my requirements and will accommodate all the “Extras” that we want. I choose to have that property or something better in my life. I will contact you when I begin the juice fast phase to see what supplements I need, I’m currently not taking any supplements while I’m on the water portion. It feels that it’s counter-productive. Thanks. Brendon M. 

Dear Brenden: Yes, I agree. Best to let everything rest during your fasting. You’ll need fewer supplements when you start the juice fast. Thanks for checking in and congratulations! Denice

Hi Denice: Just a quick note to let you know that I believe we’ve come to an understanding with the client, Matt (the builder who was trying to sue us). We offered a discount and he contacted us by e-mail saying he plans to take it as payment for the last bill. Thank you for all your energy and wisdom in this matter.  Betsy B 

Dear Betsy: FAR OUT!!! I’m SO happy for you! Glad I could help with a different perspective. 

Hi Denice. Thank you for the Christmas Card. I was wondering if you were still practicing. I came to you about 5 years ago. I just wanted to let you know that you told me I should do something with children. I thought you were crazy because I hate to babysit. Well, about a year after I saw you, we ended up taking in a boy that needed special care and helped him graduate. Have a good Christmas. Cathy D.

Denice’s Note: I had two consult with this woman and Life Purpose was a large component of her physical pain. I remember this case. The Guides kept telling me to tell her about kids and she was very resistant. Isn’t life amazing? Just by her character I know she has influenced this child and made a better world by living a life of service.

Dr. D. Great news – the wound we were packing?  The doc at UCLA said to stop – and it’s closed and feels great! I’m affirming that all future testing and surgical repair go smoothly and that recovery is quick and strong. . . 

. . .Have to share some amazing synchronistic events.  I walked home from the library nearby with my son yesterday and two doors away was Runner’s High – a runner’s store.  I’d been wanting a pair of running shoes to have as the carrot on the end of the stick for the next marathon.  The last marathon I ran I wore a men’s shoe that I loved.  Well, lo and behold, they had the women’s version – my size – ON SALE – and they’re pretty to boot!  

Two doors down from that we visited Fern’s Garden – an awesome gift gallery where my things would be perfect.  The owner was there and agreed to talk with me.  She was interested and helpful (said she’d been doing internet business for years and would be happy to mentor!).  

Two doors down from that was Blue Window – a chic boutique with great clothes, handmade baby and women’s/men’s.  They had handmade jewelry AND my dishes which I’d been looking for 7 years.  I only have one set – bought them one at a time because they’re so expensive – broke one a few years ago and never could find someone who sold them (where I’d originally bought them was out of business).  It was so affirming and encouraging!  Then to add a bonus I talked with the owner of that store and she was interested in my correspondence art as well!  I just love it.  Kay 

Dear Kay: I think they call this being in the Zone! I think you’re understanding the process! Keep up the great work and I’ll be sending healing energy your way. Denice. 

Denice, I believe that I have finally heard the message I have been longing to hear!  I could never understand why the Lord surrounded me with people that were ill, either physically or mentally.  After trying to get in touch with “Terri” I began to see the pattern which has been the pattern of my life.  I have gleaned a tremendous amount of medical and pharmaceutical knowledge over the years; but I could never understand what good it was to me. I knew that being a traditional doctor or nurse was not for me, so where was this all leading?   FINALLY. . .  This morning, after meditation, the message came. . .I would be good at natural healing. .  .This would be a good career for me.  I now believe that my years of caring for people with “conditions” have brought me to this point in time. 

I told you that my passion was acting/drama. . . And you got “God bumps”!  Could Natural Healing be my stage and my drama; helping people become well? 

Thanks for all that you have done for me …  I am working on my New Year’s list . . . So much health work to do. . .I must remember to take baby steps, first! Happy Winter! Terri S. 

