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NHT News. Vol. 5 No. 4 Dec 2009


December, 2009              Volume 5 Number 4

In This Issue:

 (Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.) 

Health in the News:  

Health in the News: Nuts May Lower Risk of Diabetes

Research data presented in June, 2002 at the 62nd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association reported that eating nuts may prevent diabetes. The research also found that supplementation with zinc in overweight women with insulin-resistance can improve insulin sensitivity, even when the women did not have a measured deficiency in zinc.

These findings were derived from the Nurses’ Health Study, which looked at dietary questionnaires completed in 1980 by 83,818 women, aged 34 to 59 years, without a history of cardiovascular disease, cancer, or diabetes. During 16 years of follow-up, 3,206 women developed type 2 diabetes.

After adjusting for various diabetes risk factors, the greatest reduction in diabetes risk was among women who ate nuts more than five times a week. The connection was not affected by economic level, family history, body mass index, smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, and dietary variables.  Source: ADA Annual Meeting: Abstracts 1644-P, 569-P. June 16-17, 2002.

Michael wanted to know how much zinc is actually in nuts, so I looked it up: 

Artificial Sweeteners Stay in the Water Supply by Michael Jolliffe, citizen journalist July 1, 2009. (Thanks to Mary B in Sandpoint, ID for sending this one):

(NaturalNews) A new study investigating the ability of water treatment facilities to remove artificial sweeteners from municipal water supplies has found that significant amounts remain despite the implementation of high-tech industrial water purification.

Researchers from the Water Technology Centre in Karlsruhe, Germany examined levels of seven common sweeteners – acesulfame, saccharin, aspartame, cyclamate (currently banned in the US and Canada), sucralose, neotame and NHDC – using a new method that enables detection of the substances simultaneously. Analysis of the water samples revealed that up to 80% and 59% of sucralose and acesulfame remained respectively, despite treatment and advanced filtration. Acesulfame was found to be the most treatment resistant sweetener, with several hundred nanograms of saccharin and cyclamate also remaining.

The sweeteners under investigation in the current study have been claimed to be related to a number of persistent health concerns. Of the five substances legally available for use in the US, acesulfame and saccharin have caused concerns over being linked to cancer with the former also cited as a cause of excessive insulin secretion. Aspartame and neotame have been linked with neurological illness, while sucralose has been studied in relation to migraine symptoms. Of the banned substances, there are concerns that cyclamate may decrease fertility in men.

Read the full article 

What’s New on the Website?  

Well, my search box isn’t working, the product link button is messed up and sometimes the appointment request box doesn’t let you do what you want it to do. I’m kind of disgusted with my new update of FrontPage and am exploring other options to revamp the site to make it more user-friendly. I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around that concept for some time. It’s not like in the beginning when I knew nothing about building a website. I know now that I just need to dig into it and keep at it until I get it done. I’ve got a wonderful client who’s going to help me put up the basic skeleton and then I’ll transfer the existing and new pages into it. The whole process will take as long as it takes. I’m determined not to stress out about it. Actually I think it’s quite fun but doing the project after a full day of clients is sometimes challenging. So keep watching and I’ll let you all know when I’ve launched the new look! 

Case of the Month: Pancreatic Insufficiency & Exocrine Pancreas Dysfunction 

During a consult when there is a problem with digestion I mentally follow a piece of food from the mouth down the digestive tract to the other end and muscle test each anatomical feature as the food passes. Wherever the energy is blocked, my fingers will release letting me know what part of the digestive tract needs work. Many times “Exocrine Pancreas” will come up. Not an insulin problem, but a challenge with the body digesting certain foods. 

These clients, over time, learn to be very patient, are often forgiving, and eventually develop a keen intuition in what will and won’t work for their system. I enjoy being a part of their healing team and like to think I can speed things up a bit for them in finding a balance for themselves or their pets. 

Did you know that a human body makes up to a gallon of saliva a day? 

Pancreatic insufficiency has been associated with cystic fibrosis, Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome or SDS (a rare congenital disease affecting the skeleton), Type 1 diabetes and sometimes pancreatic cancer. 

Dog breeds associated with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency include German shepherds (most cases involve this breed actually), Rough Collies, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chow Chows and Picardien Shepherds. The symptoms and treatments are nearly the same as for humans except that often dogs will be coprophagic (meaning they eat their own and other animal’s feces). Affected dogs also have poor hair coats and their feces are often yellow-gray with an oily texture. 

Some symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency include malassimilation (mal = bad) which encompasses malabsorption, maldigestion and malnutrition. Vitamin deficiencies, weight loss (or inability to gain weight in children) and steatorrhea (loose, fatty, foul-smelling stools) are common. Chronic pancreatic problems are associated with lowered absorption of fats so fat-soluble vitamins may need to be supplemented. 

Symptoms of Carbohydrate Malassimilation include:  Flatulence, diarrhea, floating stools, increased borborygmus (sounds of the gut) and abdominal distention. Some of the gas absorbs into the system creating an excess of hydrogen in the lungs and this can be detected with the hydrogen breath test. As the body continues to be chronically deprived of carbohydrates due to improper assimilation, the body will also present with decreased plasma insulin levels, increased glucagon and cortisol levels and decreased conversion of T4 to T3 thyroid hormones (so then you’ll have symptoms of hypothyroidism!) Eventually you’ll lose muscle and fat mass. Patients are weak and easily fatigued both physically and mentally.

Symptoms of Fat Malassimilation include: Weight loss, malnutrition, diarrhea, fat in the feces, oxalate crystals in the urine, calcium oxalate kidney stones and fat-soluble vitamin (A,D,E and K) deficiency symptoms are also present in patients who do not digest fats properly. Symptoms may include bleeding disorders, follicular hyperkeratosis (define), nervous system demyelination, rickets, and osteopenia.

