NHT News. Vol. 8 No. 2 Mar 2012

Some people do some. . . I’d say less than ethical marketing. I got an inquiry about a homeopathic kit I was plugging on somebody’s website. After her consult I had her send me the link to this supposed kit. The man’s website actually had MY picture on his home page plugging this homeopathic kit that I had never even heard of! I was listed as his Advisory Board! I’d never heard of this guy. It was shocking! Needless to say I called his “hotline” number and discussed a few things with him. He has removed my photo thank goodness.

NHT News. Vol. 8 No. 1 Jan 2012

Well, that was exciting. The first annual Black Friday Special generated a BUNCH of appointments. It was fun to be booked solid for the month of December. It was also fun to help a lot of people out financially at this time by giving a hefty discount on those consults while still making enough to pay our own bills. I liked it enough to do it again next year. Thanks to all of you who participated by making an appointment or by forwarding the information.

NHT News. Vol. 7 No. 2 Nov 2011

Natural Health Techniques Newsletter Dr. Denice Moffat, Medical Intuitive Volume 7 No. 2 Nov. 2011 Health in the News: Google Alerts What’s New on the Website? Follow us on Facebook! (and Twitter, Linked In and RSS)
Case of the Month: Facial Twitch Product of the Month: Kale—The Wonder Food Media Reviews: (Book) Boundaries: Where You End and I begin. Ask Dr. Moffat: How much raw vs. cooked should I eat? What’s causing these canker sores? Bottom incisors throbbing. Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life: Cell phone use. Resource Guide to Kids Health. The Grecian Garden website. Client Testimonials: Thanks for the referral! Healthy Recipes: Kale Chips
Inspiration & Perspective: Inspiring water filter. Mother with no hands. Now, if you think you have your hands full! Your Bank Account What’s New at Our House? Completed harvest, Adopted new kittens, Getting the place ready for winter, Deary Idaho website

NHT News. Vol. 7 No. 1 July 2011

Holy smokes. . .what’s new? Well, let me tell you. I’ve spent the last 9 months upgrading the website. The search box stopped working over a year ago then, little by little, other things stopped working and it felt like a degrading radioactive isotope. Check out Nick’s fabulous job on my site map! https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/sitemap.htm It took every spare minute, nights and weekends for months at a time to do this project. My goal was to be up and running by mid-March, but that didn’t happen I am sorry to say. It put me way behind on getting out newsletters too as the old program wouldn’t let me update information any longer and the old program wouldn’t work on the new computer. Now I have to double-opt in all of you because the process has taken so long. What a mess. SO happy that it is mostly complete now and that I can see the end of it for a little while anyway (until I put up more handouts that is.)

NHT News Vol. 8 No. 1 Nov. 2012

Book Give Away Contest! I’ve decided to start having more fun in 2012 by spreading the joy of sharing some of the wonderful books we read around here. Blake Mycoskie, founder of www.toms.com is promoting his new book Start Something That Matters. He is sharing his story on how he was inspired to make a difference in the world by selling shoes. For every pair of shoes sold he gives one pair away. He’s given away over a million pairs of shoes to people who didn’t have shoes (see the book review/summary this month.) Blake’s goal in writing the book is to inspire others who want to make a difference. So. . .I’m going to put your name in the hat to win a copy of this book for anybody who sends me an idea for my Random Act of Kindness page this month. We’ll do the book draw at the end of January and I’ll tell you who won in the next newsletter. Then we’ll have another contest. So put your thinking hats on and tell me what somebody has done for you that really kept you going when you were discouraged. I’ll post your stories on the RAK page:https://naturalhealthtechniques.com/tithing-random-acts-of-kindness.htm

NHT News. Vol. 4 No. 4 Aug 2008

I think we’d all find it horrifying to find where these 40+ genetically engineered foods and crops are being sold and to what extent they are already in our food supply. GMO’s include soybeans, corn, potatoes, squash, canola and soy oil, papaya, tomatoes and dairy products. GMO plants account for 27% of all the soybeans grown in the United States and 25% of the corn. (Reference: GMO Risks and Hazards: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence of risk.