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Bone Broth

Bone broth is stock or broth made from the bones, hooves, knuckles, carcasses and tough meat of chicken, fish or beef.  Hooves, knuckles and heads produce the most gelatin.  Bone broth has been used since the beginning of time for various health concerns such as: cancer, diabetes, digestive problems in babies (when added to their milk), infectious diseases, jaundice, muscle diseases, nurturing the sick, osteoporosis/osteopenia, peptic ulcers, pregnancy, sore throats and tuberculosis.

Chefs prize bone broths as a magic elixir for the best soups and sauces. Meat and fish stocks have been used around the world for all kinds of traditional cuisines. Because we are such a fast-food nation these days, stock has almost disappeared from American eating.

Bone broths contain minerals the body can absorb easily. Not just calcium mind you but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur and other trace minerals. It also contains the broken down components of cartilage and tendons such as chondroitin sulfates and glucosamine—and for much cheaper than you can purchase those products for off the shelves!

Broths made from fish heads and carcasses provide iodine, fat soluble vitamins and thyroid-strengthening substances, but don’t use salmon for bone broths—it becomes rancid with the cooking process.

You can tell when you’re cooking with real, authentic bone broths because the gelatin congeals when it is cold. I don’t remember the broths purchased in boxes these days doing this.(Picture Reference:

Gelatin, not a complete protein as it only contains arginine, proline (good for skin) and glycine (good for digestion) amino acids, acts as a protein sparer. It helps a little meat go a long way nutritionally—especially when spiked with a bit of oil or fat. Francis Pottenger discovered that gelatin is hydrophilic in nature which means that it attracts and holds liquid thus facilitating digestion in the gut. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, often suggested gelatin for serious health concerns given in the form of concentrated bone broths.

I’ve read that battery-raised chickens won’t produce stock that gels these days.  It’s horrible. (Photo of cage-free chickens.)

Battery raised chickens. Awful isn’t it? Imagine the stress!

Broths these days contain some pretty non-healthy things. Scientists have found ways to eliminate the Maillard reaction and just substitute chemicals for the browning step of the process, synthetic flavors are added and MSG is thrown in there to enhance flavors. Hydrolyzed beans and grains provide a meaty flavor. No more minerals with this shortcut.

Human tongues have receptors on them to recognize meat. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) tricks these receptors into thinking the person is tasting meat. A rather intriguing neurotoxin, isn’t it? Bouillon cubes, soup mixes, sauce mixes, condiments and TV dinners all contain MSG in the form of hydrolyzed proteins. You can be sure that “homemade” soups you purchase in most restaurants start with some kind of soup mix containing this stuff.

Glutamic acid is also found in real bone broths but since it is in a natural active left-handed form (L-glutamic acid) this form is liked by the body acting as a precursor to neurotransmitter formation. The synthetic forms (like in MSG) spin in a right-hand spin direction (D-glutamic acid) and are not recognized as healthy so they act in a pathological manner causing nervous over stimulation. Interesting little chemistry lesson for sure and this is why you see single amino acids sold in the health food stores with L- before whatever amino acid in the bottle. These are the forms recognized as safe and usable to the body.

Tips for Making Bone Broth:

Dr. Moffat’s Bone Broth Recipe:

Set the crock pot out on the back porch and turn it on High for the first few hours, then turn it to Low and continue to simmer for 1-3 days. Keep adding water as necessary to maintain the water level. Turn off Crock pot and bring it inside. Cool on counter until you can refrigerate it. Refrigerate and then skim the fat. Glean the meat off of the bones putting it back into the broth and toss the bones. Use the bone broth, meat and disintegrated veggies to add to whatever you’re cooking or dispense in ¼ cup allotments to the dog’s food. Freeze what you don’t use in a few days.

See also Chicken Soup recipe:


Helpful Links and References on Bone Broth:

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