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Inappropriate Elimination Questionnaire

Questionnaire for Cats with

Inappropriate Elimination Disorders

Help us to help you with the least amount of time and funds spent for the both of us. Inappropriate elimination is a big and annoying problem. The sooner we get to the core cause the happier your household will be. 

Environment: Floor plan:  Please draw a map of your home to bring to your appointment– include: 

  1. All screen doors, inside doors, and front and back doors
  2. Locations of all litter boxes, (assign each a number) exact dimensions of each litter box, and whether or not each or any of the boxes is covered.
  3. Include locations of washer and dryer, and any furniture in the vicinity of the litter box(es).
  4. Indicate which windows or doors give your cat(s) visual access to the outside.
  5. Indicate all areas where you have discovered inappropriate urination or defecation occurring. Note whether this is occurring on a flat surface (carpeted area, throw rug, tile or hardwood floor, clothes on the floor, plastic on the floor), or on a horizontal surface (the wall, inside of a door).
  6. Indicate which portions of the house each cat “hangs out in” most frequently and if these areas are on elevated surfaces (cat trees, window sills, countertops, etc.)
  7. Indicate locations of all cat food bowls. 

 Use the following keys to indicate location of each of the following: 

Medical and General History:  

How many cats are in your home? Ages? (See multi cat household questions below).

History of Inappropriate Elimination

Owner Awareness


Litter Box Behavior: 

Describe your cat’s behavior in the litter box.  

Elimination behavior: 

Litter Box Section

Kitty Litter Substrate:  

Multi Cat households: 

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