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NHT News Vol. 8 No. 1 Nov. 2012

Natural Health Techniques Newsletter

Dr. Denice Moffat Medical Intuitive  Volume 8 No. 1  Nov. 2012

To read the full version:

In This Issue:

  • From the Desk of Dr. Moffat: Book Give Away Contest!
  • Health in the News: ADD/ADHD Medication Shortage. Facebook Vaccine Dodging Scam. Roundup is killing our soil and leading to a food shortage.
  • What’s New on the Website? Still checking photo sizes on the site
  • Case of the Month: Silva Method of Healing- 10 Ideas for using the method.
  • Product of the Month: Silva Intuition Course-Interview with Barbara Hawkins
  • Media Reviews: (Book) Start Something that Matters by Blake Mycoskie
  • Ask Dr. Moffat: Improper dose on wormer?
  • Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life: Kipper Brown Dye.
  • Client Testimonials: Client referral of a pet.
  • Healthy Recipes: Gluten-Free Almond Torte
  • Inspiration & Perspective: Help teachers at, Two Horses
  • What’s New at Our House? It’s cold! Bagged leaf count over 900 now. Jam/Jelly time.
  • Local Events: Nativity viewing at the LDS Church in Moscow
  • In Memorium: Jerry Hicks and Charlene Coryell

(Please note that full names are never used in this newsletter or on my website without the full consent of the sender or client. Some cases also encompass groupings of cases with similar symptoms and suggestions for healing in an attempt to educate the general public.)

From the Desk of Dr. Moffat:

Well, that was exciting. The first annual Black Friday Special generated a BUNCH of appointments. It was fun to be booked solid for the month of December. It was also fun to help a lot of people out financially at this time by giving a hefty discount on those consults while still making enough to pay our own bills. I liked it enough to do it again next year. Thanks to all of you who participated by making an appointment or by forwarding the information.

Book Give Away Contest! I’ve decided to start having more fun in 2012 by spreading the joy of sharing some of the wonderful books we read around here. Blake Mycoskie, founder of is promoting his new book Start Something That Matters. He is sharing his story on how he was inspired to make a difference in the world by selling shoes. For every pair of shoes sold he gives one pair away. He’s given away over a million pairs of shoes to people who didn’t have shoes (see the book review/summary this month.) Blake’s goal in writing the book is to inspire others who want to make a difference. So. . .I’m going to put your name in the hat to win a copy of this book for anybody who sends me an idea for my Random Act of Kindness page this month. We’ll do the book draw at the end of January and I’ll tell you who won in the next newsletter. Then we’ll have another contest. So put your thinking hats on and tell me what somebody has done for you that really kept you going when you were discouraged. I’ll post your stories on the RAK page: 

Health in the News:

It looks like there is an increase in ADD and ADHD in our world. Now there is a scarcity of ADHD medications like Adderall as so many children and adults are being diagnosed with the disorder.  The reasons for the shortages are unclear. In November methylphenidate, the active ingredient in Ritalin and generic equivalents was officially declared in shortage. One theory is that the DEA is involved because these medications are classified as potential drugs-of-abuse, and thus are controlled substances. The DEA sets an annual ceiling on how much of these drugs can be made.  Read the full storyhere

Of course alternative practitioners know there are many core causes to this disorder including multiple chemical sensitivities and poor diets. Determining the core cause is sometimes easier than getting the client to do what it takes to control the disorder. Sometimes you just need to use the best of both worlds until you find something that works. We shall see in the months to come whether we’ll have a whole new set of hyperactive kids and adults decide it’s now time to try alternative methods as “real” drugs get harder to obtain.

Facebook Vaccine Dodging Scam: NASHVILLE, Tenn (from 11/4/11). A federal prosecutor is warning parents not to try a new scheme for dodging vaccines: sending items infected with chickenpox through the mail. Imagine getting a package in the mail with some kids spit infected with chicken pox! This is a bad idea folks. And it’s illegal.

