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Cancer Strategies A to Z

Cancer Strategies A to Z 1

Cancer Strategies A-Z

The Core Causes of Cancer:

Cancer is a result of various factors acting on the body to the extreme that the normal mechanisms to keep up with detoxification are no longer working. About 95% of my clients have three or more of the following six factors for an extended period of time before the body has overworked itself so much that too many cells freak out and cancer occurs.

The Top 6 Core Causes which Lead to Cancer Include:

In addition to three or more of the six major factors, other factors can be involved. This list is in the table below. The goal is to ferret out the core factors, eliminate or manage as many factors as possible and allow the body to re-establish a healthy environment so you can overcome the disease and prevent it from occurring again.  Here are the other factors:

Other Core Causes Contributing to Cancer:

 Nutritional Treatment of Cancer

 Herbs/Supplements Used in Cancer Therapy:

Lifestyle Changes and Healing Techniques Utilized in Cancer Therapy:

 Great Reference Materials for Cancer Therapy:

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