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Metaphors: Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Names Can Hurt You, Too!

This is a story about metaphors. The things you say and think attract either positive or negative energy into your lives. Let me give you a few examples:

When I was growing up I listened when my grandmother said, “Always look down when you are walking, so you will find money.” Sometimes I wondered why I didn’t have very many friends.  I started making more when I finally turned chin up and smiled.

My mother used to say, “You are a survivor!” So I spent most of my life attracting bad things to myself to prove that I could survive anything. Now I say, “I’m a thriver.” This attracts a different and more wonderful type of energy.

One winter, during an arduous divorce process several years ago I used to say, “I am so pissed off.” I said it with lots of emotion. I really got into it. I called so much negative energy to my bladder area that it wasn’t until I started urinating blood, having already taken a bout of antibiotics, several different homeopathics, and supplements for urinary tract infections that I realized I was causing the problem by what I was saying.  I took the phrase out of my vocabulary and my urine turned clear in two days with no other treatments or changes in my life!

I had a partner who died of colon cancer. His favorite phrase was, “These people are a pain in the ass.”

I had a client in Kooskia, Idaho who had a triple bypass. He often frequented a particular restaurant in Kooskia that served lots of food, cheap prices, but the food was rather high in calories.  Jim’s favorite phrase on Saturday mornings was, “Come on. Let’s go eat our triple bypass breakfast.”  He doesn’t say that anymore.

I used to say, “Denice, your entire family that has passed thus far has died of cancer. You are going to die of cancer, so just don’t worry about it.”  Actually, I used to say that every day. . . until I got pre-cervical cancer!  It took a few months of natural medicine to get rid of that. The good thing about it was that I don’t say that anymore, but also, I am not afraid of cancer anymore.  I know I have healed myself once, and I can do it again if necessary. The experience was a blessing for me to teach me balance in my life.

I had a dear receptionist who wore two hearing aids. She had a 5-year-old son. Her favorite phrase was, “I don’t want to hear it.” Now, she was trying to improve her hearing, so changed the phrase to, “I hear you loud and clear.”

Several years ago I had a difficult time with my sacrum subluxating. I had seen three chiropractors for it and a host of other alternative healers. Eventually, I caught myself saying, “I have been busting my butt around here.” Actually I didn’t catch myself saying it until I said it three times that day. I immediately recanted the phrase and my sacrum popped in on its own that night while I was lying in bed.

One of my favorite phrases used to be, “I don’t have the time.” And I never did!  Now I say, “I have time for everything that is important to me.” I seem to have lots more time now, and try to remind myself of what is important when I start feeling overwhelmed.

“I’ll try” is another phrase. So here is the exercise. Lay a pen down on the counter. Now “try” to pick it up.  If you picked up the pen, then you didn’t try to do it, you DID it! So, either you do or don’t perform the task. Trying doesn’t get you anywhere.

So how do you determine what phrases you say that are hurting you? Make a list of the phrases you remembered as you were growing up, ask a friend what phrases you repeat often, or hire a kid to follow you around and write down the phrases you repeat. Give him/her a dime per phrase.

Now what?

Try a 40-day fast.  For forty days, fast from saying those phrases. Tell others what you are doing so they can catch you at it.

Replace all negative thoughts you say or think with something you want to attract into your life.  Like, “I AM love”  “I AM peace and joy” “I AM prosperity” or “I am worthy.” Saying it out loud will seat it into your nervous system faster.

What you sow, so shall you reap. This goes for what you say and think as well. What you focus on today you will reap in the future. What is it that you want to reap?

Think wonderful thoughts!

FOR EVERY NEGATIVE THOUGHT, REPLACE IT WITH ONE POSITIVE PHRASE FOR 40 DAYS WITH SOME CHARACTERISTIC YOU WANT TO BE.  For example: When you catch yourself saying something negative replace it with “I am prosperity”.

Some people say that what comes out of your mouth is your issue. Think about that.


Need some examples? How many do you say? 

METAPHOR (and Associated Disease Process) with Some Suggested Substitutions

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