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Mutton-Stewed 1

Stewed Mutton Recipe

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. I’ve heard it. That’s exactly why I don’t tell people what they are eating when I make up a batch and bring it to a community or farm function.
The surprised comments are what I really enjoy though after they dish themselves up and taste it. Then I have to answer a bunch of questions like, “Where do you get mutton?” and “Yum, how is this cooked?” “How come it’s not fatty?” and “I never liked lamb before this.” Then I have to say, “It’s not lamb, it’s mutton” and then have to explain the difference, where to get it, how much it costs and on and on. See below for that information.

So here you go:

Stewed Mutton Ingredients:

• 3-4 pounds of Mutton (cut to the size of a crock pot)
• 1 teaspoon of Beef Bullion per cup of water (enough to cover the roast-probably about 3-4 cups)
• 2 Teaspoons of dried/powdered Rosemary
• 1 teaspoon of minced Garlic

Plug it in and cook on high about 8 hours or overnight—until the meat falls from the bone. Let the pot cool. Put it in the fridge until the fat congeals on top. Skim the fat off and use that for fire starter. Fork the mutton (which should be falling off the bone by the time it has cooked enough) into shreds and put it back into the juice. Salt and pepper to taste.

Take out enough mutton and juice to heat for a meal. Sometimes we pour it over rice or a baked potato or just dish it into a little bowl and eat it.

Serves about 8

Notes: We buy our cull sheep (mutton) locally. Usually they are about 3-4 years old and will be going to the butcher to be used for raw dog food. Different breeds have slightly different flavors, so if you find a breeder you like that treats their critters right and you like the flavor of their meat, then re-order from them. If not, try another breeder until you find just the flavor you like. We’ve tried three different sources over the years. They were all good but one was better.

They cost about $100 each plus about $75 to butcher/process. Usually the rancher delivers the sheep to the butcher and you just go pick it up once it’s packaged (we like it that way). One mutton give us about 55 pounds of meat including the bone. We don’t usually eat the organ meat, but you could ask for that.

The sheep we get are usually grass-fed. The rancher usually sells lamb but honestly it doesn’t taste as good as mutton the way this is cooked and mutton is better for people who are blood type O with lots of allergy problems. According to Dr. D’Adamo the mutton works with our bodies to make healthier hemoglobin. It’s a low FODMAP food and really good for cancer and diabetes in blood Type O and B and Type O people with gut issues.

Helpful Links and References for Mutton:

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