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Zypan Test

The Zypan Test, Natural Health Techniques, Dr. Denice Moffat

Standard Process' Zypan tabs.

The Zypan Test:

Zypan Test


Zypan, a supplement made by Standard Process labs, contains betaine hydrochloride, pepsin, and pancreatic enzymes. There are many ways to use Zypan. This is just one way.

I feel that utilizing muscle testing is the best way to see if this product is the best one for you and for figuring out an exact dose for your needs. With that said, the suggested online protocol is to take:

Side Effects of Zypan:

Stomach pain and borborygmus (increased stomach gurgling) may be caused if taking too many Zypan pills to start (especially if you don’t need them or you have a beginning ulcer.) If you have any side effects that you feel uncomfortable with, stop taking the pills—at least until you consult with an educated experienced practitioner.

If you happen to get this product online without the accompanying support that the practitioner is supposed to be giving then  I’d suggest starting out with one tab instead of three and work your way up to 3/meal.

I’ve noticed that many practitioner protocols utilize the protocols suggested by the company which were designed for larger sized people which is why I like to tailor-make programs. We really DO want you to be well and not have you experience any negative side-effects while taking natural protocols because it makes our profession look better! So, if you’re purchasing online and they are not supporting you, please seek out a seasoned practitioner who knows what they are doing. It’s OK to get a second or third opinion too!

Please note that there is a drug out there called Zyban (Note the B) which is used for smoking cessation. This is not the same product as Standard Process Zypan (with a P.)

Helpful Links and References for Zypan:



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