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Miso Soup

Miso Soup 1

Morning Miso Soup Recipe

(Submitted by Denise Jacobs)

This soup is very good for helping people overcome sugar addiction because salt (in the miso paste) is energetically the opposite of sugar.

The Secret The secret to this recipe is the almond butter and ginger. You’ll always get excellent flavor when you use the ginger/almond butter/miso paste combination. Rotate different veggies and beans in each preparation for variety. If you feel really industrious, cook up some butternut squash, puree it, and add it to the soup (this is really delicious!). Enjoy! Denise J.

Ingredients for Morning Miso Soup

* cooked mung beans are good and alkalizing

Other things to add:
– potato peels to add potassium and increase alkalinity
– grated pumpkin or butternut squash

Directions for making Morning Miso Soup:

Miso can easily burn, so don’t boil the soup once the miso has been added. Stir the soup until the miso paste is completely dissolved. (Note: Miso Master’s “red” miso dissolves faster than the “barley” miso.)

Now taste the soup. If it is too salty, add water. If it doesn’t have enough flavor, add more miso paste (and stir until dissolved). Pour soup into bowls and then add flax oil. Serve with organic toast, if desired.

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