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End of Sermon Prayers

End of Sermon Prayers 1

End of Sermon Prayer:

This prayer from a Mary Morrissey sermon that included The Road of Life:

Gently send prayer to the person on your right:

Mother-Father God. Thank you for this being of light you gift us with today. Please watch over them and surround them with white light, love and protection on their spiritual path today and in the days and weeks to come. Be there for them and immerse them in Spirit for every challenge they may have this week. Open their eyes to the power of a loving God. Open their hearts so that they may recognize your work in every minute of every day.  Help them to be open to asking for help when the going gets rough. Let them feel your strength and energy as they pedal through life this week.

Now sending prayer to the person on your left:

I express great thanks and have much gratitude for the good my friend shares at our meeting today.  I know that they speak out of love and compassion and that from their sharing, seeds of good will be instilled into my very being that will emerge and flower into strength to take me into a higher vibration of being.  Allow them to feel complete and listened to today.

When fear comes up for them in times to come, let them feel you as you reach back and touch their hand.  Help their spirituality unfold.  Help them to see what an adventure life is and how important we are in the scheme of things.

And now for ourselves:

God, thank you for allowing me to reincarnate in this group of beings. Keep my mind open and magnetized to finding the truth in all that is.  Keep me focused on the important things in life such as relationships, truth and faith. Help me to honor those who are close to me and to not take them for granted as I know that everything is in divine right order and encompassed with perfect timing.

Open my senses so that I may progress quickly on my path to enlightenment.  Help me to let go of fear and give up control, knowing that you are in the driver’s seat and that you will teach me great bike secrets if I allow myself to accept them.

Help me in faith even when I cannot see the big picture in the scheme of life. Instill in me the knowing that you are more powerful than any negative thing coming into my path. Keep me focused on your presence by giving me a daily and unmistakable sign that you are with me.

Talk to me in ways that I understand so that I can feel and know your presence.  Let me be still, listen to your guidance and just pedal.

I know that, as I have spoken in truth, believing and accepting… that these requests are now manifesting. Thank you, thank you God. And so it is. Amen.

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