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Dr. Moffat’s Book List

Dr. Moffat's Book List 1

These are some of the many books that have influenced the way I work and the information has helped hundreds of clients get their health problems under control. I just love these books and I’ll continue to put more on the list as we go. I used to have each book linked to but after 4 years I had not received ONE check so I removed all those links and just recommend PaperBack Swap now. If you feel like the site is helpful please tell them at the swap that I turned you onto it and I’ll get a credit for a free book. Lord knows I do need more books! I only have 2 full walls of them now. One can always use more books. .  . and more flowers!

Building Your Field of Dreams by Mary Manin Morrissey. Mary had been a spiritual mentor of mine for years. Her passion is to help people listen to the God within each of us. This is in my top 10 for Life Purpose and I recommend it often.

Creating Money: Keys to Abundance by Roman Sanaya and Duane Packer. What I love about this book is that there are no numbers in it! It is all about how to train your mind to become open to abundance and recognizing the abundance we already have. For those of you who are not that great with finances, this is the first book you will want to pick up. Go into the fear. Do it.

Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D’Adamo. Over the years, I have found that the sickest people I see eat foods that do not work well with their blood type. This diet does not work for everybody. It only works for about 80% of the population. I use the information in this book with a few others to help people learn which foods work best for them in regards to health.

Fasting Can Save Your Life by Herbert Shelton. This book is out of print, but you can still get it on I have the steps outlined in my fasting handout as well.

If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules by Cheri Carter-Scott. A top 10 book in my house. The rules are great. Rule no. 1, “You will receive a body. It’s the only one you have, so treat it well.” Rule no. 2, “You will receive a set of lessons. If you fail to learn the lessons, they will be repeated until you learn them.” You get the picture. It’s a must read.

Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals by Melody. Occasionally I get a client that believes that the use of crystals in healing is associated with the “devil.” I ask them to clarify that for me. I say, “So, if God made us, and flowers, and earth, and everything else, He just left rocks to be made by the devil? I don’t get it. What about that diamond ring you are wearing or all those gemstones that represent our birth months?” You get the picture, but nonetheless, all rock shops that I’ve been to have the book under the counter so they are not considered, “New Age.” I love the book.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Dr. James Balch and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C   This is a “must have” book for the beginner. It is complete, easy to read and reasonably priced.

The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield. I recommend this book to people who find it difficult to ask for help. Imagine 300 pages of teaching you that it is OK to ask for what you want. Novel idea. Lot’s of short stories and inspiration on asking for…and getting what you need.

The Life You Were Born to Live By Dan Millman. So could it be, that there are only 37 categories that we all fit into and our lives are set by our birth date? I don’t understand astrology or numerology, but this man has figured out everyone I know. The information is stunningly accurate. Weird.

The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle by Dr. Michael Abrams.  I have 12 murals in our bedroom depicting Michael’s 12 conditions. They keep me focused on my world vision of making the world a better place and creating daily miracles in my life. If you’ve never understood the Bible, this is a book for you. Very easy to understand. It’s centered around the miracle of how Jesus fed 5000 people with one loaf of bread and a couple of fish. How did he do that? You’ll learn how in this book. Awesome.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.  This is a book for anyone who is sick in any way. It introduces the concept that our thoughts affect every part of our body. A top 10, must have book for your library. It will heal your life.

Your Psychic Pathway Sonja Choquette. If you build him, he will manifest. I suggest this book to those who want to find the perfect mate. Sonja tells her story of how she clipped out pictures from magazines every day after school for about a month to manifest a prom date. She sure did. Found her husband at the same time. Great book.

And more. . .

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