I remember a few years back some idiot farmer in Australia visited a lab that was working on a virus that killed rabbits. Since he had a lot of rabbits eating all the plants on his farm he thought he’d kill them off. He snuck some of the virus out on his handkerchief. When he got home he figured out how to grow it up on some kind of media then infected a rabbit and let it go on his property. Well, about a year later ALL the rabbits in Australia were DEAD! Ooops. A stunning idea that got out of hand. What if that spit sample were also infected with hepatitis or a meningeal virus that infected your child. . . and killed them? Anyway, read the whole article here: 

Roundup interview: Most people think Roundup is safe, but is it really? I think not. If you haven’t yet been exposed to the controversy this article is a good place to start. 

What’s New on the Website?

I’m continuing to work away at making sure all the photos on my pages are within the border boundaries. Not quite done with this but I’m working between building the next newsletter and attending to all the appointments generated from the Black Friday Special. 

Case of the Month: 10 Silva Method Case Study Examples

Over the last year or so I’ve used the Silva method to work on my clients and to tap into their energy fields knowing for the most part what health problems they were dealing. I did this to practice so I could learn what it would feel like in my own body once I tapped into their fields. Often I would email them and tell them what I found and more often than not, they supplied the validation that I was on the right track. Love that validation. It’s a definite sign that one is on the right track with their Life Purpose!

I now know what neurological disease feels like (wavy energy in my hands as I envision scanning down the energy field of the body); I can tell when a person has just taken their pain medication (this is kind of trippy!); I can visualize where a spine is out and what it looks like (and put it back into place often); I can feel brain fog in a client with memory problems, but mostly I enjoy being able to visualize what part of the body draws my attention and letting Spirit guide me to use whatever is in the imagination to get that energy shifted. This all takes practice, so those of you out there just starting your path into energy healing, please know that I started out with just a desire to do this kind of work and just kept at it—taking classes, reading books and practicing on people. I wouldn’t change anything and fully encourage you to explore the possibilities of energy work.

The following are some cases where I’ve used the Silva Intuition Method. I thought you’d like to get an idea of how this technique works. In the morning I dedicate 30 minutes to my client cases. I often write in a journal after each session but sometimes not. Sometimes I just tape a photo of them next to my bed and look at the photo to tap in then go into the meditative state and fix whatever shows up. To give you some ideas on where to use the Silva Method to work on these particular problems go to:

  • Case #1: Protection for a healer living in a home with negative entities:
  • Case #2A woman with a problem child who puts herself last over everyone else in her family.
  • Case #3: 40ish woman with a spinal cyst.
  • Case #4 Sinus stuff:
  • Case #5Adrenal Pain:
  • Case #6: High-powered female executive working in a strong male environment.
  • Case #7: Female professional athlete with heart issues.
  • Case # 9: Suicidal Tendencies in a teenager.
  • Case #10: Status Epilepticus in a ten year old boy.

Product of the MonthSilva Intuition Method 

What is the Silva Intuition method?  Silva courses have been around since the 70’s and are tried and true courses given by well-trained certified instructors.

The Silva Intuition Training teaches you to use your mind to such a powerful extent that within a couple of days you are able to demonstrate intuition and influence healing in others. You actually experience for yourself unquestionable proof of your newly developed ability to access concrete, tangible information with a degree of accuracy that goes beyond anything you ever imagined being possible. It is a life-transforming experience of changing limiting beliefs.

The Silva Intuition Training was designed to help you not just achieve what you want, but to achieve what is right for you, individually and uniquely.

The Silva Method has been used successfully for (see list of 37 life challenges):

An interview with Barbara Hawkins (a certified Silva Instructor) answers the following questions. Read the full interview here:

  • How did you get introduced to the Silva Method?
  • What was Jose like anyway? I heard that you knew him personally.
  • I heard that you broke your arm once in about a million places and that the doctors wanted to amputate but that you went home and did the Silva method on it and healed yourself. Can you tell us about that? It just sounds so incredible!
  • How long have you been involved with Silva? How long have you taught it?
  • How do you use the Silva method in everyday life?
  • So, you have some perks for my readers then?

