Roundworm-Ascarid suum

People working around swine are very susceptible and if vegetables are not washed thoroughly a person can ingest the eggs and be host to the adult worms. A similar organism is found in the clouded leopard and causes subcutaneous abscesses in humans.


Roundworm—Angiostongylus causes Angiostrongyliasis which affects the abdomen but can migrate to the nervous system causing headaches, stiff neck and back, meningitis, seizure and paresthesia. They can also get into the eyes causing vision disturbances. Angiostrongylus is passed by snails, slugs, planaria, fish, land crabs and rats. Make sure you thoroughly wash greens and cook your snails before eating them.

Roundworm-Ancylostoma (Hookworm)

Symptoms include itchy, red serpentine lesions and secondary bacterial infections (from scratching). The soil and sandy beaches get contaminated with feces from infected dogs or cats so sunbathers, fishermen, hunters, gardeners, construction workers, pest exterminators, children and anyone with skin, but one human can pass it to another human as well or from one spot to another area on the same body.


Once thought to be a harmless yeast, Blastocystis hominis a microscopic single-celled protozoal parasite. It behaves like a tiny animal — hunting and gathering other microbes for food—one reason why having a balanced gut flora is important. Healthy gut floras do not support large amounts of parasites. Many protozoa inhabit your gastrointestinal tract and are harmless; others cause disease.