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Delegating and Communicating

Delegating and Communicating 1

Brian Tracy’s “Keys to Delegating and Communicating”

Delegating is defined as designating a person to act for or represent another or others. This article helps one to determine how to delegate and communicate effectively for that process. Hopefully you’ll find someone that re-presents you favorably in the way you would like to be portrayed using a series of checks and balances and passing on responsibilities as they are earned.

(From Nightingale Conant Brian Tracy Tape Series)

The major reasons for poor communication:

1.  75% of all working time is spent delegating and communicating.

Not accepting 100% responsibility for being heard (sending information) and for hearing (receiving information).  Take 100% responsibility for everything involving communicating.

There are two forms of communication:

  1. Interpersonal– self talk, thinking through plans.
  2. Interaction with others.

2.  The biggest time waster in a business is poor communication.  Ex. Meetings, talking, incorrect delegation of tasks, misunderstandings.

3.  84% of your success is determined by how well you communicate with others.

A.  One on one is critical to how well you get along with others.

B.  Ability to communicate in meetings or in presentations and in front of people

C.  Written form.  Clearly writing what you are trying to say.

4.  Clarity, clarity, clarity is important.  Involving goals, objectives and priorities.

The keys to clarity include:

A.  Taking time to understand and to be understood.

B. Pay attention to the context and syntax of what people are saying.  You will pick up on things that others miss.

C. Use patience and listen thoroughly.

5.  Poor delegation is a major single challenge.  Delegating the job to the wrong person at the wrong time with the wrong priorities gives the wrong outcome.

6.  Lack of focus.  Fuzzy communication.  Determine when, how, where and what is the best way to focus.

7.  Know priorities.  The 80-20 rule is key here.  Spend 80% of your time on tasks that will give you the benefit. Give out lists of jobs to do and attach a priority rating to it.

8.  Delegation enables you to expand your output from what you can do, to what you can control. It multiplies the value of yourself.

A.  Think through the job first.

B.  Match the correct person with the job.

C.  Discuss and describe the ideal perfect results.

D.  Have the person feed this back to you by saying, “So, this is what you are asking me to do….”

E.  Explain the resources available to that person for completing the task.

F.   Set a deadline.

G.  Set a time for review and inspection of what you expect on a regular basis.

9.  Communicate with your boss.  Ask them what is expected of you.  Be absolutely clear with your tasks and priorities.

A.  Make a list of what you think your jobs/tasks are and take them to your boss and ask them to prioritize it for you.

B.  Ask why you are on the payroll.

C.  Your bosses’ priority must be your priority.

10.  Decision making and problem solving:

A.  Define the problem clearly.  Ask, “What exactly is the problem?”

B.  What are the causes of the problem?  How and why did it occur?

C.  What are all the possible solutions?

D.  What is the BEST possible solution?

E.  Make a decision on what will be done.

F.  Assign responsibility.

G.  Assign a deadlineA decision without a deadline doesn’t get done.

11.  Become solution oriented.  Talk about the solutions, not about the personality conflicts and egos that caused the problem to begin with.  Ask:

A.  What is the solution to the problem?

B.   How do we resolve the problem?

C.  What can we do from here?

12.  Discuss which authority level is involved in all parts of the task.

A.  Command decisions are decisions only you can make.

B.  Consultative decisions is gathering advice from professionals/friends/etc. and acting on that.

C.  Consensus decisions are when a majority rules. Discussing clear authority levels prevents hurt feelings and ego problems.

13.  Delegate everything you possibly can using the 70% rule.

70% rule is asking, “Who can do this job 70% as well or better than I can?” Do not be tempted to take the job you delegated back just because you are stressed.

14.  Networking.  54% of managers that get promoted rapidly are known as great communicators.

15.  Task Focus.  The best conversations are focused on getting the job done. This creates healthy positive relationships.  Stop talking about what other people think, do and feel (gossiping).

16.  Managing vs. operating. Managing is what you can control.  Operating is what you can do personally. The natural tendency is to do what you are comfortable with.  When you do a job well (operate) you are promoted to management positions.  Resist the natural tendency to fall back into the operating mode under stress.

17.  Resist people trying to delegate the job back to you.

18.  Teach other people parts of your job.

19.  Outsource everything you can inside and outside your company.


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