Symptoms of Protein Malassimilation include: Edema, decreased muscle mass, recurrent or severe infections, growth retardation in children, mental apathy and irritability, weakness, hair loss, deformed skeletal bones, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency over time can lead to the formation of:

Because Blood Type A people don’t produce the same amounts of hydrochloric acid as some of the other blood types, they don’t have the ability to digest animal based protein as well. 

Alcoholism and people who form stones can also be prone to this disease (5-15% of alcoholics suffer with pancreas problems). 

This whole process of digestion is under parasympathetic nervous control. When it’s time to eat the parasympathetic nervous system takes over and in perfect coordination helps release saliva, mucous, digestive juices and moves the stuff through the intestine. It’s also responsible for getting blood to the center of the body so it can take the nutrition being absorbed by the small intestine to the other body parts. 

This is the reason why so many people tell you not to eat when you’re upset or agitated. Upset stimulates the sympathetic nervous system so that the food digestive processes would be postponed which would cause fermentation of what you ate and a sore belly, cramps and bloating. 

It takes about 3-5 hours for food to pass from the mouth to the ileocecal valve located on the lower right quadrant of the abdomen (about an inch above and an inch over towards the belly button). Chocolate, iceberg lettuce and hot spicy foods sometimes cause the ileocecal valve to spasm which blocks the passage of your meal to the large intestine. This can cause some bloating and sometimes the valve won’t relax until another meal is eaten which stimulates the process all over again. 

Sometimes you can get that valve to relax by just gently putting steady pressure on that spot and holding the pressure for 2-4 minutes. 

If the pancreatic duct becomes blocked or if the enzymes pool in the pancreas and can’t get out we see acute pancreatitis—just mentioning this because during the holidays dogs occasionally get into the trash and eat big portions of turkey fat or other fats which can cause the blocking of the duct. Very serious stuff. It can and has killed many a pet dog and permanently disabled many a pancreas as the self-digestion will destroy the tissue so that it can’t produce the correct amounts of enzymes forever after the event. 

Many dogs with pancreatic insufficiency also have Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). The most commonly recommended antibiotics for this condition are tylosin (Tylan), metronidazole (Flagyl) and tetracycline, although there are reports of a number of other antibiotics helping.

Treatment of exocrine pancreatic problems includes healing the underlying condition to prevent further pancreatic damage where possible and managing the symptoms.

Patients may be given nutritional supplements, glandulars, protomorphogens of pancreatic enzymes, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E  and K) and Vitamin B-12 as  supplements to make up for the decreased production and to aid digestion. 

Changing how and what you eat and the timing of how you eat is very important.

Not eating when you are on sympathetic overload is important. Sometimes the adrenal glands and liver also need support on the way to healing the pancreas.

By determining what you are or are not digesting your doctor can prescribe further tests to discover exactly what your body is or is not doing in regards to digestion. Of course they will prescribe a bunch of drugs which may or may not work for you. But don’t give up. Often these cases involve integrative therapy which means dietary changes, supplements and a well-placed prescription drug or digestive enzyme to use when things get out of hand.

The person or animal may also benefit from having the 7th thoracic vertebrae adjusted as this spinal nerve innervates the pancreas. 

How NOT to eat: One other problem I see causing digestive challenges often is when my clients eat a whole bunch of different foods (like at big meals, buffets or potlucks). With so many types of foods plus drinks and dessert, the body really doesn’t know what to process first. It all gets mixed up in a big ball and just kind of sits there waiting to be digested but the body can’t figure out what to work on first! For these clients I often tell them to Google the words “Food Combining” and to minimize the types of foods they eat. “Eat like a monk” I tell them. Bread for one meal, soup for the next, fruit for the next—very simply, nothing processed, and chew your food thoroughly. 

We keep certain homeopathics and protomorphogen/glandulars here to help rebuild the gut flora and help repair damaged pancreas tissues. It’s all very complicated stuff and muscle testing plus the development of the patient’s intuition are often the keys to managing these types of cases.

To learn some simple tests to determine the presence of Exocrine Pancreatic Dysfunction and the physiology behind the problem, click on the webpage for this topic:  /SpecificDiseases/pancreatic_insufficiency.htm 

Product of the Month: Jerusalem Artichokes  Scientific Name: Helianthus tuberosus

Jerusalem Artichokes are also known as Sunchokes, Sunroot, Topinambour, Topinambur, Girasol, Girasole or Earth Apples

Jerusalem artichokes, not related to the domestic artichoke belongs to the Compositae or Asteraceae family which includes asters, daisies and sunflowers. It was once cultivated extensively throughout North America. The Jerusalem artichoke is a 5-10 foot tall upright hearty perennial plant with yellow flowers 2-3 inches in diameter, 4-8 inch long hairy leaves and thick, hairy stems. Jerusalem Artichoke tubers can be eaten raw, boiled or baked like potatoes and were used as survival food by Native America Indians. It grows wild in the fields or along streams but Jerusalem artichokes are a wonderful domesticated medicinal vegetable in any home garden.

The sunchoke, as they are also commonly called, looks like a knobby, odd-shaped root similar to a ginger root. The firm, crisp tubers are low in starch and taste a bit like water chestnuts. Some say that the Jerusalem Artichoke has a sweet, nutty flavor.

Medicinal Uses of Jerusalem Artichoke: Jerusalem artichokes have historically been used as a dietary supplement for people suffering from diabetes and other pancreatic complaints to reduce blood sugar levels and minimize the need for insulin.

Jerusalem Artichokes and Glycemic Index: Unlike the potato where its starch breaks down to glucose affecting blood sugar, the Jerusalem Artichoke is high in inulin which only breaks down to fructose in the colon. As a result, they have a very low glycemic index and barely affect blood sugar levels. They are also high in the prebiotic FOS (Fructo Oligo Saccharide) which helps to build good gut flora and to balance yeast in the body and gut.

Note: I often find that prebiotics work better than probiotics, especially for those with diabetes or chronic yeast infections. Prebiotics (as contained in the skin of apples and in the Jerusalem artichoke) feed the probiotic bacteria and help to correct gut dysbiosis over time.

