NHT News. Vol. 3 No. 6 Summer 2007

How do you get worms? We pick up worms from some of the things we eat, from the dirt, and from the dust we breathe in. Craving dirt and eating dirt is a sign of iron deficiency. We should talk if you are doing that. . . I got pin worms when I was a little girl by eating a mud pie (my friend said she’d give me a nickel if I did it!)

Project Everlasting

Fired up to find more success stories, Mat talked his best friend, Jason Miller, a clueless commitmentphobe, into joining him on a cross-country search for America’s greatest marriages, which they called “Project Everlasting.” The two bumbling bachelors and Mat’s recently widowed grandmother jumped in an RV and embarked on a 12,000-mile adventure