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Dowsing Rods and Pendulums

Dowsing Rods and Pendulums

Dowsing Rods and Pendulums

Dowsing Rods and Pendulums

Dowsing, also known as divining, rhabdomancy, witching, water witching, radiesthesia, divination, muscle testing and doodlebugging, is an art as well as a science that allows you to tap into resources beyond our physicality.

In the past dowsing was (and still is) a popular way to find water but dowsing uses have greatly expanded over the last few decades to include almost every aspect of life. You can use dowsing to find water, metals, gem stones and hidden objects using a Y-shaped twig, rod, or pendulum made of metal or a crystal by letting it move over a map or piece of land.

I have a set of homemade rods I use occasionally made from two steel rods. The handles are encased in two short copper tubes so the rods have free movement when I hold them in my hands.  Directions to make these kinds of dowsing rods can be found on the internet and they work just great. Our well was found by a dowser. Good dowsers can tell you where you should dig, how deep and how many gallons per minute will come of it.

There are many theories trying to explain how dowsing works. One theory includes quantum physics and is discussed in the book Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov © 1988. One theory is that our subconscious mind accesses, either directly or through our higher self, information that is available to our sixth sense.

Helpful Links and References for Dowsing Rods and Pendulums: (Updated 3/4/23)

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