Inulin, the carbohydrate found in Jerusalem artichokes, is counted as a prebiotic because it is not readily digestible. Inulin is different from insulin but perhaps mimicks it. Historically, the effects of inulin on humans include the relief of constipation, lowering of blood glucose levels, improvement of calcium absorption, reduction of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and the inhibition of the growth of various kinds of cancer. 

Nutritional Information on Jerusalem Arichokes: One cup of Jerusalem artichokes contains 109 calories. Jerusalem artichokes are a good source of fiber, FOS, inulin, thiamin, phosphorus, potassium and iron. They are low in saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium.

The Edgar Cayce Readings: In many readings given by Edgar Cayce, the famous sleeping prophet (,  it was recommended to consume a piece of Jerusalem artichoke, “about the size of a hen’s egg”,  twice or more per week and sometimes even a little with every meal for the prevention or treatment of diabetes.  It was often recommended that one of these servings be eaten raw and the other cooked in Patapar Paper (I checked and you can find this on ). You were to not eat the skin, but mash the juices with the pulp and eat them together always with a meal. He recommended digging the tubers as needed directly from the ground so they were as fresh as possible. He also advocated refraining from foods that create more sugar (excess starches and sweets) for these particular patients but did say that a little honey could be taken occasionally.

How to prepare the Jerusalem Artichoke: “When cooked, prepare as you would a boiled potato; not boiled too much, but sufficient that it crumbles, – and keep the juices of same in same.  Hence, cook in Patapar Paper.  This may be given with a little salt, no pepper, and not too much butter.  Butter should not be taken in any quantity, though a little for seasoning vegetables is better than the fats or oils, see?”   (2007-1)

Asks a patient receiving a reading from Edgar Cayce: “(Question) Should I make the Jerusalem artichoke a part of my diet all year round? (Answer)  It is better that this be taken occasionally; that is, take it for five or six weeks, and then leave off for a like period.  It is more effective when taken in this manner.”   (2772-3)

And in another reading: “Before beginning the artichokes, be sure to have at least two adjustments osteopathically; one of a general nature, one of a specific nature, in the areas of the 6th, 7th and 8th dorsal, where there has been a weakness.  And then continue these treatments sufficiently to make the corrections needed in those areas.  For, these weaknesses in the spine also account for – with the reflex activity upon the pancreas – the heaviness across the small of the back, and through the upper portion of the limbs.  If these adjustments are carried out, though, we find that corrections will be made.”   (2578-1)

To read more about Edgar Cayce and his treatments for diabetes, go to:

Uses for Jerusalem Artichokes

Note: If a little is good, a lot is NOT better (as I tell my clients often in my practice for using any natural supplements and special foods). If you eat too much Jerusalem artichoke in its raw form it can cause lots of stinky gas so I’ve read. Scrub them well before consuming. Some feel there is no need to peel them but Edgar Cayce suggests not eating the skin.  If you are new to eating Jerusalem Artichokes, it would be prudent to start out slowly and work up to a larger volume over a period of several days. 

Where to Purchase Jerusalem Artichoke Varieties and Tubers: 

Varieties of Jerusalem Artichokes include: Mommoth French White, French White Improved, Stampede, Fuseau, and  Red Fuseau

The easiest way I’ve found to start a patch of Jerusalem Artichokes is to either order them from a seed company (some are listed below) if you know what variety you want to try or to get a few tubers from a fellow gardener. You can also purchase them by the pound from your local grocery store (you may have to place a special order for this and you may not know which variety you are getting). 

Jerusalem artichokes are sometimes seen in the produce area during the fall and winter months but they don’t have a long shelf life so in your own garden you’ll want to dig them up as you need them. 

Some catalogues that carry Jerusalem Artichoke tubers are: 

How to plant Jerusalem Artichokes:Although Jerusalem artichokes are better adapted to cooler climates, they can be grown all over the United States. We live in Zone 5 and they grow great here.  For best results, plant as you would potatoes in fertile sandy loams or well-drained river bottoms located in full sun. Planting should be early in the spring, when the soil can be satisfactorily worked. Choose tubers, about 2 ounces in size and with 2 or 3 prominent eyes and plant them 3-5 inches deep, every 12-24 inches in rows 30-42 inches apart. Do not allow cut seed pieces to dry before planting. 

Once shoots emerge, spread one inch of rough compost on top and mulch with 6-8 inches of straw. Later planting results in reduced yields but you should get a good crop the year after. 

The plant flowers between July and October. Jerusalem Artichokes grow up to 10 feet tall and they do spread, so you may want to develop a permanent bed for them. Be aware that dogs, hogs, pigs and even cats may dig them up to eat them. The 4 inch, 2-3 inch long tubers form in August and are ready to harvest as early as 90 days after planting.

Insects, Pests and Diseases affecting Jerusalem Artichokes: Slugs and snails like the leaves and stems. Root maggots can sometimes infest the tubers, but not often. Blights and fungus can affect plants, especially in wet, humid weather.

Harvesting Jerusalem Artichokes: The crop should not be harvested until after frost for best flavor and highest inulin concentration but they are available for eating right from the ground where they can be freshly dug in the fall, winter and spring months. Tubers dug later in the season are sweeter but have less inulin. Tops should be cut off (I’ve read you can use a lawn mower) after it frosts. 

Since it is nearly impossible to harvest all the tubers in a field or garden, there will be a large number of volunteer plants the following spring. Isn’t that great?

Storage of Jerusalem Artichokes:

Whenever possible, store the artichokes in the ground.  Otherwise, you may be able to keep them in the refrigerator in a jar of peat moss or potting soil.  Storing them in the refrigerator diminishes the inulin and nutritional potency.