Terri: I’m getting God bumps with that revelation (but not as strong as the drama/acting God bumps). What feels right and fun and good to you? Explore all kinds of stuff. You’ll know what you’d like to start with! Trust the instinct. And where around your head area did you “hear” that natural healing would be good? That is called the Still Small Voice or the God Voice. Anytime you ask a question and “hear” the answer from that same spot in your body, you can trust it. If other spots in your body start talking, tell them, “thanks for sharing, but I need to hear it from that special part of my body where God talks to me.” And it will. You are on the right track Terri. Keep going. I’m rooting for you! Happy New Year! Denice 

Dr. Moffat: I want to thank you for a beautiful web site that is full of helpful knowledge and resources.  I love your site.  I was reading the Near Death Experience page and wow that sounds like me but I do not remember almost dying.  I had a fortune teller tell me I almost died twice before.  I did have a ruptured tubal pregnancy that I guess I could have died from.  Thanks again. Annamarie 

Hello. I just wanted to say thank you for your very informative and life improving website.  I came across it after ‘Googling’ for Away From Values – as part of my study to become an NLP Master Practitioner. I live in Dorset, SW England and have been trying to find a sense of ‘Purpose or a Mission’ for my life – I shall be following your guidance as soon as I have completed my NLP Assessment. Thank you for making the information available and for sharing so freely. With very best wishes and lots of love, luck and laughter to you, your husband and his pumpkins! Jacqui C.

(Denice’s Note: Neuro Linguistic Programming is great for working on emotional issues. You can check it out here:  You can also purchase a tape set at Nightingale Conant and learn how to do it at home at:

Face Reading Accuracy Nears 100%

Dear Michael, the face reading you did for me was incredible – you scored a 98.5, and would have scored a 100% if I would have been acting like the real me on certain items rather than through guilt or shame that I am still letting go of.  I very much appreciate it.  I have been tied up working with a Shaman preparing for a Vision Quest this week, but will most likely get back to you with more feed-back next week.  And yes, I will certainly refer others to you as they become available or open to the idea. Blessings to you and your family my friend! Namaste’ Randy M.  

Dear Randy: Thank you for honoring me. I enjoyed doing the reading very much! Michael Robison, Face Reader—also known as Personologist (and Dr. Moffat’s husband!)

Healthy Recipes: How to cook Quinoa

It took a few months after I purchased my first few cups of Quinoa to actually get the guts up to cook it and explore using it in recipes. I actually did not know how to even say the word at first. Some clients actually trained me to say Quinoa correctly. It’s pronounced Keen-wah.

Basic Quinoa Recipe:

4 – 6 Servings: 2 quart pot with tight fitting lid


Cooking Directions:

  1. Soak the quinoa first for 15 min – 1/2 hour in its cooking pot. Soaking loosens up the outer coating of saponin, which can give a bitter taste if not removed. Those tiny flaky bits in the rinse water are the saponin.
  2. If you don’t have time for long soaking, use hot water and soak for five minutes, then give an extra rinse or two.
  3. Stir the quinoa with your hand, and carefully pour off the rinse water. A Sieve makes the process more effective.
  4. Put the quinoa back in the pot, add more water, and rinse again two or three more times, until the rinse water is pretty clear draining each time in the sieve.
  5. Place quinoa in the pot, add the water & salt.

Bring to a boil, cover with a tight fitting lid, and turn the heat down to simmer. A tight fitting lid is essential for even cooking.

  1. Cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and allow to sit five minutes with lid on.
  3. Fluff gently with a fork and serve. 

At our house we mix a half cup of cooked Quinoa with ½ cup chicken soup broth then poach a couple eggs in this mixture for 3 1/2 minutes. Makes a great dinner. And because Quinoa is higher in protein, the addition of a few nuts and vegetables make it a satisfying meal.

Quinoa (Chenopodium album)

Picture Reference: Link no longer works 5/3/11

Quinoa, pronounced kĭ-nōə or kēnwä is a high protein grain (12-18%) which comes from the annual plant Chenopodium quinoa native to high altitudes of South America  such as the Andes and Peru. It may have been domesticated as early as 6000 BC. Quinoa is cultivated for its edible white or red seeds and used as a food staple. It can be boiled, soaked or ground to make flakes or flour and can be found in many products at your local health food store. The leaves are sometimes boiled and used as spinach. Quinoa was a staple of the ancient Incas, who called it “the mother grain.”

Quinoa is a complete protein because it contains all eight essential amino acids. It is higher in unsaturated fats and lower in carbohydrates than most grains. Because of this high oil content, Quinoa should be stored in the fridge or freezer to avoid becoming rancid. Quinoa is a rich source of iron, vitamin B and a good source of protein. It also contains calcium, vitamin B2, and niacin. 

Tiny and bead-shaped, the ivory-colored or red quinoa cooks like rice but takes half the time of regular rice. It expands to four times its original volume making a kind of gruel called carapulque. Quinoa’s flavor is delicate, a bit crunchy, almost bland, and has been compared to that of couscous.

