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I have a “connector” type of personality. I love referring people to the resources they need to take them to the next step in their healing or Spiritual path. These are products I seem to recommend and share often in my practice. I hope you find some that will help you as well. 

PaperBackSwap: Swap your books, DVD’s, CD’s for just the cost of postage!

Swap Your Used Books – and the other book sites has really gotten up there in price. Here’s the club I use right now. If someone wants one of your books, you mail it to them at your cost (using media mail–they supply a label). If you want one of theirs, they mail it to you at their cost. There is no charge for the book. It’s a swap. Works great. and there are well over 3 million books posted right now. I’m loving it. I hope you will too. Dr. Moffat   


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