The skin of Jerusalem artichoke is very thin. Care should be taken in handling to avoid skinning, cuts and bruises. The skin is also susceptible to rapid moisture loss so the crop should be put in storage immediately after harvest. Cold storage facilities should have high humidity (85 to 95% relative humidity) and a temperature near 32 0F. Under these conditions, tubers can be kept for several months. If the tubers are to be washed, fresh water sanitized with bleach should be used.

I have not had the ability to use Jerusalem Artichokes in my practice because they are not readily available in the grocery stores but I do like the flavor and always try to keep a patch growing for our family and to share with clients. I have often recommended that my clients dedicate a small part of their yard to growing them. I am assuming that it is necessary to monitor insulin levels in the diabetic who decides to add them to their supplement protocols. We wouldn’t want you to have an insulin overdose!

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment.  Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in this article. 

References and helpful Links

The Zone Diet involves learning how to balance and maintain the hormones generated by the foods we eat.  Everyone is not genetically the same. Excess insulin production makes our blood sugar fall too quickly, which makes us tired, fatigued and hungry for more carbohydrates.  If we are in balance, then our pancreas handles the carbohydrates we eat perfectly. Our ability to process carbohydrates is partially tied to our genetics. Besides causing diabetes, increased insulin levels affect your mood, brain power, concentration, blood pressure, the heart, speeds the aging process aging and accelerates arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic diseases such as breast cancer. Adequate protein as advocated in the Zone Diet insures a strong immune system so that you will resist infections. 

Eating in the Zone eliminates carbohydrate cravings by stabilizing insulin levels. 

The best predictor of heart disease is not high cholesterol and not high blood pressure but elevated levels of insulin. For most of the population, it’s easy to see in a mirror if you have elevated insulin levels because you’ll be shaped like an apple. Some people though, need a blood test to measure lipid levels. If your triglycerides are higher than 150 and your HDL cholesterol is less than 35mg/dl you are producing too much insulin. 

Excess insulin activates a hormone system that promotes sodium retention so eating too much salt when you are a pre or diabetic can make your blood pressure go up. 

Just like taking your medicines on time, eating at specific times of the day in The Zone is critical in keeping your insulin levels stable. In my own practice I’m really surprised when I hear that diabetics and pre-diabetic patients skip meals. Dr. Sears recommends three meals and two snacks each day. The snack before bedtime is very important to keeping your insulin levels balanced for that morning blood test and it’s also important to ensure that your brain receives the proper brain sugar during the sleep stage. 

By eating in the Zone (if you’re doing it correctly) you won’t feel hungry, fatigued or deprived of foods. The body will have extraordinary levels of vitamins and minerals and the perfect amounts of fats.  To accomplish this you must use grains and starches as you would condiments though—in  moderation.

I think the easiest way to entice you into the Zone is to address some frequently asked questions. It seems that when my clients read the book they just don’t get it. It is easier to work with someone who has done the program for sure, but Dr. Sears also has a large supportive website that has all kinds of tools to help you get on your way. See his site at , but, here’s the quick start: 

First, take your plate and divide it into three sections. On one-third of the plate put some type of low-fat protein that is no bigger or thicker than the palm of your hand. 

Then fill the other two-thirds of the plate until it is overflowing with fruits and vegetables. Then add a small amount of monounsaturated fat like olive oil, slivered almonds or guacamole. That’s just about it. Now pick out 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 5 dinners and keep rotating them until you get the hang of it. 

Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day and start walking. Thirty minutes four times/week for starters. 

That’s about it. Now let’s address some of those questions you may have. 

FAQ’s and Tips for eating in the Zone: 

How will I know if I’m “In the Zone?”  First eat your meal. Then, four hours later, ask yourself two questions:

  1. Are you hungry? (No) and
  2. Do you have good mental focus? (Yes) 

Then your meal was balanced and in the Zone. 

On the other hand, if you have good mental focus but you are hungry, you’ve had too much protein relative to carbohydrate. Your insulin is low so the brain is telling your body to eat again to get some brain sugar generated. 

If you’ve eaten too many carbohydrates relative to protein you’ll be hungry but have brain fog and decreased mental focus. 

Lack of hunger, no sugar cravings, and good mental focus is a good indicator that you’re ”In the Zone”. 

What’s involved in the Zone Diet? It involves eating carbohydrates, proteins and fats in balanced blocks which helps control insulin levels in the body. There are 9 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of protein and 3 grams of fats for each balanced set of blocks. The glycemic index is not as important as the glycemic load. With a balanced glycemic load the insulin is released very slowly and continuously into the system to digest the foods that you eat. It uses complex carbohydrates such as grains, starches, pasta, breads which are all high-density carbohydrates in moderation and which are easy to overeat. Eating low-density, low glycemic load carbohydrates like fresh fruits and vegetables make it virtually impossible to overeat. In addition their fiber content slows the entry rate of carbohydrates into the bloodstream thus controlling insulin levels. Unfavorable, high-density carbs are limited to not more than 25% of the total carb grams in a meal. 

Timing is critical to stay in the zone: You’ll need to eat three meals and two snacks each day to be in the Zone. A balanced meal should last your body about 4-6 hours whereas a snack will maintain insulin levels for 2-2 ½ hours before you’ll need to eat again. No more than 5 hours should elapse before you’ll need to eat another meal or snack during waking hours and it’s essential that you eat within one hour of waking and not forget the afternoon and late-night snacks. The meals should be eaten, whether you’re hungry or not, to stay in the Zone.

Isn’t’ this a high-protein diet? One common negative thing said about the Zone diet is that it is a high-protein diet. Dr. Sears explains that it is a protein-adequate diet and that it is not safe to eat high protein diets.  The Zone recommends 75 grams of protein for the adult woman and about 100 grams for the adult male each day. 

Can’t I just cut back on calories? Calories are not as important as the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Studies have shown that just cutting back on calories doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll lose weight. For example if 90% of your calories come from carbohydrates and you don’t control the insulin levels you’ll feel deprived, constantly hungry, fatigues and eventually you fill fail and binge. That doesn’t happen with the Zone diet because is a hormonally controlled program that maintains adequate levels of sugar to the brain.

