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The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle

Book (c) 2001 by Dr. Todd Michael (alias Michael Abrams), Reviewed by Dr. Denice Moffat

I have always been an advocate of mentoring.

Initially, it was hard to ask if someone would be my mentor, but as I’ve learned, “If you don’t ask, the answer is always no,” so we now have a lot of power hitters on our mentoring team. When one of them recommends a book, we buy the book and read it.

One recommended book was by Dr. Michael Abrams (pen name) real name Dr. Todd Michael. My husband Michael and I took this book seriously. We made collages of each miracle summarizing the steps and choose pictures to key them into our minds. As you can see after reading the book, you can adapt it to any area of your life.

We sit and read our collages in the morning while we are drinking our coffee, visualizing and working the steps to make our lives a legacy of service.

It was a great book about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect specifically dealing with examining the bible passage Matthew 14: 13-23—the story of how Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes.

Here is the King James Version passage for your review:

So, how did he do that I wondered? Can WE actually make miracles happen? Well, in another passage Jesus said, “You can and do these things and greater still.” So, let’s get to it and apply the principles to making health happen.

This is a summary of the steps in Dr. Michael’s book, The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle. I’ve got to tell you that this book changed my life and I hope it changes yours. Highly recommended. Enjoy.

Step 1. Emptiness—the Action Steps:

Step 2.  Maximizing:

Step 3.  Asking:

Step 4.  Alignment:

Step 5.  Giving:

Step 6.  Grounding:

Step 7.  Restoring the Vision:

Step 8.  Gratitude:

Step 9.  Acting As If:

Step 10.  Engaging the Cycle:

Step 11.  Receiving:

Step 12.  Recycling:

I urge you to read my expanded version which details Dr. Michael’s concepts and gives some examples from my own practice on how miracles can be made in the area of health. We highly recommend the book and know you’ll love it.


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