The Ron Clark Story

After the class was over the teacher called me back to her desk. She wanted to make sure I had done the reading test correctly (I had) and sat there in silence for a minute before asking, “How was it that she read 2 ½ times faster for you than she has ever read or me or anyone else?” I shrugged my shoulders. (I was thinking, “Because I didn’t label her as slow or stupid and allowed her to believe in herself?)

First Do No Harm Movie

I recommend the movie First Do No Harm for anyone with epilepsy or knowing anyone with epilepsy (human or animals) because adding specific fats to the diet can control and/or greatly reduce the incidence of seizures. After watching this movie, I advised a pet-owner to add a slice of bacon to her dog’s diet each morning. Apparently it did the trick because two years later she saw me at a seminar and came up to thank me for the advice. She had done that for both her dog—and herself! She had not told me that she also had epilepsy.

The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle

Twelve Conditions of a Miracle by Dr. Todd Michael (aka Michael Abrams) is a wonderful book about the Universal Law of Cause and Effect specifically dealing with examining the bible passage Matthew 14: 13-23—the story of how Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. A must-read for any budding metaphysician or seasoned Christian.

Labyrinth Book Review–Walking a Sacred Path

The word maze is frequently used interchangeably with the word labyrinth which is confusing. But, as Dr. Artress explains, the term labyrinth has not been in use for approximately 350 years. Labyrinths have only one well-defined path that leads to the center and back out again. On the other hand, a maze has dead ends and no intersecting paths with a variety of choices. Mazes also can have many entrances and exits and are often constructed of hedges and materials that are higher than the line of vision. Mazes can make people claustrophobic whereas walking a Labyrinth is more of a spiritual adventure.

Untwinned-Book Review

Dr. John James (Chapter 16) concludes that: “losing a twin is one of the most powerful events occurring in the womb.” Even if the loss takes place during the first trimester (when it seems most twins decide to leave) the experience imprints into the physical and emotional development of the baby. He believes that the most effective healing procedure includes accessing in utero feelings and emotions, remembering that you are a twin survivor and forgiving the twin for leaving.

The Findhorn Garden

Peter attended job interview after job interview but turned up nothing in the way of employment. After weeks, months and finally years of interviews Peter was asked to sit before a committee who were trying to figure out why so many healthy, able-bodied people were unable to get work of any kind. Peter was an ex senior officer in the Royal Air force. He had managed a prestigious hotel and had exceptional organizational skills. Why was he not working? After reviewing his thick record, one of the men asked Peter, “Would you say that God is preventing you from getting a job?” Amazed at the man’s understanding, Peter responded, “Why, yes, indeed.” “Then presumably if we cut off your money, God will provide for you,” said the man. And that’s exactly what happened.