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Blood Pressure (High) Hypertension

Blood Pressure (High) Hypertension 1

Hypertension or Increased Blood Pressure:

Facts and Statistics about hypertension:

Signs/symptoms of hypertension:

Chinese Medicine Signs for High Blood Pressure:

Many people that come to see me initially are on several different blood pressure medications. It seems that when one doesn’t work, the medical field just adds on another one and the process continues until they find one that works. So, my question is, why stay one the ones that did NOT give positive results. What a mess.

What if there was a way to find out the core causes of your hypertension and address them? Wouldn’t that be easier, cheaper and more empowering? Well, we CAN find the core causes for most of you.  Some of these causes you can easily deal with and make appropriate lifestyle changes. Some are more difficult to get under control. Ultimately, though, the natural methods are healthier and even if you have to continue taking some kind of blood pressure medication, it will be one with fewer side effects that will do the job.

Let us help you see some do-able options if you are ready to take part and responsibility for your own healing. Get to the cause of the problem. Here are some ideas and the forms I use to evaluate high blood pressure.

Which ones can you eliminate from your life to live longer?

Common Core Causes of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension):

*Louise Hay in her book You Can Heal Your Life states that 95% of the people who smoke have some form of anger and resentment at a parent they have not dealt with. I have also found this to be true in my own practice.

Dietary supplements used in normalizing blood pressure:

Note: The quality is important. In general 2 for 1 specials are lower quality and may contain contaminants that sometimes make symptoms worse. Muscle test to find the correct brand for you.

For example: If you are not taking the correct calcium for your body, you can tax your kidney function and cause stones. So ask, yes or no, “Do I need calcium?” and then, yes or no, “Is this the best calcium for MY body?”

Oh, you also need the correct oils in your diet to draw the calcium into your body. These oils are often chosen with your blood type and nationalities in mind, the type of cooking you do–or don’t do, and the amounts of nuts and seeds already in your diet.

Herbs used in the modulation of hypertension:

Aromatherapies used in Hypertension:

A word of caution here. Some aromas that help high blood pressure and also cause high blood pressure as well (marked with an *). And, some aromas used for pain and arteriosclerosis may cause high blood pressure.

Homeopathics for Hypertension:

Fact: What you put in your mouth can hurt you, even if it is a “natural” treatment.

Find a practitioner who knows the physiology behind the medical problem, knows what “real drugs are used” and is comfortable with the alternatives you decide you want to try. Mixing “real drugs” with herbs, homeopathics, nutritional supplements and alternative therapies is called Integrative Medicine Read as much as you can and ask lots of questions. The more you know about your health challenge the more options you have. When you visit a health care practitioner you are giving up your power to them if you take what they say and use it without following your inner guidance. Second, third and forth opinions are totally acceptable. Search out as much information as it takes to help you understand what you are going though for you to be comfortable with the options YOU choose to use in your healing process.

Other Alternative Therapies for Hypertension:

“Real” drugs used in the treatment of Hypertension:

Notes on the various types of blood pressure medications:

Blood Pressure Medications:

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