Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: How are Essential Oils used? Essential oils are added to lotions, used diluted in massage oil, used neat (straight–undiluted), put into bath water or foot baths, used as flavorings in the food industry, used in the cosmetic industry, put in hair rinses, used in inhalation therapy, incorporated in candles and used as drops of the pure oil put onto little pieces of felt which is then inserted into a small heater like thing (called a scent ball) you can plug into an outlet. The aroma that is emitted acts on the nervous system and organs of the body to move energy through it for various health and emotional concerns. I add a few drops of essential oil to a small spray bottle of distilled water and use is at a room freshener.

List of Antidepressant Treatments

Treatments are organized into several lists including alternative treatments, foods, herbs, vitamins/supplements, homeopathics, aromatherapy, gem elixirs, flower essences and “real drugs”. I muscle-test each list to find therapies that will work for each patient/client. It is up to the client to determine which treatments, modalities and therapies will best fit into their lifestyle. Of course, the more of the suggestions utilized, the faster the healing process occurs.