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NHT News. Vol. 1 No. 1 Oct 2005


October 2005  Vol. 1 No. 1 (The Maiden Voyage!)

In This Issue:

Health in the News:

It’s been a tough month out there with Katrina, which decimated much of Louisiana. Many down there need our help. Here are some links for donating time, talents, treasures and connecting with your loved ones. Does anyone know who is helping all the animals? If so, email me with that information. I’ll put it on my website.

Resource list for missing persons, information and donations

It may be difficult to get through because of downed communication lines, and the overwhelming life-saving measures that are taking place. If you are aware of additional phone numbers or Web site that may be useful, please let us know. 

To report missing persons

Other important numbers

Triage Phone Numbers


National volunteers

Case of the Month: Hepatitis C 

What I’ve noticed over the years is that I get a run of cases with the same disease in a short period of time. Last month I saw lots of clients with Multiple Sclerosis (or the misdiagnosis of same.) We learned about the low-fat Swank diet and all the drugs used to treat this particular disease process. 

This month I had a run of Hepatitis C clients. They each had contracted the disease differently, but none-the-less, their lives have been permanently shifted from this terrible disease. The common thread was that each person had to make some lifestyle changes (that means a permanent lifestyle choice that was healthier than they were living). Stressing the optimal amounts of raw fruits/vegetables is always a staple in my programs, but we also centered on the liver. 

When the liver is sick, we see diseases like high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hemorrhoids, cancer, allergies, varicose veins and lots of anger and resentments

I don’t know which comes first in these types of cases; anger causing the liver-based diseases or liver-based diseases resulting in anger. The good thing is that we have LOTS of options on how to overcome these challenges and it doesn’t really matter where you start as long as you start and keep at it. 

My favorite treatments for hepatitis include:  

  1. Raw fruits/veggies (especially dark green foods, bitter vegetables, red fruits, and beets),
  2. Barfy Green Stuff (or some other green food—it really doesn’t matter too much what you choose),
  3. Homeopathics specifically to bind and excrete the Hepatitis virus (I use Professional Health Formulations Hepatitis Nosode Drops),
  4. Emotional release work (to help dislodge the Emotional Cysts in the liver),
  5. Evaluation of current lifestyle habits and suggestions to decrease toxification, and also. . .
  6. Rebuilding of the cells with a Glandular/protomorphogen (I love Livaplex by Standard Process Labs) 

Self-forgiveness seems to be one common obstacle to overcome in these particular cases. It is most important to understand that there was a reason why they contracted the disease, it taught them valuable lessons, but now it’s time to come to a resolution and move onto a healthier way of being. 

Life is a journey. The challenges we have are a Gift from God. What we do with those challenges are our gift to Him. If we focus on the similarities instead of how we feel ostracized and alienated, we find that all in all, we want the same things . . .to be loved, understood and valued. I believe that this is what life is all about. 

What’s New on the Website? 

Gee, what isn’t new on the website? Most of you have probably not even begun to explore it. Below is the link for the site map. Take a gander. I’m sure you will find something that will benefit just about anyone you know! 

. . . Now if I can just get the buttons at the top to show up correctly and the fonts to stay put! I sure am learning a LOT. Apparently the site shows up a little different and each individual browser, machine, and search engine. A work in progress that is never-ending, but I can find joy in that I feel I am making a difference on our world. Site Map for /site_map.htm 

Ask Dr. Moffat: 

Question: Can I have your recipe for Barbecued Veggies? These are awesome!  Answer: OK, here it is. I’m getting tired of writing this one out in long-hand! /Recipes/bbq’d%20veggies.htm 

Question:  What does the term “Rule Out” mean when you have a bunch of things/diseases listed after a high or low value of a blood test in your What Do My Lab Results Mean document in your website? 

Answer: There are a number of things that might have caused a high or low level of something, and these need to be ruled out by other tests or observations or intuition/gut instinct. Some of the possibilities will have more weight and be more highly suspect because of your lifestyle habits, your environment, your age, and your history. For those diseases that are the most likely diagnosis, other tests may be included to rule that particular disease “in” or “out” depending on the test results of these additional tests. This is much like putting a jigsaw puzzle together and searching for the exact placement of the pieces to the puzzle.  

This Sherlock Holmes activity is one of my favorites because I get to add in so many other tidbits of information that the medical system doesn’t have time to ask in making a final “jigsaw puzzle” assessment. I have tried to make these rule-outs more understandable by associating the layman’s terminology with the medical work (usually in parentheses).  

Media Reviews 

I’m a reader. I read all the time, especially before retiring for the night. It’s a form of relaxation. This month I finally got to read a book I’d had on my list for three years, Unleashing the Ideavirus by Seth Godin. I think it will help me market the website.   