Quinoa can be used as a main dish, a side dish, in soups, in salads and even in puddings. 

See the Recipe of the Month (above) for cooking instructions. In general though, one part quinoa is brought to boil with two cups water and simmered on low for 14–18 minutes or until the germ separates from the seed. The cooked germ looks like a tiny curl (I thought it was a round worm at first but it isn’t). 

Quinoa grain has also been used for poultry and livestock feed and can be fermented to make an alcoholic beverage called chicha. In the Inca Empire, where only the potato was more widely grown, quinoa is said to have been sacred; the year’s first furrows were opened ceremoniously with a gold implement. Attempts to establish the crop outside its native habitat have been unsuccessful. 

Quinoa in its natural state has a coating of bitter-tasting saponins, making it unpalatable. Most quinoa sold commercially in North America has been processed to remove this coating. This bitterness benefits man because the flavor of saponin is not popular with birds so the plant needs minimal protection from critters that would normally eat grains like this. 

The saponins in quinoa can be mildly toxic, as can be the oxalic acid in the leaves of the Chenopodium family so quinoa is not the best grain for people with gout issues. It is great for vegetarians though and it is also gluten-free so is safe for people with celiac disease. Quinoa is a neutral food for all blood types so is safe to eat for everyone. 

This is Quinoa in a field. It looks a bit taller than our Chenopodium species around here–we call it Lamb’s-quarters here in the United States. Quinoa grows up to 3 ½ feet tall. 


Quinoa Plant with ripe seeds


Eat the weeds video series: 

Inspiration & Perspective:  

Hi Dr. D: After serious & cautious consideration…..your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2008!  It was a very hard decision to make. So try not to screw it up!  

My Wish for You in 2008: May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had, forget your home address! In simple words. . . May 2008 be the best year of your life! Love Sue 

Sue: I love you too! I’m renewing yours as well. Thank you my friend and I hope you know that you are one of the most favorite and trusted personal assistants I have ever had! 

Guidance from Eileen Caddy: Your Cup of Happiness Will Be Overflowing  “Have absolute faith and confidence that I AM with you always, that I AM guiding and directing you and that I know what is the very best for your growth and development in this spiritual life. No work is too ordinary or mundane when your attitude is right and you realize that you are doing it for Me and to my honor and glory.

Life looses all its joy and sparkle when you are thinking of yourselves and of what you can get out of life rather than what you can give to it. Are you feeling that you are not getting enough out of life? Try changing your attitude. Try giving more and more and see what a change will take place within you, for the more you give, the more you will receive, until your cup of happiness will be overflowing and will overflow into the lives of the many. There will no longer be any thought of the self but only of the whole. All you do will be done for the whole and you will become more and more aware of your Oneness with the whole, your oneness with Me, with all Life.”  Reference: To subscribe to this list please go to:

Perfecting the Law of Attraction:

“The things that we would be asking ourselves is, ‘What proportion of my day am I in vibrational harmony with my desires, which means, how much of my day am I happy, glad, eager, fulfilled, satisfied, complimentary? And what percentage of my day am I ornery, irritated, frustrated, or blaming?’ And you don’t have to do 100%, you don’t have to do 90%, you don’t have to do 80%. If you could even get around 55% feeling better, than not feeling so good — you’d have significant movement in what begins to happen in your experience.” Reference: Excerpted from a workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 11th, 2001 To subscribe, go to:

What’s New at Our House?  

We had some glitches to overcome in our move. Besides the normal stress of a real estate transaction and the three solid weeks it took to send out a mailing to my clients telling them of our move, our first day here at our permanent location a pipe disconnected behind the shower wall inconveniently on a weekend. We finally found a plumber who came out on a Sunday. 

Then we had to coordinate two snow plows for two weeks to keep the long driveways open for us to move our stuff. Boy, did we have a lot of snow. 

Our final trip was the garden shed and the chicken coop. Let me tell you that “the girls” didn’t appreciate having their house moved with them in it. I can just imagine what they were thinking. Their egg-laying capacity dropped for a day or two and then when they started laying again they’d break and eat all the eggs. They must have needed the B-Vitamins. So I added some foods high in B vitamins to their ration and ended up creating little meditation chambers out of their nest boxes by putting up little black curtains over each nest. They liked that. They’re back to full production. 

