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Yeast Tactics

Yeast Tactics 1

Yeast and Yeast Treatments:

Statistics and facts about Yeast:

Complaints associated with vaginal yeast include intense severe itching, redness of the external area of the vagina, cheesy and sometimes sweet-smelling discharge, burning, irritation, and even intercourse pain.

Hormonal changes, antibiotic use, illness, stress, parasite infections and other factors can upset the vaginal ecosystem, causing yeast cells to grow more rapidly than normal.

Men can contract a yeast infection if they have unprotected sexual with a partner who has a yeast infection. If both partners are not treated, they can keep re-infecting each other. Let me tell you, this is a real bummer. Men may develop genital irritation and genital itching, especially if they are uncircumcised, but usually there is no discharge.

Cancer many times has what we call “mutated yeast” as one of its core causes. What naturopaths mean by mutated is that the yeast is not a visible and obvious symptom in the body (like a vaginal yeast infection). This mutated yeast has penetrated the circulatory system and lies quietly in the entire body. Getting rid of this can be very traumatic. That is why we sometimes need to focus on detoxification and rebuilding programs so that the body will be strong enough for a yeast “die-off”. This is also why we often have to use several products in sequence to get the yeast under control and why the yeast diets are so hard to stick with. When the yeast divide, they need simple sugar. If you are not eating simple sugars the craving for them can be intense.

Some naturopaths also believe that the yeast carries in viruses and may be carried into the body itself by parasites.

The first step in getting your yeast under control is to identify that you have it. The charts below list symptoms of yeast in the different organ systems of the body and how to treat it using both natural and “real drug” treatments. This is one of those diseases where it would be very helpful to have an expert’s opinion. I feel it is money well spent to find out what the core cause of your yeast situation is so that you can rectify them. Patience is a key, here. Treating yeast takes time.

Fasting is a great way to get a jump on controlling yeast, but you will want to do this under supervision (at least phone supervision) if you have never done a “water only” five-day fast. There are some contraindications to fasting. Review the Fasting Handout


Thrush (also called mycotic stomatitis and white mouth)–Yeast (candida) of the mucous membranes in children especially in the mouth and diaper area. The yeast form white spots that are raw underneath and not easily wiped off.

Candida–The common yeast in the skin, mouth, gut and vagina.

Aspergillosis–Yeast in the ear, nose and lungs. Aspergillus molds are common also in corn, peanuts, grains, dried and salted beef, cheeses, manure, and soil. If you are allergic to penicillin, this may be associated with Aspergillus sensitivities (yeast infections).

Monilia–Former name of candida.  Moniliasis is the term commonly used in medical records signifying yeast in the vagina.

Trichophyton (also known as ringworm)–Monilia yeast attacking the skin, nails and hair.

Yeast in food is known by the names–Yeast, yeast autolyzates, yeast extract, yeast malt sprout extract, tortula yeast, brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast.

Some Common Signs of Yeast:

Signs of Yeast in the Gastrointestinal Tract (gut):

Signs of Yeast in the Respiratory Tract:

Signs of Yeast in the Skin:

Signs of Yeast Surrounding Menstrual Cycles:

Signs of Yeast in the Musculoskeletal system:

Signs of Yeast in the Nervous system:

Natural Treatments for Yeast:

Treating yeast is tough, because many times the man and woman pass yeast back and forth from one to another. It can be harbored in the vaginal tract and in the male urethra or prepuce. When one partner is treated, it is often a temporary fix as that partner just gets reinfected the next time the couple has intercourse. It’s best to treat both partners at the same time.

With as many treatments for yeast on the market, none of them will work unless you can get the load down in your system enough that it doesn’t overpower the other gut flora. Yeast is a part of our normal bowel flora. You can’t ever totally get rid of it, but you can prevent it from controlling your life.

Acidic douches restore the natural pH of the vagina:

Per quart of water. Use every day to treat mild infections, or in combination with other treatments for more severe infections.

Note: Vinegar is not to be used for Blood Type O people as any vinegar is on the Avoid List.

Retention douches made of bentonite clay, Pau D’Arco tea, yogurt, tea tree oil and Goldenseal used as a douche two times a day for seven to 10 days.

Herbs used for Yeast:

Allopathic Medicine “Real drugs” used for yeast:

Note: Some yeast medicines make latex condoms and diaphragms weak and more likely to break. If you use a condom or diaphragm, ask your pharmacist or health care provider which medicine you should use.

To relieve vulvar itching, try making a paste of slippery elm powder and a little water, and then apply as needed. Another option is to keep aloe vera juice in the fridge, and then soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to your vulva as needed.

Note: Slippery elm or aloe will only relieve itching, though, and won’t kill yeast, so they must be combined with an antifungal treatment to really stop the problem.

Causes of Yeast and Factors that may disturb the vagina’s balance include:

Dietary factors influencing and exacerbating yeast:

Foods commonly containing yeast:

Yeast is a fungi that is high in folic acid. Yeast produces enzymes that convert sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Other Rule outs for Yeast Infection:

Ways to prevent yeast infections:


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