How long will it be before I see results? Two to three days with a weight loss of fat of about 1 to 1 ½ pounds per week. Fast weight loss usually has to do with water loss when you use other diet plans. 

Won’t eating that much protein give me osteoporosis and kidney problems?  The grams of protein is both adequate and also spread throughout the day. Research indicates that women who eat more protein per day have 70% fewer hip fractures than those who eat less than 75 grams per day. There is no evidence that eating the recommended amounts of protein will cause kidney failure. 

I’m not overweight. Why should I be on the Zone? Because it’s a lifelong hormonal control program. It is the only program which has demonstrated the reversal of the aging process. Although originally developed for cardiovascular patients, it has been extensively tested on world-class athletes as well. 

Will a liquid meal (like a smoothie with protein powder) in the correct ratio get me into the Zone? A liquid meal has a much greater surface area than solid food so the digestion rate of nutrients into the bloodstream can’t be controlled and often happens too quickly which imbalances the hormones. Dr. Sears doesn’t talk about this but I’ve learned that saving part of your calories to chew on will help slow down this process. He does discuss that eating polyunsaturated fats (like nuts) will slow down the entry rate of carbohydrates into the blood sugar. We have some Zone-balanced shakes and snacks listed in the website for you. 

What if I make a mistake or go overboard? We all make mistakes. Just get back on track with your next meal or snack and things will work out fairly quickly. 

How will the Zone diet affect taking my medications and supplements? Any change in your diet (for better or worse) will affect the metabolism of the drugs or supplements you are taking. Working with a doctor who knows about the Zone diet will help you minimize and start eliminating those pills that your body no longer needs. Dr. Sears states that you should never change or stop taking your medications without first consulting your physician. A qualified naturopath can help wean you off the supplements that are no longer necessary and get you on a maintenance program that is safe for your body’s needs. 

Gee, I feel like I have more energy. What exercise should I be doing? If you haven’t done any exercise for years then a 30-minute brisk walk is a great way to start recommends Dr. Sears. He says that 80% of your ability to control insulin will come from the diet and 20% from exercise. And if you’ve read Dr. D’Adamo’s book, Eat Right 4 Your Type you’ll notice that walking is a great exercise for all blood types. 

I get confused when it comes to the difference between proteins and carbohydrates. Are there any simple rules to help me when I shop? Dr. Sears answer is, “Protein moves around (or at least once did) and carbohydrates come from the ground in the form of grains (pasta, brads, cereals), vegetables and fruit.” As a general rule, stick to the outside edges of the store when you shop where you’ll find fresh produce, meats, salad bars and the deli. Anything down the center isles is refined and packaged and is a surefire way to increase insulin levels and knock you out of the Zone. 

How can I stay on a diet when I don’t like to cook? It’s a statement I get often but it seems on the Zone or Blood Type diet you don’t really have to cook things made of recipes.  As a matter of fact anything that’s been processed usually has lots of calories, is bereft of nutrients and has too much fat and sodium in it. And if you eat out? Minimize that to once a week. Dr. Sears does have some restaurant suggestions in his book for eating out in the Zone. 

Isn’t it best to stay away from fats? It takes fat to burn fat sometimes. And we normally get too many saturated fats in our diets. So, the fats in nuts, olives and oils help dissolve the harder fats and make our cell walls more supple. This helps us because we can move more freely and it also helps us get rid of pain caused from hard fat build-up. 

Can I cheat occasionally? The Zone Diet is not restrictive and doesn’t require perfect attention. After you get the hang of it Dr. Sears recommends that you cheat with a big porky meal once a month or so like a big bowl of pasta or Mexican food. When you do this you’ll feel it the next day and then understand how good eating in the Zone actually is for your mental and physical bodies. 

What kinds of dis-eases have been helped with the Zone? Dr. Sears writes about success stories from people with MS, clinical long-term depression, men with high PSA levels, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, inflammation of the liver, chronic pain, and arthritis. Michael and I have personally seen about 85 ecstatic people on the Zone diet who told fantastic stories of how they went off several of their medications.  

Is the Zone diet just a fad? The Zone diet is a tried and true lifelong hormonal control program and has been around since 1995. It works. Try it. 

Ask Dr. Moffat: 

Denice: My granddaughter has always had an itching problem on her back, arms and sides. When she goes to bed at night she always wants her back scratched and you can hardly do it fast enough or hard enough. I was reading that excessive itching can be related to kidney disease.  Any thoughts on that?  Love, Edna
Dear Edna: The itching may be an indication that she has diabetic tendencies as being ticklish is often an early sign of insulin imbalances (I don’t know why physiologically though.)

I’m testing that’s not it a kidney imbalance. 

Hi Denice.  Well, my surgery date is set for Dec. 17th.  I just spoke to my doctor’s assistant to set up pre and post op appointments.  She has told me that I must stop ALL supplementation one month before surgery.  No vitamins, minerals etc.  I’m not sure why this has to happen, but I guess I will have to do it.  So this means I need to get onto the Cal Ma plus right away, right?  I need to know how much you would like me to take.  Or even if it will do any good if I must stop one month prior to surgery. Betty 

Dear Betty: This sounds like an aggressive and needless scare tactic Betty. You need to ask them WHY. Don’t just follow mindlessly. Question authority. If the supplements are balancing out your body and helping with the diabetes aren’t you putting your LIFE in danger by not taking them? Your supplements are helping to balance out your insulin highs and lows (along with the Zone Diet you are currently on) Why not just give up food then as it has nutrition in it too? You really need to know. Make them tell you. It’s not like you’re doing a hit and miss program you know. You are being professionally supervised. Take 2/day of the Calma Plus to speed the healing from the ankle surgery starting one week prior to the bone surgery and for three weeks after. D

Ok Denice.  I called and heard back right away.  Colleen has told me that they want a discontinuation of any supplement that causes thinning of the blood.  Apparently they have had some huge problems with folks taking natural sups without a doctor’s guidance and then having blood loss issues. Betty 

Betty: Just as I suspected. OK, discontinue your Fish Oil a month before surgery as it does thin the blood. Your other supplements are perfect for your body and you should continue to take them although you may to discontinue them during your hospital stay—which should only be a couple of days, and they’ll be monitoring your blood glucose there and correcting for challenges anyway. Let me know when you go in and I’ll send you a dose of healing energy during my morning meditation as well. Good luck! Denice 

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life 

Fry that virus out with a 20 minute sauna!