Then the computers wouldn’t work and phone service was disrupted and then computer issues again. Then I tried to update the site (about 850 pages) for the address change. Got halfway done and messed up but when the server took the memory back a day it ended up being taken back about two weeks so I lost 40 hours of work! I finally ended up purchasing a new computer and it took two weeks to get that moving perfectly. As I type this I’m giving gratitude for internet connections. So many things these past few weeks have been so out of my control, I finally had to just give in and go with the flow. 

I heard from a healer friend of mine that the earth had been experiencing the effects of some sun spots a couple of weeks back which has created havoc in lots of computers (so my clients tell me). I think we’re finally up and running –maybe not smoothly yet, but I am taking care of the clients as they are always my first priority. 

As all of this was happening I was amazed at how far I had come from a few years ago. These dramas and traumas of life would have had me crying most of the day. Although some scenarios seemed unduly stressful, we took things in stride, checked off our boxes instead of immersing ourselves in the drama and worked through one day at a time with more confidence than we would have years ago. It was like the Universe was testing us just one last time so that we could prove that we really wanted to step into a better life. I noticed that those little records we play in our heads when difficult times in our lives come up did not have the meaning they once had for me. Oh those records were playing, but there was no negative emotion associated with them like in the past. We have a lot to be thankful for. And I think that when the snow melts around here we will find our vision board for the property we had been looking for is nearly perfect.

If you’d like to see where we are now permanently based, click on this link:  /AboutUs/elk_meadow.htm 

Local Events: Lots of things happening this month and next.

February 28 and March 1, 2009 An Introduction to Animal Communication Workshop. At Bastyre University in Kenmore WA10am-5 p.m., join nationally recognized animal communicator Polly Klein for her class. You learn how to receive information from animals and to develop techniques that refine your own abilities. You also learn to send information to animals in ways that are clear for them to understand and how to communicate with animals at a distance. The focus of this class is on practical experience and you will talk with an assortment of animals.  For more information, please email Polly at or call her at 425-427-8028 for additional information. To read Polly’s Bio, go to:

March 15th, 2009 Pasadena Humane Society, Pasadena, CA. Want to Learn To Talk To Animals? …And Get Answers? Lydia Hiby, an “animal communicator,” will teach you the techniques to use with animals and non-verbal people (comatose, stroke victims, autistic children, etc.) in a 6-hour class. During this seminar each participant is encouraged to bring a pet. Please do not borrow someone else’s, as you will not be able to confirm the animal’s situation. For animals that can’t travel, please bring photos to class. Cost: $350. For more info:

March 21, 2009 Shirley Scott will be in Lake Oswego, OR presenting an animal communication workshop. You can call her at (509) 526-5020 for the details. For more details go to: 

April 21, 2009 from 6:30-9:30 p.m If you live back East you may want to take in Jan Fennell, the original dog listener from England. She’ll be speaking at the Sheraton Hotel in Needham, Maine. Learn about Jan’s techniques for shaping positive behavior in your canine friends. Proceeds from the “Evening with Jan” are to be donated to Poodle Rescue of New England. For more information on Jan Fennell and the Canine Course please visit Experience the pure pleasure of having a relationship with your dog that both of you truly deserve. The lecture is an introduction to classes she’ll be teaching in that area. 

April 17-26th: Joyce Thom, comes to us from the Bay Area of California. She is a highly skilled, multi-faceted teacher and healer, accomplished in several different Eastern and Western mind/ body/ spirit modalities. Joyce brings great depth of knowledge, clarity, presence, and compassion into each class. She is currently on the faculty of the Acupressure Institute of Berkeley, CA, and also teaches for the Milne Institute, an international school for Visionary CranioSacral work. We are indeed privileged to have her here in Moscow, ID to teach: 

This four-day Milne Institute class is for bodyworkers, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, nurses, physicians, and physical and occupational therapists. It is designed to introduce analytical and intuitive visionary understanding of craniosacral work, perhaps more appropriately described as Sacred Cranial, since it approaches the head with such reverence. It is the High Art of healing touch. When: Thursday, April 23 through Sunday, April 26, 2009 , 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Cost: $695 Registration Deadline: April 1, 2009, 

For information on registration and location for the Joyce Thom classes, please contact April Rubino by email at or by phone at (208)882-8159. For information on the class, please contact For more information on Visionary CranioSacral Work, please visit 

That’s it for this Month!

Be Healthy.  Denice

Please forward to a friend.

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1993. She has a content-rich website at and free newsletter.

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