Actually yes, I have two invitations for you: First I’d like to invite you to get my newsletter. Visit the website  and there’s a little box (at the top of the page) where you can choose to join my newsletter list. Also I’m inviting you to email me your questions and comments.

When is your next class? You can check the 2012 schedule on my website at any time. Right now there are only 6 classes for 2012.  The next Silva Life System is March 10/11, 2012. The next Silva Intuition Training is April 28/29, 2012. Through the end of this year I’ve been offering either course for $497 – the 2011 tuition – a $100 savings off the 2012 prices. For readers of this newsletter, I’ll honor this special through the month of January 2012. When contacting me ( ) just mention “Moffat” to get the savings.

More Barbara Hawkins info:

Media ReviewsStart Something That Matters ©2011 by Blake Mycoskie

Book review/summary by Dr. Denice Moffat

I remember an old story from years back where two shoe salesmen from two competing companies went to a third world country to check out marketing opportunities for their companies. The first man came back home and told his boss, “Forget that idea. We’ll go broke on the project. Nobody wears shoes there.” Blake Mycoskie must have been the second salesman. After returning from Argentina in 2002 he saw that nobody there wore shoes and decided there was a HUGE market. It dawned on him that this may be the way to make a positive difference in the world. So, he started a company to provide shoes for these people who didn’t have any and didn’t wear any. He created TOMS shoes, a “for profit” company that generates enough funds to give one pair of shoes away for each pair sold. One for one. Over a million shoes given away so far.  Read the Review. . .

Ask Dr. Moffat: Improper wormer dose?

Hello Dr.  I went to a tractor supply store and bought some Strongid. You said Strongid T on your site. They didn’t have the liquid, only the paste. Is it ok to take the paste and how much? The same as you recommend in liquid form?  Thank you so much. Mike

P.S. One last question and I promise not to bother you again.  This article claims that 1 dose is not effective enough but requires 3 doses. I just trust you and wanted your opinion before I go ahead with it. Thank you. Mike

Mike: OK, I read the article link you sent. It’s pretty good except that Strongid (Pyrantel) does not kill tapeworms at all. It only kills roundworms. At least that’s what the label says and what we were taught in vet school. You could take the paste but we’d have to figure out a dose for you Mike. Now, one ml equals how many mg of Pyrantel? And how much do you weigh? Guck. Wonder how you’ll ingest that? Put it on a sandwich? I’ve never done three doses in a row in 32 years as a veterinarian. You’re muscle testing at only one dose (so I suspect your load is really low and simple worming may not be the total answer for your challenges) Overuse of wormers is the reason why so many species become resistant to wormers! Kind of ticks me off. Oh well. . .moving on.

(Note, Mike emailed me back but he did not understand how to read the concentration of the drug on the label. He could have been WAY overdosed had he not confirmed the proper dose. It’s important to get the proper dose. Really.)

Are you sure you emailed the concentration correctly Mike? That means a 200 pound man would have to take 2.5 tubes at the minimum dose. Hmmm. This doesn’t make sense since a several hundred pound animal would take about one tube.  Let’s use some common sense here. I think you should set up a consult with me Mike. It’s up to you. I’m concerned that you’re going to WAY overdose yourself on this stuff. 

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life:

Kipper Brown Dye? I’ve had three interesting cases this week. One person reacted to his T-shirts with an underarm rash (all the T-shirts were black), one woman’s history included the purchase of a very expensive dress which ended up causing total body hives after wearing said outfit (it was black) and the other person ended up with some multiple chemical sensitivities and was allergic to Kipper Black dye when we went through the lists and muscle tested her allergies.

