Credit Repair: Michael used to own a Crednology Franchise. He liked the company and they did what they said they would only he didn’t make enough income to make it worth his while so we dissolved the franchise and no longer get referral fees. BUT, we still think Crednology is a safe and effective company to use if you don’t want to take the time to repair your own credit and they’ll tell you what kind of issues you’ll have before you start the process.
Law of Attraction What you think about and put your concentration into is what you manifest in your life. It is totally your own choice. Here is an exercise to help you shift “stinkin’ thinkin’.”
Master Mind Groups: The purpose of a Master Mind group is to get 4-10 like-minded, positive, proactive people together who want to make a difference in their lives and other people’s lives using the power of prayer.
Money Affirmations Here is a set of wonderful affirmations to help you start shifting that poverty consciousness.
Money Issues Sometimes our subconscious keeps us from accepting our good when it comes to money. Here are some examples of how we build our morals/values about money.
Money Metaphors Often our thoughts about money were formed by our parents, neighbors, peers and friends as we were growing up. How many phrases do YOU use that you don’t really believe or that are no longer serving you?
Money Tips: If you gave up the gourmet latte at $3 each day – in a month you could make $90 by investing; in 10 years $18,559; in 20 years $68,999; 30 years $206,091; 40 years $578,693 and in 50 years you’d have $1.6 million in your stock account!
Multiple Streams of Income: I learn things better by taking notes. Here is a sample taken from the tape series “Multiple Streams of Income” by Robert G. Allen, author of the One Minute Millionaire. This series purchased from
Prosperity Game I love playing this game. I learn something about how I choose to handle and spend money every time I play it. Play with a friend or group of friends (or your newly-formed Master Mind Group!) The price is right and it’s a blast.
Prosperity Principles that Work This is a transcription of one tape from the tape set, Prosperity Principles that Work by Jack Boland. Often I will muscle-test that a client should go to the website to read this specific page. I’m pretty sure it’s because of self-worth issues. Worthiness keeps many of us from having the lives God meant for us to have.
Vision Boards: Michael and i call them Vision Boards, but other people use different names uch as: Treasure Maps, Prosperity Wheels, Magnetic Creaction maps, Dream Boards, Story Boards, Wheels of Fortune and Life Cycle Charts. this technique is one of the most powerful tools I know of for manifesting your desires. As a matter of fact, that’s how we manifested our 40 Acres of Paradise here!
Practice Gratitude!