Lots of people write to me alarmed because they have a fever. In actuality most times this is the body’s way of getting rid of damaging viruses. I read this month an article that said that DNA viruses can’t replicated if the body’s core temperature is over 101 degrees. This is why humans and all warm-blooded mammals produce a fever when infected by viruses. Of course if the body temperature is too high for too long it can cause other health concerns like seizures. And infants are more susceptible. Fevers that are due to infection rarely top 106 degrees F. For more info on this and when to call the doctor, a good webpage to read is:  

So think twice before reaching for that bottle of Nyquil, Aspirin or other cold and flu remedies that reduce fevers. If you don’t have a sauna available I’ve been recommending a hot 20-minute bath. My recipes for Chicken Soup, Cold and Flu drink, Potassium Broth and the Hot/Cold Alternating soak techniques have also been helpful especially if you all don’t have the Viral and Bacterial Immune System Stimulator homeopathic drops which work for most of what you’ll catch.


The Handbag (Thanks to Debbie D. for sending this tip taken from the internet):

Have you ever noticed girls who set their handbags on public toilet floors, then go directly to their dining tables and set it on the table? Happens a lot! It’s not always the ‘restaurant food’ that causes stomach distress. Sometimes ‘what you don’t know will hurt you’!

Read on.  Mom got so upset when guests came in the door and plopped their handbags down on the counter where she was cooking or setting up food. She always said that handbags are really dirty, because of where they have been.

It’s something just about every woman carries with them. While we may know what’s inside our handbags, do you have any idea what’s on the outside? Women carry handbags everywhere; from the office to public toilets to the floor of the car. Most women won’t be caught without their handbags, but did you ever stop to think about where your handbag goes during the day?

‘I drive a school bus, so my handbag has been on the floor of the bus a lot,’ says one woman. ‘On the floor of my car, and in toilets.’ ‘I put my handbag in grocery shopping carts and on the floor of the toilet,’ says another woman ‘and of course in my home which should be clean.’

We decided to find out if handbags harbor a lot of bacteria. We learned how to test them at Nelson Laboratories in Salt Lake (, and then we set out to test the average woman’s handbag.

Most women told us they didn’t stop to think about what was on the bottom of their handbag. Most said at home they usually set their handbags on top of kitchen tables and counters where food is prepared. Most of the ladies we talked to told us they wouldn’t be surprised if their handbags were at least a little bit dirty. It turns out handbags are so surprisingly dirty, even the microbiologist who tested them was shocked.

Microbiologist Amy Karen of Nelson Labs says nearly all of the handbags tested were not only high in bacteria, but high in harmful kinds of bacteria. Pseudomonas can cause eye infections, staphylococcus aurous can cause serious skin infections, and salmonella and e-coli found on the handbags could make people very sick.

In one sampling, four out of five handbags tested positive for salmonella, and that’s not the worst of it. ‘There is fecal contamination on the handbags’ says Amy. Leather or vinyl handbags tended to be cleaner than cloth handbags, and lifestyle seemed to play a role. People with kids tended to have dirtier handbags than those without, with one exception. The handbag of one single woman who frequented nightclubs had one of the worst contamination of all. ‘Some type of feces, or possibly vomit’ says Amy.

So the moral of this story is that your handbag won’t kill you, but it does have the potential to make you very sick if you keep it on places where you eat.

Use hooks to hang your handbag at home and in toilets, and don’t put it on your desk, a restaurant table, or on your kitchen counter top.

Experts say you should think of your handbag the same way you would a pair of shoes. ‘If you think about putting a pair of shoes on your counter tops, that’s the same thing you’re doing when you put your handbag on the counter tops.’ Your handbag has gone where individuals before you have walked, sat, sneezed, coughed, spat, urinated, emptied bowels, etc!

Do you really want to bring that home with you? The microbiologists at Nelson also said cleaning a handbag will help. Wash cloth handbags and use leather cleaner to clean the bottom of leather handbags. 

Denice’s note: I don’t have a purse, but my personal pet gross-out peeve is having to sign my name on that electronic pad with the pen that’s been touched by hundreds of people without being disinfected. Ewwhh! When I ask, “Could you tell me please the last time this pen was disinfected?” the clerk usually looks at me with a blank face. Usually they don’t have anything available to disinfect it with either. Ick, ick, ick. 

Hazards of High Fructose Corn Syrup

Ever think of where that white sugar we use in baking and the food industry comes from? Beets, sugar cane and corn usually. I’m a bit pickier about sugars than most people because I have sulfite allergies and sulfites are produced from beet sugar processing.

Corn syrup processing was developed in the 1970’s and today most Americans get more sugar from corn than they do from sugar cane or beets. This is significant because the majority of Americans are blood type O. Corn for this blood type is one of the core causes of arthritis and diabetes.

According to a food technology expert, two of the enzymes used in making High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), alpha-amylase and glucose-isomerase, are genetically modified to make them more stable. 

Enzymes are actually very large proteins and through genetic modification specific amino acids in the enzymes are changed or replaced so the enzyme’s “backbone” won’t break down or unfold. This allows the industry to get the enzymes to higher temperatures before they become unstable. 

Don’t think that if you are eating all “organic” foods you are safe from this. Once genetic modification gets into a crop of corn, that crop can cross pollinate with other crops. It’s a real mess. 

