by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
This month I had two cases of possible homeopathic provings (the last time I had one of these was 10 years ago, so I figured I was supposed to talk about this.) A homeopathic proving is defined as a substance at a particular dosage which causes the same symptoms as what we are trying to eliminate from the body.
by Denice Moffat | Newsletter Archives
The five-minute rule: Whether the owner leaves the house or leaves the room to go to the garden or bathroom, the dog sees it as its child leaving the protective custody of the pack. Jan’s interpretation is that the dog does not know how long you will be gone, so when you come back into the room, you must reestablish leadership by ignoring the dog for five minutes. Do not acknowledge barking, licking or throw the toy that it brings you. Even by turning around and saying “stop it,” an owner is allowing the dog to achieve its aim. So, no eye contact, no conversation and no touching initially unless it is to gently push the dog away.