The other book I started was The Tao Jones Averages—A Guide to Whole-Brained Investing, by Bennett W. Goodspeed. I thought it was a book on investing and I try to read a minimum of two money books a year. I was quite surprised to read about right and left-brained thinking and how it influences our choice in how we invest in the stock market. One thing I learned was that many people who drink alcohol and become addicted to it are doing so because it calms the analytical side of the brain and opens up the intuitive side (the right brain). 

That got me thinking about all the alcoholics I have known in my life. Hmm. Maybe that theory is right. Most of them were really left-brained analytical and never let themselves relax and have fun. Being child-like was not in their repertoire. The book continued by explaining that those who did not hold their liquor well and got totally out of control were already fairly right-brained and when they had too much to drink it got further out of balance and the left-brain was even more imbalanced. Examples of left-brained professions are: Planners, lawyers, editors, technologists, writers, bookkeepers, critics, management scientists, administrators, doctors, authors, tax experts, researchers and publishers. These are the data collectors of our society. The left sides of their brains are working all the time to evaluate the data. (No wonder I wasn’t at the top of my class in vet school! I didn’t fit the mold.) 

It’s pretty amazing what you can learn from books by reading different subject areas, eh? 

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Life 

I’m always striving to keep my life in balance. It’s been somewhat out of balance these last few months with our book on Miracles coming out (I’ll talk about that in my next newsletter) and with all the work on my website (I crashed it once by toying with the default page!) Anyway, I’m trying to de-clutter the house and take advantage of the Universal Principle that the Universe abhors a vacuum. 

Since I really don’t like people pawing through my stuff and hanging around for a yard sale, we have been releasing and recycling items from our lives that are no longer serving us. We just put them out on the corner with a “FREE” sign on it. It’s amazing how fast that stuff moves. They get something great, and we have extra space. It frees up our lives for bigger and better energy. Try it. 

For your pets: I’ve been seeing oodles of dogs with grass-awns in their ears this month as I’ve been neutering them down at the Lewis-Clark Animal Shelter. If your animal is shaking its head, scratching at one ear, or has gotten an attitude problem recently (especially when you are rubbing their head), PLEASE have the ear canal checked by your local veterinarian. Grass awns (also called foxtails) can easily penetrate the ear drum (ouch!) and they don’t come out on their own. Another tip is to clip the hair under the ear flap and just below the opening to the ear to keep those seeds from migrating into the canal.  Check the fur and ears daily for grass seeds and put them out of the coat. Thanks for your help on this. 

And here’s a diet tip:  

Do you know what a goitrogen is? Well, it is a substance in some foods that prevents thyroid hormone from working correctly by blocking the uptake of iodine. Iodine is one of the main minerals that helps speed up the cellular activity and is essential for the production of thyroid hormone. 

I bring it up this month because I see lots of my dieters eating lots of wonderful fresh peaches and pears. More than four cups/week of the following foods (in the RAW form only) will interfere with your thyroid gland:  Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, peaches, pears, spinach and turnips.  

What’s New at Our House: 

This month we sold the hot tub (which we never used) and will be using those funds to build a chicken coop. “But you live right in town,” you say. Yes, but in Moscow, as long as you have the chicken coop a minimum of 45 feet from any structure housing humans and you limit yourself to 3 chickens/person, then it’s legal. I’m excited. 

A friend gifted us with her old computer. She also helped me set it up. During that process my address book categories were melded. Yikes! Talk about stress. Luckily I had lists of Garden Club members, clients, Miracle Mastery people, Lions Club, and could figure out most of the healers and Moscow contacts. Thank goodness my family list is small and I knew my friends well enough to slip them back into their category! I still have 50 names lost in space and I have no idea who they are. Embarrassing! Some of them look familiar. . .Oh well. Guess I can’t change the situation, so I better change my attitude about it. If you happen to get email that doesn’t seem to fit you (from me) you’ll know why. Thanks for your patience. 

We also laid two cement strips to park our car on and leave room for client parking. When the cement was wet, we laid a bunch of leaves in it, vein side down, and removed them the next morning. It turned out pretty well. We’ve been getting a lot of compliments on it. I can hardly wait to plant the groundcover in between and set the walking stones around it! 

Michael and I have a booth at the Latah County Fair this month, September 15th through the 18th, so I won’t be available to answer emails/phone calls during that time. For those of you who are local, bring your supplements to the booth for a free recalibration (I won’t be doing full exams). I’ll be doing my fingernail analysis and shoe wear readings and Michael is unveiling his newest interest. . .Face Reading. We’d love to see you there!! 

That’s all for this month! Be Healthy!

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