The woman who purchased the dress had some interesting input. She called the store and asked where the dress came from because she had an understanding that sometimes chemicals get back into a country where they are illegal through products imported in. Kipper black is not legal to put in FOODS in the United States. But these were clothes. I had been wondering for several years now why people kept testing they were allergic to Kipper Brown even though I knew it was illegal. Where were they getting this stuff? Now I think I’ve made the connection. So wash your clothes well before wearing them and if you react to the black items you’ll know why in the future. 

Client Testimonials:

Hi Denice, I saw Molly last week and she’s looking good! The couple I referred feel that your work with them has been themost helpful of any of the practitioners they’re engaged with so thanks for all of your support of them. Thanks very much! Chris

Chris, thanks for that referral! I’ve still got a ways to go on that case, but I’m glad they feel it’s working out for them. Much appreciated. Denice

Dear Dr. Moffat: I couldn’t sleep last night and your name came to mind while I was praying about healing my pituitary and adrenals. Again you were the only one out of over 77 Docs that told me my pituitary was not working right. The only other person was the top Endo anti-aging Doc in the world in Brussels.

(Dr. Denice’s Note: Geez. No stress here! This person had a consult with me 4 years back and didn’t follow through. Now she has a pituitary gland tumor. We’re working on it.)

Healthy RecipesGluten-Free Almond Torte

This recipe was submitted with love for all of us gluten-intolerants by Kathleen Selleck, a long-term client and owner of the Victorian Rose Tea Garden & Gifts Restaurant in California. Thanks Kathleen! See her website at:

See the recipe . . . 

Inspiration & Perspective: 

This tip came from the book Start Something that Matters by Blake Mycoskie. It’s a link for schools to register their needs (that they can’t afford to support financially). Donors can go on the link and donate to the educational project of their choice. I remember all the teachers in my life that made a difference. They always seemed to use up their paychecks helping out that extra student, purchasing supplies for the never-ending bulletin boards or coming up with supplies for a field trip. 

Two Horses

Just up the road is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing….

Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. Read more . . . 

What’s New at Our House?

It’s cold! And windy! While I’ve been trying to keep up with the consults that filled my book on Black Friday, Michael has been zipping all over picking up bags of leaves for our soil building project. He’s collected over 900 bags of leaves now! We have nearly every bed covered with them so that next year we can spend more time building fun stuff and less time weeding and watering the 2-3 acres that we have in production growing chemical-free fruits and vegetables. He’s a keeper. My hero. I took the day off (mostly) on Christmas to make a variety of unique jams and jellies—My favorite standbys are Cranberry Orange marmalade, Fig/Orange jam and Blackberry/Honey syrup but I wonder how the Goji Berry/Pineapple and the Lime/Raisin will taste. We shall see. I used sulfite-free Pomona pectin this year. It’s kind of different to work with. 

Local Events:

The nativity viewing at the LDS Church in Moscow was wonderful again this year. I think they had over 300 nativity sets displayed. If you haven’t been, plan on it for next year. What an awe-some event. As I was trying to Google for pictures I noticed that this may be a common thing for lots of LDS churches to do during the Holy season so check it out in your own community for next year. 

In MemoriumJerry Hicks and Charlene Coryell

Jerry Hicks of the Esther Hicks-Jerry Hicks-Abraham (Law of Attraction) team made his transition (or croaked as Abraham calls it) on Nov. 18, 2011. You can view Esther’s comments about Jerry’s passing on their Law of Attraction blog entry:

Charlene Coryell (April 24, 1938 – March 26, 2011) a fellow healer in our community transitioned from an aneurism.

Now I know that we don’t really cease to exist as soul beings and that we just shift form upon our transition, but it is none-the-less still difficult for the living when these things happen. We toast the both of your eternal souls that are alive, alert, awake and enthusiastic. May God bless you on your way and congratulations on a life well-spent. You made it. Your souls got so big that your bodies could no longer house them. Thank you God for lending them to us in our physical lifetime.

That wraps it up for this month. Make a difference in 2012 and please tell a friend about the website. Be well.


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