But there’s another reason to avoid HFCS. Consumers may think that because it contains fructose–which they associate with fruit, which is a natural food–that it is healthier than sugar but this stuff just isn’t healthy! Don’t trust that fructose is from fruit unless you are eating the whole fruit. Even fruit juices off the shelf are much too high in fructose and their live enzymes and most of their vitamins have been inactivated by the processing.  

In one study, male rats given synthetically produced fructose (as a derivative of HFCS) did not reach adulthood. They had anemia, high cholesterol, heart hypertrophy and reproductive under development. Fructose in combination with copper deficiency in the growing animal also interferes with collagen production. People who eat lots of sugar in their diets have a tendency to be copper deficient. 

And all fructose is digested by the liver. Overdosing the liver with sugar can clog up the detoxification process and make the liver fatty which leads to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It’s no wonder people’s cholesterol levels become lower when they incorporate more raw foods into their diet—and cut out processed foods (including dining out).

Messing with Mother Nature does not always bring out the best results. For example ultra pasteurization of milk also changes the backbone of proteins—so much so that the body does not recognize and digest it fully. 

 I often wonder if this genetic modification is not the core cause of auto immune diseases and irritable bowel syndrome.

To read more on this subject, go to: and read The Murky World of High-Fructose Corn Syrup by Linda Joyce Forristal

Client Testimonials:  

Bladder problems better: Hi Dr. D: Mom has laid off all soy products and has had no bladder problems whatsoever. She thinks she can have a Boca burger soon. I said I would stay clear of all of it but?  (Denice’s note: Uh. Yeah. No brainer.) 

Blood work results are better and my doctor is happy. Denice: I got the results from the blood work today…

My doctor was actually pleased about the eating program and the supplements I’m taking. Not that I needed his approval but it’s always nice when MD’s are open to alternatives. Mary

Dear Mary: Wow! I’m impressed! Your anemia should repair now as you are eating foods that build better blood cells. The blood cells take 120 days from bone marrow to blood stream, so the molasses you have been taking recently will pay off down the road in a month or two. 

I think that that is a perfectly acceptable cholesterol value! Everything looks just great. 

When we were in vet school there was no A1C blood sugar test so I had to look that one up.  Always new things to learn. It’s a good thing. (Note: The A1c test and eAG result give a picture of the average amount of glucose in the blood over the last few months. A1c, reported as a percentage, should be in the range of 6-7%. The report for your A1C test also may include an estimated Average Glucose (eAG).Thanks for the great news Mary. Denice 

Healthy Recipes: Vinegar-Free Italian Dressing Recipe 

I’ve been looking for good-tasting salad dressing recipes for quite some time that don’t contain vinegar which blood type O people are allergic to (it causes inflammation and cramping for a lot of us taken in any form.) 

(Thanks to Tonya N. for sharing this one): 

Homemade Vinegar-Free Italian Dressing

Mix together and refrigerate at least an hour before eating. 

I generally just substitute lemon juice in any recipe that calls for vinegar.  Enjoy!  Tonya 

Inspiration & Perspective: 

This one was really cute. As a veterinarian I’d have to say it’s also very true. Enjoy. Thanks to both Monica L and Dr. T for sending the link to me to share. 

From the Universe: (I just love this daily and often have my clients sign up for it.) Here’s an example: 

The agent, the producer, the investors; consultants, lenders, stockholders; customers, clients, fans; friends, lovers, support systems… Denice, they have nothing to do with dreams coming true. They’re simply summoned after someone’s “made up their mind” to the degree that it’s followed by unending action. Same with accidents and coincidences. You see, dreams actually come true (or not), long before they can be seen in time and space. Yeah, ‘mon,     The Universe  

From Findhorn—All I have is yours: Start right now thinking prosperity. See yourselves with all your needs being wonderfully met. Refuse to see yourselves short of anything. You know what  you need, and what is more you know that those needs are being met. Why live on a shoe string when all I have is yours? Why stop the flow of My abundant limitless supply by your limited, constrictive consciousness? When you begin to understand and to accept where everything comes from, when you can give thanks for everything freely and joyously, you will lack nothing, absolutely nothing. You keep the flood gates open so that every need is met at the right time, exactly when you need it. From: Eileen’s Weekly Guidance  Findhorn Foundation 

Conversations with God: This daily was shared by a client. I’ve always got my feelers out there trying to find wonderful, positive resources to keep spirits high. Here’s an example: 

On this day of your life, Denice, I believe God wants you to know… that it is not necessary to “prove yourself” to anyone. 

Do your best. That’s all you can ask of yourself. If you did your best and things just didn’t work out, you don’t owe an apology to anyone. And you certainly don’t need to feel ‘bad’ about it — or, worse yet, guilty. Stop beating yourself up. What happened is what happened. You’re not the ‘villain’ here, I promise. It’s just what happened. And there is a Soul Reason, I promise you. 

Love, Your Friend…. 

To sign up for Neale’s Daily Inspirations go to:

Inspiration and Perspective: Stop Eating Sugar.

A woman once took her small son to see Mohandas Gandhi. They walked many miles, all day and waited a long time to see him. When they finally stood before Gandhi, the woman said, ‘Mahatma, please tell my son to stop eating sugar. He won’t listen to me. Perhaps he’ll listen to you.”

Gandhi thought for a minute then replied, “Come back next week.”

The next week the woman and the boy repeated their long journey, again stood in line to speak to the great man. “Remember me?” she said. I asked you to tell my son to stop eating sugar.” Gandhi turned to the boy and said, “Stop eating sugar.” The woman lost it. “Why couldn’t you just tell him that last week! Do you know how far we walked, how long we waited?!”

Gandhi answered, “Last week I was still eating sugar myself.”

Gandhi said, “We must be the change we wish to see.” If we want to change the boy, we must stop eating sugar ourselves.

What’s New at Our House? 

