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Greek Lemon Rice Shrimp Soup

Greek Lemon Rice Shrimp Soup Recipe


Greek Lemon Rice Shrimp Soup (also known as Avgolemono), is one of my favorite soups to serve for my Reiki classes. I like it with a bit more lemon in it than some people so I taste it and add lemon juice to suit. I keep the shrimp on the side for seafood allergies, but those people with thyroid problems (and that’s a LOT of people these days) really love the shrimp. It refrigerates well and doesn’t last long around our house. It’s a good soup to make and freeze also when your chickens are laying full-force. It’s easy to make.

Ingredients for Greek Lemon Rice Shrimp Soup:

Heat the water, bouillon cubes, rice and pepper until the rice is done, about 20 minutes. Beat the eggs and lemon together then add a few cups of the hot broth to the egg/lemon mixture. You are trying to warm the egg mixture a bit so it won’t curdle. Add the mixture to the pot of cooked rice and bullion. Stir and let cook about 3-5 minutes. Do not boil so the Vitamin C is preserved. Serve hot. Freezes well.     Makes 1 Gallon.   Serves 8

Helpful Links and References for Greek Lemon Rice Shrimp Soup:

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1993. She has a content-rich website at


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