
Insomnia has many core causes and we’ll discuss some of them here. As many as 5-10% of adults experience involuntary body movements at night, where the arms or legs twitch uncontrollably for a few seconds. With Periodic Limb Movement, often these twitches occur every twenty to thirty seconds and an episode may last from a few minutes to a few hours. A person with Restless Leg Syndrome experiences unpleasant sensations in the legs while lying down which cause strong urges to move the legs by shaking them, massaging them, or waking and getting up. Now I’ve heard that it is VERY effective to put a bar of Ivory soap at the foot of the bed under the covers.


Insomnia – If your mind is racing, your muscles are tight, and the more you try to relax, the tenser you get, you have insomnia. There are two kinds of insomnia: difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep through the night. Some people experience both challenges. But that’s just one thing that can rob you of sleep. There’s more. . .