List of Dog Treats

There are a lot of dogs with allergies out there. It does’t help to spend big bucks on a special dog food if you don’t also make sure they are eating hypoallergenic dog treats. Does the FedEx delivery person or your bank give out dog bones? If so, what kind? Dogs with sensitive stomachs may not be able to handle this kind of food. Here is the list of dog treats I use to test with.

List of Dog Foods

About once a year I spend a few hours updating this list. There are honestly about 4-5 new dog foods that come out every month it seems. I can’t keep up and it’s amazing. How to evaluate all these foods? I put the Rate Dog Foods link up which is helpful but I usually use muscle testing for the best diet. The challenge with that is that often people won’t be able to find the foods locally. Where does it end? I guess you just do the best you can.

List of Core Causes of Disease

Our body is like an onion. We have a central “healthy core” and then build layer upon layer of disease on top of the healthy core. Natural medicine strives to strip these layers off in a certain procession to get back to the healthy core by first discovering the Core Causes of Disease and then offering lifestyle and dietary changes to influence the core cause in a positive way. Using natural medicine, the body heals from the inside-out, from head to toe, and in reverse order (newest to oldest harbored diseases).

List of Cleaning Agents and Laundry Detergents

Now there are some items on this list that consistently come up as highly allergenic and toxic for both humans and pets. Those items are Simple Green, Scrubbing bubbles, Bleach, Vinegar, Tilex, Plug-in Deodorizers, Oven Cleaner, Lysol and Pine-Sol. You may just want to switch to more earth friendly products if you have any chronic upper respiratory problems (like chronic coughing, skin rashes or asthma.)

List of Cosmetics

Sometimes when clients consult with me for acne or allergy or skin challenges we have to work through a long list of possibly allergens they are applying to their face and their bodies. Many of these cosmetics are full of additives. Older (or shared) cosmetics can be full of bacteria. I use this list to figure out what items their body actually will tolerate and which brands are best. Gee, life used to be so simple when I was in High School! Look at this list! Immense.

List of Contraceptives

What’s the best birth control item for you? Are you allergic to any of the components? Which one is best balanced for your hormone system? Which ones won’t harm fertility in the long run? This is a list to use for muscle testing if there is a problem with your current contraceptive and for picking products that are better suited for your body.