Michael is a flower farmer now. He loved the water business but it was commission work and he’s not a hard-sell kind of salesman. So we finally sat down and added up the figures and determined that the best use of his time and our funds would be to have fun growing things to sell and eat. It takes us closer to our goal of becoming self-sufficient and he gets to tinker around the farm, do fun things outside and watch things grow. These are things that bring us both large amounts of joy. We purchased a couple of great books on growing flowers and vegetables with hoop houses and row covers and are experimenting with extending the growing season in our Zone 5 area. 

This month we woke up to Elk bugling and Michael ran into a black bear while posting no hunting signs just before the season started. We’ve been hearing the turkeys call all summer long. We heard a thump on the house last month so went out to see what was up and noticed that a grouse had permanently disabled itself as it flew into the house. We decided it must have been a gift from God so had it for dinner. It was rather tough. I’ll have to figure out how best to cook wild meat in the future. 

We’ve spent a few busy months putting up about 800 linear feet of fence, clearing an acre of land in preparation for track hoe and bobcat work in preparation for our startup nursery. My brother gave us a huge gift by donating a week’s track hoe labor to clear and level two 45’ by 120’  pads (which will eventually house unheated greenhouses), rearranging the center of our turnaround, digging up massive areas of roots and sod in the blueberry patch and side yards, flattening holding areas around the barn and building roads to the pads. Michael worked a rented Bobcat and they had quite the operation going all week long digging and scooping dirt and excavating huge tree stumps. We’ve burned several piles of slash each as big as a small house so far and we’ve barely started the cleanup project for our acreage. 

I’ve figured out I can dig a 2 ½ foot deep post hole in 6 minutes at certain times of the year, but when the ground dries out a bit you need an augar. We rented a motorized one which was too big and weighed about 80 pounds one weekend to complete the last 35 postholes for this season. It took the both of us to handle the monster. We’d gotten 32 holes finished, grunting and complaining how hard it was the entire time when Michael said for the hundredth time, 

 “Stop pushing it my way!”  

“I’m not pushing it. YOU’RE pushing it!” I’d yell.

“You’re killing me!” he finally yelled over the roar of the engine.

“Quit being such a baby!” I yelled back. (Gee, I never say things like that. I think I was so tired I just lost it!) 

What a job! There were a few holes that we couldn’t drill so we’ll build compost bins to hold the fence up in those places. We don’t have many rocks around here or we’d make gabions. It was 90 degrees out all day long that day. We finally got that section of the fence completed, but I don’t think we’ll be renting that machine again any time in the near future. Too hard on the body. 

I think Michael’s caught my composting fever because he now slams on the brakes as we drive down Moscow streets as he whoops out, “black bags!” We’ve hauled in over 400 bags of leaves and 30 loads of various manures to incorporate into our silty-clay newly cleared patches of dirt. Good soil takes time to build but we’re highly motivated. Two loads of horse manure contained what we farmers call composting gold—red wiggler worms. That was quite a find. We’ve dispersed the worm load into 1920 square feet of straw bale beds which will become 320 cubic yards of rich compost in 2011 if everything goes as planned. 

Meanwhile we’ve planted strawberries, asparagus, Batik iris, baby’s breath, sweet peas, delphinium, gladiolas, Siberian Iris, Asclepius, garlic, daffodils, veronicas and three types of Echinacea for starters. We’ll have to put up some more fencing next year to protect the annual cut flower and vegetable gardens but one can only accomplish so much work in a gardening season. Many a night we were out in the yard watering and doing last minute pickups until after 9pm. We’re still amazed at the beautiful sunsets and sunrises here. My brother Jerry says it would make a sunrise for his new favorite show Sunrise Earth which is produced by the Discover Channel ( Just spectacular. 

Chicken Hill—“A Gated Community” as my brother now calls the chicken pen is also looking good. We’ve got about a city lot mostly cleared and fenced and the girls have spent the entire summer running around and scratching the area in search of bugs. Michael put up a large covered area for them so they will have a place to go now with the snow on the ground because they don’t like going out into that white stuff. It also serves as shelter for when the eagles, owls and hawks come around. We lost two birds to them this year so now when the girls hear anything screeching they all run for the cover and race into the hen house. They stay there about 20 minutes then come out to play again. Next year we’re going to get a few ducks as they like slugs better than the chickens. And we hear that turkeys do a great job of eating grasshoppers. Those were the worst this year. Ahh the life of a farmer. . . 

Now that winter is here and snow is on the ground I’ll do a better job of adding more information to the website. We’re just having SO much fun working towards our goal of becoming as self-sufficient as possible. Our next goal is to save up for a tractor and plastic for the temporary hoop-houses. Although we’ve done some pretty amazing work this year with two contractor wheelbarrows and a couple of shovels and an adze, our bodies are a little worse for the wear and my shoveling foot feels like it’s getting some minor arthritic pain. I’ve been told I need to get a pair of Georgia work boots. 

Local Events: 

Becky Rousseau of the Wholeness Center in Clarkston, WA will teach Energetic Healing Methods and Kinesiology in a workshop December 11th (7-9), 12th (9:30-5:30), and 13th (10-5). Learn how to clear energy patterns from this and other lifetimes that affect health and release fears and blockages preventing you from experiencing your lives in more harmonious, fulfilling and peaceful ways. Each person will receive two or more healings during the workshop, learn how to ask questions using Kinesiology (muscle testing), and how to connect with Spiritual and Elemental Helpers to help you determine which supplements and sources to choose for optimal health. We will assist participants in releasing darkness from their bodies so that they can bring in more light and use more of their God given abilities to stay in line with their higher purposes here on earth. The cost is $500 for the weekend, and needs to be paid for by the 6th of December by check or credit card. Workshop limited to 10 people.  Call Becky at 509-758-6558. 

That’s it for this Month!

Be Healthy.  Denice

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Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1993. She has a content-rich website at and free newsletter.

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