The Touch of Healing Book Summary

The Touch of Healing: Energizing Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu book review/summary. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese practice that balances your body’s energy by using the fingers and hands. The technique was lost for centuries until a sage named Jiro Maurai came along. He noticed that subjects within spiritual and devotional paintings placed their fingers and hands in certain positions. He dedicated his career to figuring out what these hand positions meant. His research ultimately revealed that each one of our fingers affects 14,400 functions within the body.

Opening a Coning

Opening a coning: Conings are for general health balance, regular health issues, extra ordinary health issues, and assistance during expansion experiences. A coning is a vortex of energy that includes nature intelligence’s, the medical team and yourself. Within the coning, nature is able to stabilize on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

Fat and Toxin Metabolization Activation Technique

I started doing the Fat and Toxin Metabolization technique on my clients. Right off, I had several Mormon clients come in over a period of six weeks. Many of them would come up with programs having to do with heavy metals. I started to ask more questions. As it turned out, all of them had come from around Provo Utah. Mrs. Mills finally came up with the answer for me. There was a film producing plant in the area. The clients were getting exposure to heavy metals via air pollution. (I determined that Carob Powder does a great job at getting rid of heavy metals in the body.)

Dowsing Rods and Pendulums

I have a set of homemade dowsing rods I use occasionally made from two steel rods. The handles are encased in two short copper tubes so the rods have free movement when I hold them in my hands. Directions to make these kinds of dowsing rods can be found on the internet and they work just great. Our well was found by a dowser. Good dowsers can tell you where you should dig, how deep and how many gallons per minute will come of it.